Getting Started

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Or install from github:

git clone


Data and configuratiion files can be found in the datadir which defaults to ~/.fbf (or another directory if the -d option is used). A bit further on i will give some basic examples.

Configuration files are written on startup of fbfbot. Use the –help option to see what other options are available.

Look for the config/fleet directory for bot configuration files.

Console bot

In the bot dir run the ./bin/fbf command to start the console version of the bot.

22:44:11 dev@done:~/dev/0.7/5$ ./bin/fbf

If you just want to execute 1 command on the bot, you can do that by giving it as an argument:

22:45:24 dev@done:~/dev/0.1.5/5$ ./bin/fbf list
available plugins: 8b, admin, alias, ask, chan, chatlog, choice,
controlchar, core, count, data, echo, fleet, foo, forward, gatekeeper,
gcalc, grep, hubbub, idle, ipcalc, irc, karma, kickban, koffie, learn, misc,
more, mpd, nickserv, not, outputcache, plug, ps, quote, relay, reload,
remind, restserver, reverse, rss, seen, shop, sort, tail, test, tinyurl, to,
todo, twitter, udp, uniq, url, urlinfo, user, userstate, watcher, weather,
welcome, wikipedia, xmpp

IRC bot

Run the following to make the bot connect to an IRC server:

./bin/fbf-irc -o <userhost of owner> -s <server> -c \<channel>

A configuration file will be generated from the command line opions. If you already have the configuration files (generated by fbf-init) you can just use (without any options):


XMPP bot

Run the following to make the bot connect to an Jabber server:

./bin/fbf-sleek -o <owner JID> -u <bot JID> -p <password> [-c <conference>] [-s <server>]

Or when configuration files already exist, just run the bot without arguments:


Conference and server options are optional. Server is take from the -u option if not provided as a seperate option.


To see what plugins are available use the !list command. Use !help <plugin> to get help on a plugin.

23:03:00 dev@done:~/dev/0.1.5/5$ ./bin/fbf help misc
HELP ON MISC misc commands.,     !source - <i> show where to fetch the bot
source. </i> - examples: source,     !test - <i> give test response. </i> -
examples:  test

If a plugin is not responding try !plug-enable <plugin>:

23:03:05 dev@done:~/dev/0.1.5/5$ ./bin/fbf
> !plug-enable misc
reloading and enabling fbf.plugs.core.misc
done - plug-enable misc

otherwise try !admin-boot:

23:05:46 dev@done:~/dev/0.1.5/5$ ./bin/fbf
> !admin-boot
done - admin-boot

this will regenerate the callbacks and command indexes.

You can also use !apro <search> to search for commands:

23:01:23 dev@done:~/dev/0.1.5/5$ ./bin/fbf apro wiki
commands matching wiki: wikipedia

Commandline Help

All the programs have a –help option that shows a help page describing the command line options of the program.

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