
config module. config is stored as item = JSON pairs.

class fbf.lib.config.Config(filename, verbose=False, input={}, ddir=None, nolog=False, *args, **kw)

Bases: fbf.utils.lazydict.LazyDict

config class is a dict containing json strings. is writable to file and human editable.


read config from database.


read config object from filename.


initialize the config object.


load the config file.


merge in another cfg.


reload the config file.

save(*args, **kwargs)

the locked function.

set(item, value)

set item to value.

setcfile(ddir, filename)

save config to database.

tofile(filename=None, stdout=False)

save config object to file.

fbf.lib.config.makedefaultconfig(type, ddir=None)

check whether userhost is a owner.


# fbf/lib/

""" config module. config is stored as item = JSON pairs. """

fbf imports

from fbf.utils.trace import whichmodule, calledfrom
from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from import stripname
from .datadir import getdatadir
from .errors import CantSaveConfig, NoSuchFile
from fbf.utils.locking import lockdec

simplejson imports

from fbf.imports import getjson
json = getjson()

basic imports

import sys
import os
import types
import _thread
import logging
import uuid
import _thread
import getpass
import copy
import time


savelock = _thread.allocate_lock()
savelocked = lockdec(savelock)


cpy = copy.deepcopy


class Config(LazyDict):

        config class is a dict containing json strings. is writable to file
        and human editable.


    def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False, input={}, ddir=None, nolog=False, *args, **kw):
        assert filename
        LazyDict.__init__(self, input, *args, **kw)
        self.origname = filename
        self.logname = "config" + os.sep + filename
        self.origdir = ddir or getdatadir()
        self.setcfile(ddir, filename)
        self.jsondb = None
        if not self._comments: self._comments = {}"%s from %s" % (self.logname, whichmodule(2)))
        self.origdir = ddir or getdatadir()
        self.setcfile(ddir, filename)
        if self.owner:"owner is %s" % self.owner)
        if "uuid" not in self: self.setuuid()
        if "cfile" not in self: self.cfile = self.setcfile(self.origdir, self.origname)
        assert self.cfile
        if not self.origdir in self.cfile: raise WrongFileName("%s not in %s" % (self.origdir, self.cfile))
        assert self.cfile

    def setcfile(self, ddir, filename):
        self.filename = filename or 'mainconfig'
        self.datadir = ddir or getdatadir()
        if self.datadir[-1] != os.sep: self.datadir += os.sep
        self.dir = self.datadir + 'config'
        self.cfile = self.dir + os.sep + self.filename

    def setuuid(self, save=True):
        logging.debug("setting uuid")
        self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        if save:

    def __deepcopy__(self, a):
        """ accessor function. """
        cfg = Config(self.filename, input=self, nolog=True)
        return cfg

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """ accessor function. """
        if item not in self: return None
        else: return LazyDict.__getitem__(self, item)

    def merge(self, cfg):
        """ merge in another cfg. """

    def set(self, item, value):
        """ set item to value. """
        LazyDict.__setitem__(self, item, value)

    def fromdb(self):
        """ read config from database. """
        from fbf.lib.persist import Persist
        tmp = Persist(self.cfile)
        logging.debug("fromdb - %s - %s" % (self.cfile,

    def todb(self):
        """ save config to database. """
        cp = dict(self)
        del cp['jsondb']
        if not self.jsondb:
            from fbf.lib.persist import Persist
            self.jsondb = Persist(self.cfile) = cp

    def fromfile(self, filename=None):
        """ read config object from filename. """
        curline = ""
        fname = filename or self.cfile
        if not fname: raise Exception(" %s - %s" % (self.cfile, self.dump()))
        if not os.path.exists(fname): logging.warn("config file %s doesn't exist yet" % fname) ; return False
        comment = ""
        for line in open(fname, 'r'):
            curline = line
            curline = curline.strip()
            if curline == "": continue
            if curline.startswith('#'): comment = curline; continue
            if True:
                    key, value = curline.split('=', 1)
                    kkey = key.strip()
                    self[kkey] = json.loads(str(value.strip()))
                    if comment: self._comments[kkey] = comment
                    comment = ""
                except ValueError: logging.error("skipping line - unable to parse: %s" % line)
        #self.cfile = fname

