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Source code for cellnopt.core.adj2sif

# -*- python -*-
#  This file is part of cellnopt.core software
#  Copyright (c) 2012-2013 - EMBL-EBI
#  File author(s): Thomas Cokelaer <cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk>
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#      http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
#  website: www.cellnopt.org
import networkx as nx
import numpy

[docs]class ADJ2SIF(object): """Reads an adjacency matrix (and names) from CSV files The instance can then be exported to :class:`~cellnopt.core.sif.SIF` or used as input for the :class:`cellnopt.core.cnograph.CNOGraph` structure. :: >>> from cellnopt.core import * >>> f1 = get_share_file("adjacency_matrix.csv") >>> f2 = get_share_file("adjacency_names.csv") >>> s = ADJ2SIF(f1, f2) >>> sif = s.export2sif() >>> c = CNOGraph(s.G) Where the adjacency matrix looks like:: 0,1,0 1,0,0 0,0,1 and names is a 1-column file:: A B C The exported SIF file would look like:: A 1 B A 1 C .. warning:: The adjacency matrix contains only ones (no -1) so future version may need to add that information using incidence matrix for instance .. todo:: could use pandas to keep names and data altogether. """ def __init__(self, filenamePKN=None, filenameNames=None, delimiter=","): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param str filenamePKN: adjacency matrix made of 0's and 1's. :param str filenameNames: names of the columns/rows of the adjacency matrix :param str delimiter: commas by default :: 0,1,0 1,0,0 0,0,1 names:: A B C The 2 files above correspond to this SIF file:: A 1 B A 1 C """ self.filename = filenamePKN self.filenameNames = filenameNames self.delimiter = delimiter self._G = None self._names = None if self.filename: self.load_adjacency() if filenameNames: self.load_names() def _get_names(self): return self._names names = property(_get_names, doc="Names of the nodes read from the the provided filename") def _get_G(self): return self._G G = property(_get_G, doc="The graph created from")
[docs] def load_adjacency(self, filename=None): """Reads the adjacency matrix filename if no filename is provided, tries to load from the attribute :attr:`filename`. """ if filename: self.filename = filename self._G = nx.Graph(numpy.loadtxt(self.filename, delimiter=self.delimiter))
[docs] def load_names(self, filename=None): """Reads the columns/rows names""" if filename: self.filenameNames = filename fh = open(self.filenameNames, "r") data = fh.read() self._names = data.split()
[docs] def export2sif(self, filename=None): """Exports input data files into a SIF instance and save it :param str filename: set this parameter if you want to save the SIF into a file :return: a SIF instance """ from cellnopt.core.sif import SIF s = SIF() for edge in self.G.edges_iter(): reac = self.names[edge[0]] + "=" + self.names[edge[1]] s.add_reaction(reac) if filename: s.save(filename) return s