Package pyxb :: Package binding :: Module content :: Class AttributeUse
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Class AttributeUse

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object --+    
   cscRoot --+

A helper class that encapsulates everything we need to know about the way an attribute is used within a binding class.

Attributes are stored internally as pairs (provided, value), where provided is a boolean indicating whether a value for the attribute was provided externally, and value is an instance of the attribute datatype. The provided flag is used to determine whether an XML attribute should be added to a created DOM node when generating the XML corresponding to a binding instance.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, name, id, key, data_type, unicode_default=None, fixed=False, required=False, prohibited=False)
Create an AttributeUse instance.
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The expanded name of the element.
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The default value of the attribute.
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True iff the value of the attribute cannot be changed.
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True iff the attribute must be assigned a value.
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True iff the attribute must not be assigned a value.
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provided(self, ctd_instance)
True iff the given instance has been explicitly given a value for the attribute.
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Tag used within Python code for the attribute.
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String used as key within object dictionary when storing attribute value.
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The subclass of pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition of which any attribute value must be an instance.
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__getValue(self, ctd_instance)
Retrieve the value information for this attribute in a binding instance.
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__getProvided(self, ctd_instance) source code
value(self, ctd_instance)
Get the value of the attribute from the instance.
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__setValue(self, ctd_instance, new_value, provided) source code
reset(self, ctd_instance)
Set the value of the attribute in the given instance to be its default value, and mark that it has not been provided.
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addDOMAttribute(self, dom_support, ctd_instance, element)
If this attribute as been set, add the corresponding attribute to the DOM element.
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validate(self, ctd_instance)
Validate the instance against the requirements imposed by this attribute use.
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set(self, ctd_instance, new_value)
Set the value of the attribute.
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_description(self, name_only=False, user_documentation=True) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  __name = None
ExpandedName of the attribute
  __id = None
Identifier used for this attribute within the owning class
  __key = None
Private Python attribute used in instances to hold the attribute value
  __dataType = None
The pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition for values of the attribute
  __unicodeDefault = None
The default attribute value as a unicode string, or None
  __defaultValue = None
The default value as an instance of __dataType, or None
  __fixed = False
True if the attribute value cannot be changed
  __required = False
True if the attribute must appear in every instance of the type
  __prohibited = False
True if the attribute must not appear in any instance of the type
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, name, id, key, data_type, unicode_default=None, fixed=False, required=False, prohibited=False)

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Create an AttributeUse instance.

  • name (pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName) - The name by which the attribute is referenced in the XML
  • id (str) - The Python identifier for the attribute within the containing pyxb.basis.binding.complexTypeDefinition. This is a public identifier, derived from the local part of the attribute name and modified to be unique, and is usually used as the name of the attribute's inspector method.
  • key (str) - The string used to store the attribute value in the dictionary of the containing pyxb.basis.binding.complexTypeDefinition. This is mangled so that it is unique among and is treated as a Python private member.
  • data_type (type) - The class reference to the subclass of pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition of which the attribute values must be instances.
  • unicode_default (unicode) - The default value of the attribute as specified in the schema, or None if there is no default attribute value. The default value (of the keyword) is None.
  • fixed (bool) - If True, indicates that the attribute, if present, must have the value that was given via unicode_default. The default value is False.
  • required (bool) - If True, indicates that the attribute must appear in the DOM node used to create an instance of the corresponding pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition. The default value is False. No more that one of required and prohibited should be assigned True.
  • prohibited (bool) - If True, indicates that the attribute must not appear in the DOM node used to create an instance of the corresponding pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition. The default value is False. No more that one of required and prohibited should be assigned True.
Overrides: object.__init__

provided(self, ctd_instance)

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True iff the given instance has been explicitly given a value for the attribute.

This is used for things like only generating an XML attribute assignment when a value was originally given (even if that value happens to be the default).


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Tag used within Python code for the attribute.

This is not used directly in the default code generation template.

__getValue(self, ctd_instance)

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Retrieve the value information for this attribute in a binding instance.

(provided, value) where provided is a bool and value is None or an instance of the attribute's datatype.

validate(self, ctd_instance)

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Validate the instance against the requirements imposed by this attribute use.

There is no return value; calls raise an exception if the content does not validate.

  • ctd_instance - An instance of a complex type definition.
  • pyxb.ProhibitedAttributeError - when instance has attribute but must not
  • pyxb.MissingAttributeError - when instance lacks attribute but must have it (including when a required fixed-value attribute is missing).
  • pyxb.BatchContentValidationError - when instance has attribute but its value is not acceptable

set(self, ctd_instance, new_value)

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Set the value of the attribute.

This validates the value against the data type, creating a new instance if necessary.

  • ctd_instance (subclass of pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition) - The binding instance for which the attribute value is to be set
  • new_value (Any value that is permitted as the input parameter to the Factory method of the attribute's datatype.) - The value for the attribute