    def tofile(self, filename=None, stdout=False):
        """ save config object to file. """
        if not filename: filename = self.cfile
        if not filename: raise Exception("no cfile found  - %s" % whichmodule(3))
        logging.warn("%s saved" % self.logname)
        if filename.startswith(os.sep): d = [os.sep,]
        else: d = []
        for p in filename.split(os.sep)[:-1]:
            if not p: continue
            ddir = os.sep.join(d)
            if not os.path.isdir(ddir):
                logging.debug("persist - creating %s dir" % ddir)
                try: os.mkdir(ddir)
                except OSError as ex:
                    logging.error("persist - not saving - failed to make %s - %s" % (ddir, str(ex)))
        written = []
        curitem = None
        later = []
            if stdout: configtmp = sys.stdout
            else: configtmp = open(filename + '.tmp', 'w')
            configtmp.write('# ===========================================================\n#\n')
            configtmp.write("# FBFBOT CONFIGURATION FILE - %s\n" % filename)
            configtmp.write('# last changed on %s\n#\n' % time.ctime(time.time()))
            configtmp.write("# This file contains configration data for the FBFBOT.\n")
            configtmp.write('# Variables are defined by "name = json value" pairs.\n')
            configtmp.write('# Make sure to use " in strings.\n#\n')
            configtmp.write('# The bot can edit this file!.\n#\n')
            configtmp.write('# ===========================================================\n\n')
            teller = 0
            keywords = list(self.keys())
            for keyword in keywords:
                value = self[keyword]
                if keyword in written: continue
                if keyword in ['origdir', 'origname', 'issaved', 'blacklist', 'whitelist', 'followlist', 'uuid', 'whitelist', 'datadir', 'name', 'createdfrom', 'cfile', 'filename', 'dir', 'isdb']: later.append(keyword) ; continue
                if keyword == 'jsondb': continue
                if keyword == 'optionslist': continue
                if keyword == 'gatekeeper': continue
                if keyword == "_comments": continue
                if self._comments and keyword in self._comments:
                    configtmp.write(self._comments[keyword] + "\n")
                curitem = keyword
                try: configtmp.write('%s = %s\n' % (keyword, json.dumps(value)))
                except TypeError: logging.error("%s - can't serialize %s" % (filename, keyword)) ; continue
                teller += 1
            configtmp.write('\n\n# ============================================================\n#\n')
            configtmp.write("# bot generated stuff.\n#\n")
            configtmp.write('# ============================================================\n\n')
            for keyword in later:
                if self._comments and keyword in self._comments:
                    configtmp.write(self._comments[keyword] + "\n")
                curitem = keyword
                value = self[keyword]
                try: configtmp.write(keyword + " = " + json.dumps(value) + "\n")
                except TypeError: logging.error("%s - can't serialize %s" % (filename, keyword)) ; continue
                teller += 1
            if not "mainconfig" in filename and self._comments:
                    configtmp.write('\n\n# ============================================================\n#\n')
                    configtmp.write("# possible other config variables.\n#\n")
                    configtmp.write('# ============================================================\n\n')
                    items = list(self._comments.keys())
                    keys = list(self.keys())
                    do = []
                    for var in items:
                        if var not in keys: do.append(var)
                    for var in do:
                         configtmp.write("# %s -=- %s\n" % (var, self._comments[var]))
                except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
            else: configtmp.write("\n\n# fbfbot can run multiple bots at once. see %s/config/fleet for their configurations.\n\n" % self.origdir)
            if not stdout:
                os.rename(filename + '.tmp', filename)
            return teller

        except Exception as ex:
            logging.error("ERROR WRITING %s CONFIG FILE: %s .. %s" % (self.cfile, str(ex), curitem))

    def save(self):
        """ save the config. """"save called from %s" % calledfrom(sys._getframe(2)))
        self.issaved = True
        if self.isdb: self.todb()
        else: self.tofile(self.cfile)

    def load_config(self, verbose=False):
        """ load the config file. """
        if self.isdb: self.fromdb()
        else: self.fromfile(self.filename)
        if verbose: logging.debug('%s' % self.dump())

