Community Edition Quick Installation Overview

If you’re already familiar with installing Pylons apps, here’s a ten-step run-down of how to install Baruwa.

If you’re not already familiar with the process, head to the main Community Edition installation page for a more detailed description of the process.

  1. Create and activate a new virtualenv.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install Baruwa and its dependencies.
  3. For production, run paster make-config baruwa production.ini and to create a unique production.ini config. On development machines there’s already a development.ini file for you to use.
  4. Install the sphinx api which is not on PyPi run curl -o \ path/to/virtualenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
  5. Apply required patches
  6. Configure your database credentials in the ini config file.
  7. Run paster setup-app path/to/your/production.ini to set up the database tables and create the admin user.
  8. Start the celeryd daemon paster celeryd path/to/your/production.ini
  9. Run paster serve path/to/your/production.ini and test it out!
  10. Open your browser and point to