Configuration Loading

Load configuration values from different file formats and python structures. Nested dictionaries are flattened using dotted notation.

These flattened keys and values are merged into a staticconf.config.ConfigNamespace.


Basic example:


Multiple loaders can be used to override values from previous loaders.

import staticconf

# Start by loading some values from a defaults file

# Override with some user specified options
staticconf.YamlConfiguration('user.yaml', optional=True)

# Further override with some command line options

For configuration reloading see staticconf.config.ConfigFacade.


Configuration loaders accept the following kwargs:

raises a staticconf.errors.ConfigurationError if there are keys in the config that have not been defined by a getter or a schema.
if True only warns on failure to load configuration (Default False)
load the configuration values into a namespace. Defaults to the DEFAULT namespace.
flatten nested structures into a mapping with depth of 1 (Default True)

New in version 0.7.0: flatten was added as a kwarg to all loaders

Custom Loader

You can create your own loaders for other formats by using build_loader(). It takes a single argument, a function, which can accept any arguments, but must return a dictionary of configuration values.

from staticconf import loader

def load_from_db(table_name, conn):
    return dict((row.field, row.value) for row in cursor.fetchall())

DBConfiguration = loader.build_loader(load_from_db)

# Now lets use it
DBConfiguration('config_table', conn, namespace='special')
class staticconf.loader.CompositeConfiguration(loaders=None)[source]

Store a list of configuration loaders and their params, so they can be reloaded in the correct order.

staticconf.loader.YamlConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a yaml file.

Parameters:filename – path to a yaml file
staticconf.loader.JSONConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a json file.

Parameters:filename – path to a json file
staticconf.loader.ListConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a list of strings in the form key=value.

Parameters:seq – a sequence of strings
staticconf.loader.DictConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a dict.

Parameters:dict – a dictionary
staticconf.loader.AutoConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Deprecated since version v0.7.0: Do not use. It will be removed in future versions.

staticconf.loader.PythonConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a python module.

Parameters:module – python path to a module as you would pass it to __import__()
staticconf.loader.INIConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a .ini file

Parameters:filename – path to the ini file
staticconf.loader.XMLConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from an XML file.

Parameters:filename – path to the XML file
staticconf.loader.PropertiesConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from a properties file

Parameters:filename – path to the properties file
staticconf.loader.ObjectConfiguration(*args, **kwargs)

Load configuration from any object. Attributes are keys and the attribute value are values.

Parameters:object – an object