
plugin related config file with commands added to the bot to config a plugin.

!plug-cfg -> shows list of all config !plug-cfg key value -> sets value to key !plug-cfg key -> shows list of key !plug-cfg key add value -> adds value to list !plug-cfg key remove value -> removes value from list !plug-cfg key clear -> clears entire list !plug-cfgsave -> force save configuration to disk
class fbf.lib.persistconfig.Option

Bases: builtins.object

class fbf.lib.persistconfig.PersistConfig

Bases: fbf.lib.config.Config

persist plugin configuration and create default handlers.

append(key, value)

append a value.

cfg(bot, ievent)

the config (cfg) command.

cfg_edit(bot, ievent, args, key, optionvalue)

edit config values.

cfgdefined(bot, ievent)

show defined attributes.

cfgsave(bot, ievent)

save config.


clear a value.

define(key, value=None, desc='plugin option', perm='OPER', example='', name=None, exposed=True)

define initial value.


command for editing config values.

get(key, default=None)

get value of key.

remove(key, value)

remove a value.

set(key, value, throw=False)

set a key’s value.

show_cfg(bot, ievent)

show config options.

undefine(key, throw=False)

remove a key.

exception fbf.lib.persistconfig.PersistConfigError

Bases: builtins.Exception


# gozerbot/

""" plugin related config file with commands added to the bot to config a plugin.

    !plug-cfg                   ->      shows list of all config
    !plug-cfg key value         ->      sets value to key
    !plug-cfg key               ->      shows list of key
    !plug-cfg key add value     ->      adds value to list
    !plug-cfg key remove value  ->      removes value from list
    !plug-cfg key clear         ->      clears entire list
    !plug-cfgsave               ->      force save configuration to disk


__copyright__ = 'this file is in the public domain'
__author__ = 'Bas van Oostveen'

fbf imports

from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict
from fbf.utils.trace import calledfrom, whichplugin
from fbf.lib.examples import examples
from fbf.lib.persist import Persist
from fbf.lib.config import Config
from fbf.imports import getjson

basic imports

import sys
import os
import types
import time
import logging

PersistConfigError exception

class PersistConfigError(Exception): pass

class Option .. is for gozerbot compat

class Option(object): pass

PersistConfig class

class PersistConfig(Config):

    """ persist plugin configuration and create default handlers. """

    def __init__(self):
        self.hide = []
        modname = whichplugin()
        logging.debug("persistconfig - module name is %s" % modname)
        self.plugname = modname.split('.')[-1]
        Config.__init__(self, 'plugs' + os.sep + modname, "config")
        self.modname = modname
        cmndname = "%s-cfg" % self.plugname
        logging.debug('persistconfig - added command %s (%s)' % (cmndname, self.plugname))
        from fbf.lib.commands import cmnds, Command
        cmnds[cmndname] = Command(self.modname, cmndname, self.cfg, ['OPER', ])
        examples.add(cmndname, "%s configuration" % self.plugname, cmndname)
        cmndnamesave = cmndname + "save"
        cmnds[cmndnamesave] = Command(self.modname, cmndnamesave, self.cfgsave, ['OPER',])
        examples.add(cmndnamesave, "save %s configuration" % self.plugname, cmndnamesave)
        cmndnamedef = cmndname + "defined"
        cmnds[cmndnamedef] = Command(self.modname, cmndnamedef, self.cfgdefined, ['OPER',])
        examples.add(cmndnamedef, "save %s configuration" % self.plugname, cmndnamedef)

## cfg command

def show_cfg(self, bot, ievent):
    """ show config options. """
    s = []
    dumpstr = self.tojson()
    for key, optionvalue in sorted(getjson().loads(dumpstr).items()):
        if key in self.hide: continue
        v = optionvalue
        if type(v) in [str, str]: v = '"'+v+'"'
        v = str(v)
        s.append("%s=%s" % (key, v))
    ievent.reply("options: " + ' .. '.join(s))

## cfg-save command

def cfgsave(self, bot, ievent):
    """ save config. """
    ievent.reply("config saved")