    def init(self):
        """ initialize the config object. """
        if not self._comments: self._comments = {}
        if self.filename == 'mainconfig':
            self._comments["whitelist"] = "# - whitelist used to allow ips .. bot maintains this"
            self.setdefault("whitelist", [])
            self._comments["blacklist"] = "# - blacklist used to deny ips .. bot maintains this"
            self.setdefault("blacklist", [])
            self.setdefault('owner', [])
            self._comments["loglist"] = "# - loglist .. maintained by the bot."
            self.setdefault('loglist',  [])
            self._comments["loglevel"] = "# - loglevel of all bots"
            self.setdefault('loglevel',  "warn")
            self._comments["loadlist"] = "# - loadlist .. not used yet."
            self.setdefault('loadlist', [])
            self._comments["quitmsg"] = "# - message to send on quit"
            self.setdefault('quitmsg', "")
            self._comments["dotchars"] = "# - characters to used as seperator."
            self.setdefault('dotchars',  ", ")
            self._comments["floodallow"] = "# - whether the bot is allowed to flood."
            self.setdefault('floodallow', 1)
            self._comments["auto_register"] = "# - enable automatic registration of new users."
            self.setdefault('auto_register', 0)
            self._comments["guestasuser"] = "# - enable this to give new users the USER permission besides GUEST."
            self.setdefault('guestasuser', 0)
            self._comments["globalcc"] = "# - global control character"
            self.setdefault('globalcc', "")
            self._comments["app_id"] = "# - application id used by appengine."
            self.setdefault('app_id', "fbfbot")
            self._comments["appname"] = "# - application name as used by the bot."
            self.setdefault('appname', "FBFBOT")
            self._comments["domain"] = "# - domain .. used for WAVE."
            self.setdefault('domain', "")
            self._comments["color"] = "# - color used in the webconsole."
            self.setdefault('color', "")
            self._comments["colors"] = "# - enable colors in logging."
            self.setdefault('colors', "")
            self._comments["memcached"] = "# - enable memcached."
            self.setdefault('memcached', 0)
            self._comments["allowrc"] = "# - allow execution of rc files."
            self.setdefault('allowrc', 0)
            self._comments["allowremoterc"] = "# - allow execution of remote rc files."
            self.setdefault('allowremoterc', 0)
            self._comments['dbenable'] = "# - enable database support"
            self.setdefault('dbenable', 1)
            self._comments['dbtype'] = "# - type of database .. sqlite or mysql at this time."
            self.setdefault('dbtype', 'sqlite')
            self._comments['dbname'] = "# - database name"
            self.setdefault('dbname', "main.db")
            self._comments['dbhost'] = "# - database hostname"
            self.setdefault('dbhost', "localhost")
            self._comments['dbuser'] = "# - database user"
            self.setdefault('dbuser', "bart")
            self._comments['dbpasswd'] = "# - database password"
            self.setdefault('dbpasswd', "mekker2")
            self._comments['ticksleep'] = "# - nr of seconds to sleep before creating a TICK event."
            self.setdefault('ticksleep', 1)
            self._comments['bindhost'] = "# - host to bind to"
            self.setdefault("bindhost", "")
        self['createdfrom'] = whichmodule()
        if 'xmpp' in self.cfile: self.setdefault('fulljids', 1)
        if 'fleet' in self.cfile:
            self.setdefault('disable', 1)
            self.setdefault("owner", [])
            self.setdefault("user", "")
            self.setdefault("host", "")
            self.setdefault("server", "")
            self.setdefault("ssl", 0)
            self.setdefault("ipv6", 0)
            self.setdefault("channels", [])
        self.setdefault("port", "")
        self.setdefault("password", "")
        self._comments['datadir'] = "# - directory to store bot data in."
        self._comments["owner"] = "# - owner of the bot."
        self._comments["uuid"] = "# - bot generated uuid for this config file."
        self._comments["user"] = "# - user used to login on xmpp networks."
        self._comments["host"] = "# - host part of the user, derived from user var."
        self._comments["server"] = "# - server to connect to (only when different from users host)."
        self._comments["password"] = "# - password to use in authing the bot."
        self._comments["port"] = "# - port to connect to (IRC)."
        self._comments["ssl"] = "# - whether to enable ssl (set to 1 to enable)."
        self._comments["ipv6"] = "# - whether to enable ssl (set to 1 to enable)."
        self._comments["name"] = "# - the name of the bot."
        self._comments["disable"] = "# - set this to 0 to enable the bot."
        self._comments["followlist"] = "# - who to follow on the bot .. bot maintains this list."
        self._comments["networkname"] = "# - networkname .. not used right now."
        self._comments["type"] = "# - the bot's type."
        self._comments["nick"] = "# - the bot's nick."
        self._comments["channels"] = "# - channels to join."
        self._comments["cfile"] = "# - filename of this config file. edit this when you move this file."
        self._comments["createdfrom"] = "# - function that created this config file. bot generated"
        self._comments["dir"] = "# - directory in which this config file lives."
        self._comments["isdb"] = "# - whether this config file lives in the database and not on file."
        self._comments["filename"] = "# - filename of this config file."
        self._comments["username"] = "# - username of the bot."
        self._comments["fulljids"] = "# - use fulljids of bot users (used in non anonymous conferences."
        self._comments["servermodes"] = "# - string of modes to send to the server after connect."
        self._comments["realname"] = "# - name used in the ident of the bot."
        self._comments["onconnect"] = "# - string to send to server after connect."
        self._comments["onconnectmode"] = "# - MODE string to send to server after connect."
        self._comments["realname"] = "# - mode string to send to the server after connect."
        self._comments["issaved"] = "# - whether this config file has been saved. "
        self._comments["origdir"] = "# - original datadir for this configfile. "
        self._comments["origname"] = "# - displayable name of the config file name. "
        return self

