ATSD API client for Python

Axibase Time-Series Database Client for Python

The Axibase Time-Series Database API Client for Python enables developers to easily read and write statistics and metadata from Axibase Time-Series Database.


Install atsd_client with pip

pip install atsd_client

or clone GitHub repository and run

python install


Connecting to ATSD

To retrieve data from the Axibase Time-Series Database (ATSD), establish a connection with atsd_client module as follows:

>>> import atsd_client
>>> from import SeriesService
>>> conn = atsd_client.connect()

Initializing the Service

All data needed to connect and authorize at ATSD is by default taken from special ‘’ file.

The Service implements a set of methods for interacting with a particular type of objects in ATSD, for example, Series, Property, Alert, Message objects as well as with metadata objects such as Entity, Metric, EntityGroup. An example of creating a service is provided below.

>>> svc = SeriesService(conn)

Inserting Series Values

To insert series values into ATSD initialize a Series object and populate it with timestamped values.

>>> from atsd_client.models import Sample, Series
>>> series = Series(entity='sensor123', metric='temperature')
>>> series.add_samples(
        Sample(value=1, time="2016-07-18T17:14:30Z"),
        Sample(value=2, time="2016-07-18T17:16:30Z")
>>> svc.insert(series)

add version information with an optional version argument (here it is supposed that power metric is versioned)

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> other_series = Series('sensor123', 'power')
>>> other_series.add_samples(
            Sample(3,, version={"source":"TEST_SOURCE", "status":"TEST_STATUS"})

Querying Series Values

When querying series values from ATSD you need to specify entity filter, date filter and series filter. Forecast, Versioning, Control, Transformation filters can also be used to filter result Series objects. See SeriesQuery documentation page for more information. Series filter requires specifying metric name. You can also pass type, tags and exactMatch parameters to this filter to get more specific series objects. Entity filter can be set by providing either entity name, names of multiple entities, name of entityGroup or entityExpression. Date filter can be set by specifying startDate, endDate or interval fields. Note that for correct work some combination of these parameters are needed. startDate, endDate fields can be provided either as special words from endTime syntax or ISO 8601 formatted string or number of milliseconds since 01.01.1970 or a datetime object. Finally, to get a list of Series objects, matching specified filters the query method of the service should be used.

>>> from atsd_client.models import SeriesQuery, SeriesFilter, EntityFilter, DateFilter
>>> sf = SeriesFilter(metric="temperature")
>>> ef = EntityFilter(entity="sensor123")
>>> df = DateFilter(startDate="2016-02-22T13:37:00Z",
>>> query_data = SeriesQuery(series_filter=sf, entity_filter=ef, date_filter=df)
>>> result = svc.query(query_data)
>>> print(result[0]) #picking first Series object

2016-07-18T17:14:30+00:00             1
2016-07-18T17:16:30+00:00             2
metric: temperature
aggregate: {'type': 'DETAIL'}
tags: {}
data: [<Sample v=1, t=1468862070000.0, version=None>, <Sample v=2, t=1468862190000.0, version=None>]
entity: sensor123

Querying Versioned Series Values

To fetch series values with version information add VersionedFilter to query with versioned field equal to True. The example demonstrated below also illustrates how milliseconds can be used to set a date filter.

>>> import time
>>> from atsd_client.models import VersioningFilter
>>> cur_unix_milliseconds = int(time.time() * 1000)
>>> sf = SeriesFilter(metric="power")
>>> ef = EntityFilter(entity="sensor123")
>>> df = DateFilter(startDate="2016-02-22T13:37:00Z", endDate=cur_unix_milliseconds)
>>> vf = VersioningFilter(versioned=True)
>>> query_data = SeriesQuery(series_filter=sf, entity_filter=ef, date_filter=df, versioning_filter=vf)
>>> result = svc.query(query_data)
>>> print(result[0])
           time         value   version_source   version_status
1468868125000.0           3.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS
1468868140000.0           4.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS
1468868189000.0           2.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS
1468868308000.0           1.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS
1468868364000.0          15.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS
1468868462000.0          99.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS
1468868483000.0          54.0      TEST_SOURCE      TEST_STATUS

Exploring Results

In order to consume the Series object in pandas, a Python data analysis toolkit, you can utilize the built-in to_pandas_series() and from_pandas_series() methods.

>>> ts = series.to_pandas_series()
>>> type(ts.index)
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
>>> print(ts)
2015-04-10 17:22:24.048000    11
2015-04-10 17:23:14.893000    31
2015-04-10 17:24:49.058000     7
2015-04-10 17:25:15.567000    22
2015-04-13 14:00:49.285000     9
2015-04-13 15:00:38            3

Graphing Results

To plot series with matplotlib use the built-in plot() method

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> series.plot()

SQL queries

To perform SQL queries, use query method from SQLService. Returned table will be an instance of DataFrame class.

>>> sql = SQLService(conn)
>>> df = sql.query('select * from jvm_memory_free limit 3')
>>> df
  entity                  datetime        value
0   atsd  2017-01-20T08:08:45.829Z  949637320.0  45D266DDE38F
1   atsd  2017-02-02T08:19:14.850Z  875839280.0  45D266DDE38F
2   atsd  2017-02-02T08:19:29.853Z  777757344.0  B779EDE9F45D

Implemented Methods

Data API

  • Series
    • Insert
    • Query
  • Properties
    • Insert
    • Query
    • Type Query
  • Alerts
    • Query
    • Delete
    • Update
    • History Query
  • Messages
    • Insert
    • Query
  • Extended
    • Commands

Meta API

  • Metrics
    • Get
    • List
    • Update
    • Create or replace
    • Delete
  • Entities
    • Get
    • List
    • Update
    • Create or replace
    • Delete
  • Entity Group
    • Get
    • List
    • Update
    • Create or replace
    • Delete
    • Get entities
    • Add entities
    • Set entities
    • Delete entities


  • Query API Endpoint

Indices and tables