Source code for staticconf.config

Store configuration in :class:`ConfigNamespace` objects and provide tools
for reloading, and displaying help messages.

Configuration Reloading

Configuration reloading is supported using a :class:`ConfigFacade`, which
composes a :class:`ConfigurationWatcher` and a :class:`ReloadCallbackChain`.
These classes provide a way of reloading configuration when the file is
from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import time
import weakref

import six

from staticconf import errors

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Name for the default namespace

def remove_by_keys(dictionary, keys):
    keys = set(keys)

    def filter_by_keys(item):
        k, _ = item
        return k not in keys
    return list(filter(filter_by_keys, six.iteritems(dictionary)))

class ConfigMap(object):
    """A ConfigMap can be used to wrap a dictionary in your configuration.
    It will allow you to retain your mapping structure (and prevent it
    from being flattened).
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = dict(*args, **kwargs)

    def __getitem__(self, item):

    def get(self, item, default=None):
        return, default)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

[docs]class ConfigNamespace(object): """A container for related configuration values. Values are stored using flattened keys which map to values. Values are added to this container using :mod:`staticconf.loader`. When a :class:`ConfigNamespace` is created, it persists for the entire life of the process. Values will stay in the namespace until :func:`clear` is called to remove them. To retrieve a namespace, use :func:`get_namespace`. To access values stored in this namespace use :mod:`staticconf.readers` or :mod:`staticconf.schema`. """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.configuration_values = {} self.value_proxies = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def get_name(self): return def get_value_proxies(self): return list(self.value_proxies.values()) def register_proxy(self, proxy): self.value_proxies[id(proxy)] = proxy def apply_config_data( self, config_data, error_on_unknown, error_on_dupe, log_keys_only=False, ): self.validate_keys( config_data, error_on_unknown, log_keys_only=log_keys_only, ) self.has_duplicate_keys(config_data, error_on_dupe) self.update_values(config_data) def update_values(self, *args, **kwargs): self.configuration_values.update(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_config_values(self): """Return all configuration stored in this object as a dict. """ return self.configuration_values
[docs] def get_config_dict(self): """Reconstruct the nested structure of this object's configuration and return it as a dict. """ config_dict = {} for dotted_key, value in self.get_config_values().items(): subkeys = dotted_key.split('.') d = config_dict for key in subkeys: d = d.setdefault(key, value if key == subkeys[-1] else {}) return config_dict
def get_known_keys(self): return set(vproxy.config_key for vproxy in self.get_value_proxies()) def validate_keys( self, config_data, error_on_unknown, log_keys_only=False, ): unknown = remove_by_keys(config_data, self.get_known_keys()) if not unknown: return if log_keys_only: unknown = [k for k, _ in unknown] msg = "Unexpected value in %s configuration: %s" % (, unknown) if error_on_unknown: raise errors.ConfigurationError(msg) def has_duplicate_keys(self, config_data, error_on_duplicate): args = config_data, self.configuration_values, error_on_duplicate return has_duplicate_keys(*args) def get(self, item, default=None): return self.configuration_values.get(item, default) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.configuration_values[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.configuration_values[key] = value def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.configuration_values
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all values from the namespace.""" self.configuration_values.clear()
def _reset(self): self.clear() self.value_proxies.clear() def __str__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__,
configuration_namespaces = {DEFAULT: ConfigNamespace(DEFAULT)} KeyDescription = namedtuple('KeyDescription', 'name validator default help') def get_namespaces_from_names(name, all_names): """Return a generator which yields namespace objects.""" names = configuration_namespaces.keys() if all_names else [name] for name in names: yield get_namespace(name)
[docs]def get_namespace(name): """Return a :class:`ConfigNamespace` by name, creating the namespace if it does not exist. """ if name not in configuration_namespaces: configuration_namespaces[name] = ConfigNamespace(name) return configuration_namespaces[name]
[docs]def reload(name=DEFAULT, all_names=False): """Reload one or all :class:`ConfigNamespace`. Reload clears the cache of :mod:`staticconf.schema` and :mod:`staticconf.getters`, allowing them to pickup the latest values in the namespace. Defaults to reloading just the DEFAULT namespace. :param name: the name of the :class:`ConfigNamespace` to reload :param all_names: If True, reload all namespaces, and ignore `name` """ for namespace in get_namespaces_from_names(name, all_names): for value_proxy in namespace.get_value_proxies(): value_proxy.reset()
[docs]def validate(name=DEFAULT, all_names=False): """Validate all registered keys after loading configuration. Missing values or values which do not pass validation raise :class:`staticconf.errors.ConfigurationError`. By default only validates the `DEFAULT` namespace. :param name: the namespace to validate :type name: string :param all_names: if True validates all namespaces and ignores `name` :type all_names: boolean """ for namespace in get_namespaces_from_names(name, all_names): all(value_proxy.get_value() for value_proxy in namespace.get_value_proxies())
