Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

pickle IO utility module.

useful method:

- :func:`load`
- :func:`dump`
- :func:`safe_dump`
- :func:`obj2bytes`
- :func:`bytes2obj`
- :func:`obj2str`
- :func:`str2obj`

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

import time
import os, shutil
import sys
import gzip
import base64
import pickle

    from .printer import prt
    from dataIO.printer import prt
    from . import compress
    from dataIO import compress
    from . import textfile
    from dataIO import textfile
    from . import py23
    from dataIO import py23

class PickleExtError(Exception):

[docs]def is_pickle_file(abspath): """Parse file extension. - *.pickle: uncompressed, utf-8 encode pickle file - *.gz: compressed, utf-8 encode pickle file """ abspath = abspath.lower() fname, ext = os.path.splitext(abspath) if ext in [".pickle", ".pk", ".p"]: is_pickle = True elif ext == ".gz": is_pickle = False elif ext == ".tmp": return is_pickle_file(fname) else: raise PickleExtError( "'%s' is not a valid pickle file. " "extension has to be '.pickle' for uncompressed, '.gz' " "for compressed." % abspath) return is_pickle
[docs]def lower_ext(abspath): """Convert file extension to lowercase. """ fname, ext = os.path.splitext(abspath) return fname + ext.lower()
[docs]def load(abspath, default=dict(), enable_verbose=True): """Load Pickle from file. If file are not exists, returns ``default``. :param abspath: file path. use absolute path as much as you can. extension has to be ``.pickle`` or ``.gz`` (for compressed Pickle). :type abspath: string :param default: default ``dict()``, if ``abspath`` not exists, return the default Python object instead. :param enable_verbose: default ``True``, help-message-display trigger. :type enable_verbose: boolean Usage:: >>> from dataIO import pk >>> pk.load("test.pickle") # if you have a pickle file Load from `test.pickle` ... Complete! Elapse 0.000432 sec. {'a': 1, 'b': 2} **中文文档** 从Pickle文件中读取数据 :param abspath: Pickle文件绝对路径, 扩展名需为 ``.pickle`` 或 ``.gz``, 其中 ``.gz`` 是被压缩后的Pickle文件 :type abspath: ``字符串`` :param default: 默认 ``dict()``, 如果文件路径不存在, 则会返回指定的默认值 :param enable_verbose: 默认 ``True``, 信息提示的开关, 批处理时建议关闭 :type enable_verbose: ``布尔值`` """ prt("\nLoad from '%s' ..." % abspath, enable_verbose) abspath = lower_ext(str(abspath)) is_pickle = is_pickle_file(abspath) if not os.path.exists(abspath): prt(" File not found, use default value: %r" % default, enable_verbose) return default st = time.clock() if is_pickle: data = pickle.loads(textfile.readbytes(abspath)) else: data = pickle.loads(compress.read_gzip(abspath)) prt(" Complete! Elapse %.6f sec." % (time.clock() - st), enable_verbose) return data
[docs]def dump(data, abspath, pk_protocol=py23.pk_protocol, overwrite=False, enable_verbose=True): """Dump picklable object to file. Provides multiple choice to customize the behavior. :param data: picklable python object. :type data: dict or list :param abspath: ``save as`` path, file extension has to be ``.pickle`` or ``.gz`` (for compressed Pickle) :type abspath: string :param pk_protocol: default = your python version, use 2, to make a py2.x/3.x compatible pickle file. But 3 is faster. :type pk_protocol: int :param overwrite: default ``False``, If ``True``, when you dump to existing file, it silently overwrite it. If ``False``, an alert message is shown. Default setting ``False`` is to prevent overwrite file by mistake. :type overwrite: boolean :param enable_verbose: default True, help-message-display trigger. :type enable_verbose: boolean Usage:: >>> from dataIO import pk >>> data = {"a": 1, "b": 2} >>> dump(data, "test.pickle", overwrite=True) Dump to `test.pickle` ... Complete! Elapse 0.002432 sec **中文文档** 将Python中可被序列化的"字典", "列表"以及他们的组合, 按照Json的编码方式写入文件 文件 参数列表 :param data: 可Pickle化的Python对象 :type data: ``字典`` 或 ``列表`` :param abspath: Pickle文件绝对路径, 扩展名需为 ``.pickle`` 或 ``.gz``, 其中 ``.gz`` 是被压缩后的Pickle文件 :type abspath: ``字符串`` :param pk_protocol: 默认值为你的Python大版本号, 使用2可以使得Python2/3都能 兼容你的Pickle文件。不过Python3的速度更快。 :type pk_protocol: int :param overwrite: 默认 ``False``, 当为``True``时, 如果写入路径已经存在, 则会 自动覆盖原文件。而为``False``时, 则会打印警告文件, 防止误操作覆盖源文件。 :type overwrite: "布尔值" :param enable_verbose: 默认 ``True``, 信息提示的开关, 批处理时建议关闭 :type enable_verbose: ``布尔值`` """ prt("\nDump to '%s' ..." % abspath, enable_verbose) abspath = lower_ext(str(abspath)) is_pickle = is_pickle_file(abspath) if os.path.exists(abspath): if not overwrite: # 存在, 并且overwrite=False prt(" Stop! File exists and overwrite is not allowed", enable_verbose) return st = time.clock() content = pickle.dumps(data, pk_protocol) if is_pickle: textfile.writebytes(content, abspath) else: compress.write_gzip(content, abspath) prt(" Complete! Elapse %.6f sec." % (time.clock() - st), enable_verbose)
[docs]def safe_dump(data, abspath, pk_protocol=py23.pk_protocol, enable_verbose=True): """A stable version of :func:`dump`, this method will silently overwrite existing file. There's a issue with :func:`dump`: If your program is interrupted while writing, you got an incomplete file, and you also lose the original file. So this method write pickle to a temporary file first, then rename to what you expect, and silently overwrite old one. This way can guarantee atomic write. **中文文档** 在对文件进行写入时, 如果程序中断, 则会留下一个不完整的文件。如果使用了覆盖式 写入, 则我们即没有得到新文件, 同时也丢失了原文件。所以为了保证写操作的原子性 (要么全部完成, 要么全部都不完成), 更好的方法是: 首先将文件写入一个临时文件中, 完成后再讲文件重命名, 覆盖旧文件。这样即使中途程序被中断, 也仅仅是留下了一个 未完成的临时文件而已, 不会影响原文件。 """ abspath = lower_ext(str(abspath)) abspath_temp = "%s.tmp" % abspath dump(data, abspath_temp, pk_protocol=pk_protocol, enable_verbose=enable_verbose) shutil.move(abspath_temp, abspath)
[docs]def obj2bytes(obj, pk_protocol=py23.pk_protocol): """Convert arbitrary pickable Python Object to bytes. **中文文档** 将可Pickle化的Python对象转化为bytestr """ return pickle.dumps(obj, protocol=pk_protocol)
[docs]def bytes2obj(b): """Load Python object from bytes. **中文文档** 从bytestr中恢复Python对象 """ return pickle.loads(b)
[docs]def obj2str(obj, pk_protocol=py23.pk_protocol): """Convert arbitrary object to base64 encoded string. **中文文档** 将可Pickle化的Python对象转化为utf-8编码的 ``纯ASCII字符串`` """ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pickle.dumps( obj, protocol=pk_protocol)).decode("utf-8")
[docs]def str2obj(s): """Load object from base64 encoded string. **中文文档** 从base64编码的 ``纯ASCII字符串`` 中恢复Python对象 """ return pickle.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(s.encode("utf-8")))