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Source code for cellnopt.core.asp

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of XXX software
#  Copyright (c) 2011-2012 - EBI-EMBL
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  website: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~cokelaer/XXX
"""ASP related

import pandas as pd
from .cnograph import CNOGraph
from .sif import SIF

__all__ = ["NET", "net2reaction", "CASPOModels"]

[docs]class NET(object): """Class to manipulate reactions in NET format. The NET format :: species1 -> species2 sign where sign can be either the + or - character. Examples are:: A -> B + A -> B - """ def __init__(self, filename=None): """.. rubric:: constructor :param str filename: optional filename containing NET reactions if provided, NET reactions are converted into reactions (see :class:`cellnopt.core.reactions.Reactions` """ self._net = [] if filename: self._readnet(filename=filename) def _readnet(self, filename=None): """read NET file """ if filename == None: filename = self.filename try: f = open(filename, 'r') data = f.read() data = data.splitlines() for i,row in enumerate(data): if len(row)>0: self.add_net(row) else: print("warning. found an empty line") except IOError, e: raise IOError(e) else: # if the file was opened, let us close it. f.close()
[docs] def write2sif(self, filename): """Write SIF reactions into a file""" sif = SIF() for net in self.net: sif.add_reaction(net2reaction(net)) sif.save(filename)
def _get_net(self): return self._net net = property(_get_net)
[docs] def add_net(self, net): self._check(net) self._net.append(net)
def _check(self, net): try: _split_net(net) except Exception, e: raise Exception(e) def __str__(self): txt = "" for row in self.net: txt += row + "\n" return txt
def _split_net(data): try: lhs, rhs = data.split("->") except: raise ValueError("net2reaction: it seems your net string is not correct. could not find -> characters") lhs = lhs.strip() try: rhs, sign = rhs.split() except: raise ValueError("RHS of your net string could not be split. missing space ? ") if sign not in ['+', '-']: raise ValueError("found invalid sign. Must be either + or - character") return (lhs, rhs, sign)
[docs]def net2reaction(data): """convert a NET string to a reaction a NET string can be one of :: A -> B + C -> D - where + indicates activation and - indicates inhibition .. doctest:: >>> assert net2reaction("A -> B +") == "A=B" >>> assert net2reaction("A -> B -") == "!A=B" """ lhs, rhs ,sign = _split_net(data) if sign == "+": reaction = "=".join([lhs, rhs]) elif sign == "-": reaction = "!" + "=".join([lhs, rhs]) return reaction
[docs]class CASPOModels(object): """Class to read and plot models as exported by CASPO .. plot:: :include-source: :width: 80% >>> from cellnopt.core import * >>> filename = get_share_file("caspo_models.csv") >>> m = asp.CASPOModels(filename) >>> m.plotdot(model_number=0) # indices are m.df.index >>> m.plotdot() # average model, whcih can be obtained with m.get_average_model() .. note:: One difficulty is the way ANDs are coded in different software. In CASPO, the AND gate is coded as "A+B=C". Note that internally we use ^ especially in CNOGraph. Then, an AND edge is splitted in sub edges. so, A+B=C is made of 3 edges A -> A+B=C , B -> A+B=C and A+B=C -> C. This explains the wierd code in :meth:`plotdot`. """ def __init__(self, filename): print("Deprecated. USe Models class instead.") self.filename = filename self.df = pd.read_csv(self.filename) self.df.columns = [x.replace("+", "^") for x in self.df.columns] self.cnograph = CNOGraph() for this in self.df.columns: self.cnograph.add_reaction(this)
[docs] def get_average_model(self): """Returns the average model """ return self.df.mean(axis=0)
[docs] def plotdot(self, model_number=None, *args, **kargs): """ :param int model_number: model_number as shown by :attr:`df.index` if not provided, the average is taken """ if model_number==None: model = self.get_average_model() else: model = self.df.ix[model_number] for edge in self.cnograph.edges(data=True): link = edge[2]['link'] if "^" not in edge[0] and "^" not in edge[1]: if link=="-": name = "!"+edge[0]+"="+edge[1] else: name = edge[0]+"="+edge[1] value = model[name] elif "^" in edge[0]: value = model[edge[0]] elif "^" in edge[1]: value = model[edge[1]] else: raise ValueError() self.cnograph.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]["label"] = value self.cnograph.edge[edge[0]][edge[1]]["average"] = value self.cnograph.plotdot(edge_attribute="average", **kargs)
[docs] def export2sif(self, filename): """Exports 2 SIF using the "and" convention can read the results with CellNOptR for instance >>> library(CellNOptR) >>> plotModel(readSIF("test.sif")) """ self.cnograph.export2sif(filename)