class ConfigHelp(object): """Register and display help messages about config keys.""" def __init__(self): self.descriptions = {} def add(self, name, validator, default, namespace, help): desc = KeyDescription(name, validator, default, help) self.descriptions.setdefault(namespace, []).append(desc) def view_help(self): """Return a help message describing all the statically configured keys. """ def format_desc(desc): return "%s (Type: %s, Default: %s)\n%s" % (, desc.validator.__name__.replace('validate_', ''), desc.default, or '') def format_namespace(key, desc_list): return "\nNamespace: %s\n%s" % ( key, '\n'.join(sorted(format_desc(desc) for desc in desc_list))) def namespace_cmp(item): name, _ = item return chr(0) if name == DEFAULT else name return '\n'.join(format_namespace(*desc) for desc in sorted(six.iteritems(self.descriptions), key=namespace_cmp)) def clear(self): self.descriptions.clear() config_help = ConfigHelp() view_help = config_help.view_help def _reset(): """Used for internal testing.""" for namespace in configuration_namespaces.values(): namespace._reset() config_help.clear() def has_duplicate_keys(config_data, base_conf, raise_error): """Compare two dictionaries for duplicate keys. if raise_error is True then raise on exception, otherwise log return True.""" duplicate_keys = set(base_conf) & set(config_data) if not duplicate_keys: return msg = "Duplicate keys in config: %s" % duplicate_keys if raise_error: raise errors.ConfigurationError(msg) return True
[docs]class ConfigurationWatcher(object): """Watches a file for modification and reloads the configuration when it's modified. Accepts a min_interval to throttle checks. The default :func:`reload()` operation is to reload all namespaces. To only reload a specific namespace use a :class:`ReloadCallbackChain` for the `reloader`. .. seealso:: :func:`ConfigFacade.load` which provides a more concise interface for the common case. Usage: .. code-block:: python import staticconf from staticconf import config def build_configuration(filename, namespace): config_loader = partial(staticconf.YamlConfiguration, filename, namespace=namespace) reloader = config.ReloadCallbackChain(namespace) return config.ConfigurationWatcher( config_loader, filename, min_interval=2, reloader=reloader) config_watcher = build_configuration('config.yaml', 'my_namespace') # Load the initial configuration config_watcher.config_loader() # Do some work for item in work: config_watcher.reload_if_changed() ... :param config_loader: a function which takes no arguments. It is called by :func:`reload_if_changed` if the file has been modified :param filenames: a filename or list of filenames to watch for modifications :param min_interval: minimum number of seconds to wait between calls to :func:`os.path.getmtime` to check if a file has been modified. :param reloader: a function which is called after `config_loader` when a file has been modified. Defaults to an empty :class:`ReloadCallbackChain` :param comparators: a list of classes which support the :class:`IComparator` interface which are used to determine if a config file has been modified. Defaults to :class:`MTimeComparator`. """ def __init__( self, config_loader, filenames, min_interval=0, reloader=None, comparators=None): self.config_loader = config_loader self.filenames = self.get_filename_list(filenames) self.min_interval = min_interval self.last_check = time.time() self.reloader = reloader or ReloadCallbackChain(all_names=True) comparators = comparators or [MTimeComparator] self.comparators = [comp(self.filenames) for comp in comparators] def get_filename_list(self, filenames): if isinstance(filenames, six.string_types): filenames = [filenames] filenames = sorted(os.path.abspath(name) for name in filenames) if not filenames: raise ValueError( "ConfigurationWatcher requires at least one filename to watch") return filenames @property def should_check(self): return self.last_check + self.min_interval <= time.time()
[docs] def reload_if_changed(self, force=False): """If the file(s) being watched by this object have changed, their configuration will be loaded again using `config_loader`. Otherwise this is a noop. :param force: If True ignore the `min_interval` and proceed to file modified comparisons. To force a reload use :func:`reload` directly. """ if (force or self.should_check) and self.file_modified(): return self.reload()
def file_modified(self): self.last_check = time.time() return any(comp.has_changed() for comp in self.comparators) def reload(self): config_dict = self.config_loader() self.reloader() return config_dict def get_reloader(self): return self.reloader def load_config(self): return self.config_loader()
[docs]class IComparator(object): """Interface for a comparator which is used by :class:`ConfigurationWatcher` to determine if a file has been modified since the last check. A comparator is used to reduce the work required to reload configuration. Comparators should implement a mechanism that is relatively efficient (and scalable), so it can be performed frequently. :param filenames: A list of absolute paths to configuration files. """ def __init__(self, filenames): pass
[docs] def has_changed(self): """Returns True if any of the files have been modified since the last call to :func:`has_changed`. Returns False otherwise. """ pass
[docs]class InodeComparator(object): """Compare files by inode and device number. This is a good comparator to use when your files can change multiple times per second. """ def __init__(self, filenames): self.filenames = filenames self.inodes = self.get_inodes() def get_inodes(self): def get_inode(stbuf): return stbuf.st_dev, stbuf.st_ino return [get_inode(os.stat(filename)) for filename in self.filenames] def has_changed(self): last_inodes, self.inodes = self.inodes, self.get_inodes() return last_inodes != self.inodes