## cfg-defined command

def cfgdefined(self, bot, ievent):
    """ show defined attributes. """
    ievent.reply("cfg has the following options defined: ", self.defined())

## cfg-edit command

def cfg_edit(self, bot, ievent, args, key, optionvalue):
    """ edit config values. """
    if key not in self:
        ievent.reply('option %s is not defined' % key)
    if key in self.hide: return
    if type(optionvalue) == list:
        if args[0].startswith("[") and args[-1].endswith("]"):
            values = []
            for v in ' '.join(args)[1:-1].replace(", ", ",").split(","):
                if v[0]=='"' and v[-1]=='"': v = v.replace('"', '')
                elif v[0]=="'" and v[-1]=="'": v = v.replace("'", "")
                elif '.' in v:
                    try: v = float(v)
                    except ValueError:
                        ievent.reply("invalid long literal: %s" % v)
                    try: v = int(v)
                    except ValueError:
                        ievent.reply("invalid int literal: %s" % v)
            self.set(key, values)
            ievent.reply("%s set %s" % (key, values))
        command = args[0]
        value = ' '.join(args[1:])
        if command == "clear":
            ievent.reply("list empty")
        elif command == "add":
            self.append(key, value)
            ievent.reply("%s added %s" % (key, value))
        elif command == "remove" or command == "del":
                self.remove(key, value)
                ievent.reply("%s removed" % str(value))
            except ValueError: ievent.reply("%s is not in list" % str(value))
        else: ievent.reply("invalid command")

        value = ' '.join(args)
        try: value = type(optionvalue)(value)
        except: pass
        if type(value) == type(optionvalue):
            self.set(key, value)
            ievent.reply("%s set" % key)
        elif type(value) == int and type(option.value) == int:
            self.set(key, value)
            ievent.reply("%s set" % key)
            ievent.reply("value %s (%s) is not of the same type as %s (%s)" % (value, type(value), optionvalue, type(optionvalue)))

## cfg_command

def cfg(self, bot, ievent):
    """ the config (cfg) command. """
    if not ievent.args:
        self.show_cfg(bot, ievent)
    argc = len(ievent.args)
    key = ievent.args[0]
    try: optionvalue = self[key]
    except KeyError:
        ievent.reply("%s option %s not found" % (self.plugname, key))
    if key in self.hide: return
    if argc == 1:
    self.cfg_edit(bot, ievent, ievent.args[1:], key, optionvalue)

def generic_cmnd(self, key):
    """ command for editing config values. """
    def func(bot, ievent):
        try: optionvalue = self[key]
        except KeyError:
            ievent.reply("%s not found" % key)
        if not isinstance(option, Option):
            logging.warn('persistconfig - option %s is not a valid option' % key)
        if ievent.args:
            value = ' '.join(ievent.args)
            try: value = type(optionvalue)(value)
            except: pass
            self.cfg_edit(bot, ievent, ievent.args, key, optionvalue)
        else: ievent.reply(str(optionvalue))
    return func

## cfg api

def define(self, key, value=None, desc="plugin option", perm='OPER', example="", name=None, exposed=True):
    """ define initial value. """
    if name: name = name.lower()
    if not exposed and not key in self.hide: self.hide.append(key)
    if key not in self:
        if name == None: name = "%s-cfg-%s" % (self.plugname, str(key))
        self[key] = value

def defined(self):
    s = []
    dumpstr = self.tojson()
    for key, optionvalue in sorted(getjson().loads(dumpstr).items()):
        if key in self.hide: continue
    return s

def undefine(self, key, throw=False):
    """ remove a key. """
        del self[key]
        return True
    except KeyError as e:
        if throw: raise
    return False

def set(self, key, value, throw=False):
    """ set a key's value. """
    self[key] = value

def append(self, key, value):
    """ append a value. """

def remove(self, key, value):
    """ remove a value. """

def clear(self, key):
    """ clear a value. """
    self[key] = []

def get(self, key, default=None):
    """ get value of key. """
    try: return self[key]
    except KeyError: return default