    def reload(self):
        """ reload the config file. """
        return self

def ownercheck(userhost):
    """ check whether userhost is a owner. """
    if not userhost: return False
    if userhost in cfg['owner']: return True
    return False

mainconfig = None

def getmainconfig(ddir=None):
    global mainconfig
    if not mainconfig: mainconfig = Config("mainconfig", ddir)
    if "issaved" not in mainconfig:
    return mainconfig

irctemplate = """# =====================================================
# last changed on
# This file contains configration data for the FBFBOT.
# Variables are defined by "name = json value" pairs.
# Make sure to use " in strings.
# The bot can edit this file!
# =====================================================

# - to enable put this to 0
disable = 1

# - the bot's nick.
nick = "fbfbot"

# - owner of the bot.
owner = []

# - port to connect to (IRC).
port = 6667

# - server to connect to (on jabber only when different that host.
server = "localhost"

# - the bot's type.
type = "irc"

# - username of the bot.
username = "fbfbot"

# - ssl enabled or not
ssl = 0

# - ipv6 enabled or not
ipv6 = 0

# - name use in ident of the bot
realname = "fbfbot"

# - string of modes send to the server on connect
servermodes = ""

# =====================================================
# bot generated stuff.
# =====================================================


xmpptemplate = """# =====================================================
# last changed on
# This file contains configration data for the FBFBOT.
# Variables are defined by "name = json value" pairs.
# Make sure to use " in strings.
# The bot can edit this file!
# =====================================================

# - channels to join
channels = []

# - to enable put this to 0
disable = 1

# - the bot's nick.
nick = "fbfbot"

# - owner of the bot.
owner = []

# - use fulljids of bot users (used in non anonymous conferences.
fulljids = 1

# password used to auth on the server.
password = ""

# - server to connect to (on jabber only when different that users host.
server = ""

# - the bot's type.
type = "sxmpp"

# - user used to login on xmpp networks.
user = ""

# =====================================================
# bot generated stuff.
# =====================================================


sleektemplate = """# =====================================================
# last changed on
# This file contains configration data for the FBFBOT.
# Variables are defined by "name = json value" pairs.
# Make sure to use " in strings.
# The bot can edit this file!
# =====================================================

# - channels to join
channels = []

# - to enable put this to 0
disable = 1

# - the bot's nick.
nick = "fbfbot"

# - owner of the bot.
owner = []

# - use fulljids of bot users (used in non anonymous conferences.
fulljids = 1

# password used to auth on the server.
password = ""

# - server to connect to (on jabber only when different that users host.
server = ""

# - the bot's type.
type = "sleek"

# - user used to login on xmpp networks.
user = ""

# =====================================================
# bot generated stuff.
# =====================================================


def makedefaultconfig(type, ddir=None):
    filename = 'config'
    datadir = ddir or getdatadir()
    dir = datadir + os.sep + 'config'
    ttype = "default-%s" % type
    cfile = dir + os.sep + "fleet" + os.sep + ttype + os.sep + filename
    logging.warn("creating default config for type %s in %s" % (type, cfile))
    splitted = cfile.split(os.sep)
    mdir = ""
    for i in splitted[:-1]:
        mdir += "%s%s" % (i, os.sep)
        if not os.path.isdir(mdir): os.mkdir(mdir)
    logging.debug("filename is %s" % cfile)
    f = open(cfile, "w")
    if type == "irc": f.write(irctemplate) ; f.close()
    elif type == "sxmpp": f.write(xmpptemplate) ; f.close()
    elif type == "sleek": f.write(sleektemplate) ; f.close()
    else: raise Exception("no such bot type: %s" % type)

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