Setup MailScanner

The configuration of MailScanner is beyond the scope of this documentation. If you are not familiar with MailScanner please refer to the documentation on the MailScanner website or read the MailScanner book which is freely available online. Sample configurations are provided for MailScanner and Exim which you can reuse.

In order to use Baruwa with mailscanner you need to make a few changes to the MailScanner code and install the Baruwa Custom module. Baruwa patches are provided to assist you in doing that.

Baruwa patches

The changes made enable the following

  • Passing the lint flag to custom modules
  • Fixes to the SQL configuration module

It is assumed that your MailScanner file is located at /usr/sbin/MailScanner and your modules at /usr/share/MailScanner/MailScanner. If on your system they are in different locations please modify the commands below to reflect that:

curl -O
curl -O
cd /usr/sbin
patch -i /home/baruwa/mailscanner-baruwa-iwantlint.patch
cd /usr/share/MailScanner/MailScanner
patch -p3 -i /home/baruwa/mailscanner-baruwa-sql-config.patch
cd /home/baruwa


The Baruwa Custom module uses the following perl packages String::CRC32, Encoding::FixLatin, AnyEvent::Handle, DBD::mysql, DBD::Pg and EV. These packages need to be installed on your system for the module to function correctly.

Install the Perl modules using CPAN:

cpan install String::CRC32 Encoding::FixLatin AnyEvent::Handle EV DBD::mysql DBD::Pg

Baruwa Custom module

The Custom MailScanner module provided by Baruwa is used for asynchronous logging of message meta data to the database and the updating of the sphinx real time index.

The module has to be installed to the MailScanner custom functions directory /usr/share/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions. Please change to reflect the directory on your system:

curl -O
mv /usr/share/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions

Sample configurations

Sample configuration files for MailScanner and exim are provided in the source under extras/config/exim and extras/config/mailscanner. Please review and reuse.

Proceed to Step 4: Install Baruwa