
the commands module provides the infrastructure to dispatch commands. commands are the first word of a line.

class fbf.lib.commands.Command(modname, cmnd, func, perms=[], threaded=False, wait=False, orig=None, how=None, speed=None)

Bases: fbf.utils.lazydict.LazyDict

a command object.

class fbf.lib.commands.Commands

Bases: fbf.utils.lazydict.LazyDict

the commands object holds all commands of the bot.

add(cmnd, func, perms, threaded=False, wait=False, orig=None, how=None, speed=None, regex=False, *args, **kwargs)

add a command.


search existing commands for search term.

checkre(bot, event)
dispatch(bot, event, direct=False)

dispatch an event if cmnd exists and user is allowed to exec this command.

doit(bot, event, target, direct=False)

do the dispatching.


get the docstring of a command. used for help.


show what permissions are needed to execute cmnd.

regex = []
reloadcheck(bot, event, target=None)

check if event requires a plugin to be reloaded. if so reload the plugin.


remove modname registered commands from store.


return plugin name in which command is implemented.

woulddispatch(bot, event)

dispatch an event if cmnd exists and user is allowed to exec this command.

wouldmatchre(bot, event, cmnd='')


# fbf/

    the commands module provides the infrastructure to dispatch commands.
    commands are the first word of a line.


fbf imports

from .threads import start_new_thread, start_bot_command
from fbf.utils.xmpp import stripped
from fbf.utils.trace import calledfrom, whichmodule
from fbf.utils.exception import handle_exception
from fbf.utils.lazydict import LazyDict
from .errors import NoSuchCommand, NoSuchUser
from .persiststate import UserState
from .runner import cmndrunner
from .boot import getcmndperms, getretable, getshorttable
from .floodcontrol import floodcontrol
from .aliases import getaliases, aliascheck

basic imports

import logging
import sys
import types
import os
import copy
import time
import re


cpy = copy.deepcopy

Command class

class Command(LazyDict):

    """ a command object. """

    def __init__(self, modname, cmnd, func, perms=[], threaded=False, wait=False, orig=None, how=None, speed=None):
        if not modname: raise Exception("modname is not set - %s" % cmnd)
        self.modname = cpy(modname)
        self.plugname = self.modname.split('.')[-1]
        self.cmnd = cpy(cmnd)
        self.orig = cpy(orig)
        self.func = func
        if type(perms) == bytes: perms = [perms, ]
        self.perms = cpy(perms)
        self.plugin = self.plugname
        self.threaded = cpy(threaded)
        self.wait = cpy(wait)
        self.enable = True = how or "overwrite"
        self.regex = None
        self.speed = speed

class Commands(LazyDict):

        the commands object holds all commands of the bot.


    regex = []

    def add(self, cmnd, func, perms, threaded=False, wait=False, orig=None, how=None, speed=None, regex=False, *args, **kwargs):
        """ add a command. """
        modname = calledfrom(sys._getframe())
        try: prev = self[cmnd]
        except KeyError: prev = None
        target = Command(modname, cmnd, func, perms, threaded, wait, orig, how, speed=speed)
        if regex:
  "regex command detected - %s" % cmnd)
            target.regex = cmnd
            return self
        self[cmnd] = target
            p = cmnd.split('-')[0]
            if not self.pre: self.pre = LazyDict()
            if p in self.pre:
                if not self.pre[p]: self.pre[p] = []
                if prev in self.pre[p]: self.pre[p].remove(prev)
                if target not in self.pre[p]: self.pre[p].append(target)
            else: self.pre[p] = [target, ]
        except IndexError: pass
        return self

    def checkre(self, bot, event):
        for r in self.regex:
            s =, event.stripcc().strip())
            if s:
      "regex matches %s" % r.cmnd)
                event.groups = list(s.groups())
                return r

    def wouldmatchre(self, bot, event, cmnd=""):
        groups = self.checkre(bot, event)
        if groups: return group

    def woulddispatch(self, bot, event):
            dispatch an event if cmnd exists and user is allowed to exec this

        aliased = False
            cmnd = event.stripcc().split()[0]
            if not cmnd: cmnd = event.execstr.split()[0]
            if not cmnd: cmnd = event.txt.split()[0]
        except Exception as ex: logging.warn("can't determine command from %s" % event.txt) ; return None
            a =[cmnd]
            if a: cmnd = a.split()[0] ; aliased = True
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
                a = getaliases()[cmnd]
                if a: cmnd = a.split()[0] ; aliased = True
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                if not cmnd in self:
                        short = getshorttable()
                        if cmnd in short:
                            cmndlist = short[cmnd]
                            if len(cmndlist) == 1: cmnd = cmndlist[0]
                            else: event.reply("choose one of: ", cmndlist) ; return
                    except Exception as ex: handle_exception()"trying for %s" % cmnd)
        result = None
            result = self[cmnd]
        except KeyError: pass
        logging.debug("woulddispatch result: %s" % result)
        if result: event.bloh() ; event.makeargs()
        if aliased: event.usercmnd = cmnd
        return result