def build_compare_func(err_logger=None): """Returns a compare_func that can be passed to MTimeComparator. The returned compare_func first tries os.path.getmtime(filename), then calls err_logger(filename) if that fails. If err_logger is None, then it does nothing. err_logger is always called within the context of an OSError raised by os.path.getmtime(filename). Information on this error can be retrieved by calling sys.exc_info inside of err_logger.""" def compare_func(filename): try: return os.path.getmtime(filename) except OSError: if err_logger is not None: err_logger(filename) return -1 return compare_func
[docs]class MTimeComparator(object): """Compare files by modified time, or using compare_func, if it is not None. .. note:: Most filesystems only store modified time with second grangularity so multiple changes within the same second can be ignored. """ def __init__(self, filenames, compare_func=None): self.filenames = filenames self.compare_func = (os.path.getmtime if compare_func is None else compare_func) self.last_max_mtime = self.get_most_recent_changed() def get_most_recent_changed(self): if not self.filenames: return -1 return max(self.compare_func(name) for name in self.filenames) def has_changed(self): last_mtime, self.last_max_mtime = ( self.last_max_mtime, self.get_most_recent_changed()) return last_mtime < self.last_max_mtime
[docs]class MD5Comparator(object): """Compare files by md5 hash of their contents. This comparator will be slower for larger files, but is more resilient to modifications which only change mtime, but not the files contents. """ def __init__(self, filenames): self.filenames = filenames self.hashes = self.get_hashes() def get_hashes(self): def build_hash(filename): hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: hasher.update( return hasher.digest() return [build_hash(filename) for filename in self.filenames] def has_changed(self): last_hashes, self.hashes = self.hashes, self.get_hashes() return last_hashes != self.hashes
[docs]class ReloadCallbackChain(object): """A chain of callbacks which will be triggered after configuration is reloaded. Designed to work with :class:`ConfigurationWatcher`. When this class is called it performs two operations: * calls :func:`reload` on the `namespace` * calls all attached callbacks Usage: .. code-block:: python chain = ReloadCallbackChain() chain.add('some_id', callback_foo) chain.add('other_id', other_callback) ... # some time later chain.remove('some_id') :param namespace: the name of the namespace to :func:`reload` :param all_names: if True :func:`reload` all namespaces and ignore the `namespace` param. Defaults to False :param callbacks: initial list of tuples to add to the callback chain """ def __init__(self, namespace=DEFAULT, all_names=False, callbacks=None): self.namespace = namespace self.all_names = all_names self.callbacks = dict(callbacks or ()) def add(self, identifier, callback): self.callbacks[identifier] = callback def remove(self, identifier): del self.callbacks[identifier] def __call__(self): reload(name=self.namespace, all_names=self.all_names) for callback in six.itervalues(self.callbacks): callback()
def build_loader_callable(load_func, filename, namespace): def load_configuration(): get_namespace(namespace).clear() return load_func(filename, namespace=namespace) return load_configuration
[docs]class ConfigFacade(object): """A facade around a :class:`ConfigurationWatcher` and a :class:`ReloadCallbackChain`. See :func:`ConfigFacade.load`. When a :class:`ConfigFacade` is loaded it will clear the namespace of all configuration and load the file into the namespace. If this is not the behaviour you want, use a :class:`ConfigurationWatcher` instead. Usage: .. code-block:: python import staticconf watcher = staticconf.ConfigFacade.load( 'config.yaml', # Filename or list of filenames to watch 'my_namespace', staticconf.YamlConfiguration, # Callable which takes the filename min_interval=3 # Wait at least 3 seconds before checking modified time ) watcher.add_callback('identifier', do_this_after_reload) watcher.reload_if_changed() """ def __init__(self, watcher): self.watcher = watcher self.callback_chain = watcher.get_reloader() @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, filename, namespace, loader_func, min_interval=0): """Create a new :class:`ConfigurationWatcher` and load the initial configuration by calling `loader_func`. :param filename: a filename or list of filenames to monitor for changes :param namespace: the name of a namespace to use when loading configuration. All config data from `filename` will end up in a :class:`ConfigNamespace` with this name :param loader_func: a function which accepts two arguments and uses loader functions from :mod:`staticconf.loader` to load configuration data into a namespace. The arguments are `filename` and `namespace` :param min_interval: minimum number of seconds to wait between calls to :func:`os.path.getmtime` to check if a file has been modified. :returns: a :class:`ConfigFacade` """ watcher = ConfigurationWatcher( build_loader_callable(loader_func, filename, namespace=namespace), filename, min_interval=min_interval, reloader=ReloadCallbackChain(namespace=namespace)) watcher.load_config() return cls(watcher)
def add_callback(self, identifier, callback): self.callback_chain.add(identifier, callback)
[docs] def reload_if_changed(self, force=False): """See :func:`ConfigurationWatcher.reload_if_changed` """ self.watcher.reload_if_changed(force=force)