    def dispatch(self, bot, event, direct=False):
            dispatch an event if cmnd exists and user is allowed to exec this

        if event.nodispatch:"nodispatch is set on event") ; return
        if event.groupchat and bot.cfg.fulljids: id = event.auth
        elif event.groupchat: id = event.auth = event.userhost
        else: id = event.auth
        if not event.user: event.bind(bot)
        if not event.user: raise NoSuchUser(event.userhost)
        self.reloadcheck(bot, event)
        c = self.woulddispatch(bot, event)
        if not c: c = self.checkre(bot, event)
        if not c: raise NoSuchCommand(event.usercmnd)
        if c.modname in bot.plugs.loading and bot.plugs.loading[c.modname]: event.reply("%s is loading" % c.modname) ; return
        if bot.cmndperms and bot.cmndperms[c.cmnd]: perms = bot.cmndperms[c.cmnd]
        else: perms = c.perms
        if bot.allowall: return self.doit(bot, event, c, direct)
        elif not bot.users or bot.users.allowed(id, perms, bot=bot): return self.doit(bot, event, c, direct)
        elif bot.users.allowed(id, perms, bot=bot): return self.doit(bot, event, c, direct)
        return event

    def doit(self, bot, event, target, direct=False):
        """ do the dispatching. """
        if not target.enable: return
        if target.modname in
             logging.warn("%s is denied in channel %s - %s" % (target.plugname,, event.userhost))
        id = event.auth or event.userhost
        event.iscommand = True = or or "overwrite"
        event.thecommand = target
        logging.warning('dispatching %s (%s)' % (event.usercmnd,
            if direct or target.func(bot, event)
            elif target.threaded and not event.nothreads:
                logging.warning("launching thread for %s (%s)" % (event.usercmnd,
                t = start_bot_command(target.func, (bot, event))
                event.thread = t
            else: event.dontclose = False; cmndrunner.put(target.speed or event.speed, target.modname, target.func, bot, event)
        except Exception as ex:
            logging.error('%s - error executing %s' % (whichmodule(), str(target.func)))
        return event

    def unload(self, modname):
        """ remove modname registered commands from store. """
        delete = []
        for name, cmnd in self.items():
            if not cmnd: continue
            if cmnd.modname == modname: delete.append(cmnd)
        for cmnd in delete: cmnd.enable = False
        return self

    def apropos(self, search):
        """ search existing commands for search term. """
        result = []
        from .boot import getcmndtable
        for name, plugname in getcmndtable().items():
            if search in name: result.append(name)
        return result

    def perms(self, cmnd):
        """ show what permissions are needed to execute cmnd. """
        try: p =  self[cmnd].perms
        except KeyError: p = []
        if type(p) != list: p = [p,]
        return p

    def whereis(self, cmnd):
        """ return plugin name in which command is implemented. """
        from .boot import getcmndtable
        try: return getcmndtable()[cmnd]
        except KeyError: return ""

    def gethelp(self, cmnd):
        """ get the docstring of a command. used for help. """
        try: return self[cmnd].func.__doc__
        except KeyError: pass

    def reloadcheck(self, bot, event, target=None):
            check if event requires a plugin to be reloaded. if so
            reload the plugin.

        from .boot import getcmndtable
        from .boot import plugblacklist
        plugloaded = None
        plugin = None
            if not target:
                target = event.iscmnd().split()[0]
                if not target: target = evemt.txt.split()[0]
        except Exception as ex: target = None
        if not target: logging.debug("can't find target in %s" % event.txt) ; return
        from fbf.lib.aliases import getaliases
        aliases = getaliases()
        try: target = aliases[target]
        except KeyError:
            try: target =[target]
            except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): pass
        cmndtable = getcmndtable()
        if not target in cmndtable:
                short = getshorttable()
                if target in short:
                    cmndlist = short[target]
                    if len(cmndlist) == 1: target = cmndlist[0]
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()
        if target: target = target.split()[0]"checking for reload of %s" % target)
            plugin = cmndtable[target]
        except KeyError:
            logging.warn("no cmnd for %s .. trying REGEX" % target)
                retable = getretable()
                for regex, mod in retable.items():
                    if, event.stripcc() or event.txt): plugin = mod ; break
            except Exception as ex: handle_exception()"plugin is %s" % plugin)
        if not plugin: logging.debug("can't find plugin to reload for %s" % target) ; return
        if plugin in bot.plugs:"%s already loaded" % plugin) ; return plugloaded
        elif plugin in return plugloaded
        elif bot.cfg.loadlist and plugin not in bot.cfg.loadlist: logging.warn("plugin %s is blacklisted" % plugin) ; return plugloaded"loaded %s on demand" % plugin)
        plugloaded = bot.plugs.reload(plugin)
        return plugloaded

global commands

cmnds = Commands()

def size():
    return len(cmnds)

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