
EasyCluster is a remote execution / clustering module for Python.

Possible uses include:





EasyCluster uses setuptools for installation. To install, run:

python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install

If you do not have setuptools installed, it will be downloaded for you.

How it works

EasyCluster works by having a single master script connect to one or more servers running the cluster service. The master can then call Python functions on the remote service or send code to execute.

See easycluster_demo.py for an example of how to use most of the features.

EasyCluster is intended to run on a local area network to coordinate specific tasks. It is not intended as a generic "cloud computing" service. Although data is signed with a private HMAC key, it is not encrypted unless you are using SSH, so it should not be used openly on the Internet with sensitive data. If you want to use EasyCluster to coordinate systems in remote geographic areas, consider using a VPN or SSH tunnel. The EasyCluster service operates over a single TCP port, so most tunneling solutions will work.

If you are using a POSIX system, you can connect using SSH, and use SSH authentication instead of a shared HMAC key. You should use SSH private keys and an SSH agent, otherwise SSH will prompt for a password whenever it connects

Starting the server

On POSIX systems (Linux, BSD, Solaris), a command called easycluster should be installed in /usr/local/bin. On Windows, the main entry point is installed under %PYTHON%\scripts\easycluster.exe. With Python 2.7 and 3.2, you can also run python -m easycluster.

Before you run the server, you should create a secret HMAC keyfile. Both the server and the client need this keyfile to be able to communicate:

easycluster -g secret.key

This will create a new file, called 'secret.key' which is readable only by the user that created it. You can then run the server with:

easycluster -S -k secret.key

If you don't want to see every remote call logged, run:

easycluster -S -k secret.key -c QuietServer

Running easycluster as a service on boot

You can have the easycluster service start automatically on boot on Windows, Solaris, and Linux (Redhat, Debian, Ubuntu, and SuSE have been tested):

easycluster --install

This will register a service with the system which will start on the next boot. You can unregister it with easycluster --uninstall. Once the service is registered, you can start and stop it with easycluster --start and easycluster --stop

Connecting to a server

To connect to a server, just instantiate either Client or AutoThreadingClient:

>>> key = read_key_file('secret.key')
>>> rmt = Client(key, 'localhost')

To use SSH, specify ssh=True, and optionally specify a user:

>>> rmt = Client(key, 'example.com', ssh=True, user='jdoe')

EasyCluster defines a few functions which make obtaining a key easier:

The recommended way of allowing the user of your script to specify remote options is to use optparse:

# File: connect_example.py

import sys
import optparse
import easycluster

options = optparse.OptionParser(description='Do some stuff')
opts, args = options.parse_args()
default_key = easycluster.key_from_options(opts)
remotes = []
for spec in args:
    params = easycluster.parse_connection_spec(spec, default_key=default_key)
    rmt = easycluster.Client(**params)

This example allows a user to specify a default key using -k (if multiple servers use the same key), but allows the user to specify individual keys if necessary:

python do_stuff.py -k common.key host1 host2 oddhost:kf=key_for_oddhost.key

You can also specify a different TCP port to connect to. This is useful if you want to use SSH tunnels:

ssh host1 -N -f -L 11001:localhost:11999
ssh host2 -N -f -L 11002:localhost:11999
python do_stuff.py -k common.key localhost:11001 localhost:11002

The master script can connect to the same server multiple times. Each connection creates a separate process with a clean environment. The master can also create a "local" instance using easycluster.server.spawn_local(), which starts a new server process without having to run a separate server.

Executing code remotely

The most straightforward way to execute code remotely is to define functions in a string, and call define_common():

>>> from easycluster import *
>>> define_common('''
... def addvals(a, b):
...     return a + b
... def subvals(a, b):
...     return a - b
... ''')
>>> key = read_key_file('secret.key')
>>> rmt = Client(key, 'localhost')
>>> rmt.addvals(3, 4)
>>> rmt.subvals(15, 4)

Any functions or classes you define in in the block of code passed to define_common can be called on the remote side. You can also call functions in classes defined in standard library modules:

>>> rmt.subprocess.call(['/bin/echo', 'hello'])

This example won't actually echo anything to your terminal - echo is executed on the server, so if you have the server open in a terminal, you will see it echoed there.

The block of code you pass to define_common is also evaluated on the client, so functions, classes, and class instances can be pickled by reference and passed back and forth between client and server. By default, a virtual module called easycluster.remote_code is created to store the definitions. You can import this module on the client if you want to run a function on both client and server, or create a instance of a class that will be passed to the server by value:

>>> from easycluster.remote_code import addvals, subvals
>>> addvals(1, 2)

You can change the name of the module by specifying a different second parameter to define_common. Remember that since this code is executed in the context of a different module, you won't have access to global variables and imported modules from your master script:

>>> import os
>>> define_common('''
... def hello():
...     os.system('echo hello')
... ''')
>>> rmt.hello()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: global name 'os' is not defined

You must remember to import whatever modules you need to use inside of your define_common block. Of course, the libraries you import must be available on the remote system too - EasyCluster will not copy them over.


If the remote code raises an exception, the exception will be pickled up and re-raised on the client, along with a stack trace. By default, the stack trace will be printed to STDERR, because otherwise it would be lost - the stack trace generated by raising the exception on the client only goes as far as the proxy wrapper. If you don't want exceptions to be printed, you can subclass Client and override report_exception. For a single request, you can also set origexc to False or 'quiet' (see the section on Parallel Execution below).

Manipulating objects on the server

By default, if you call a function on the server, and it returns a value, that value will be pickled, and a new copy of the object will be created on the client. This is fine for simple values such as strings, integers, tuples, dictionaries, etc., but a lot of objects can't or shouldn't be pickled; instead, EasyCluster allows you to mark classes as "server objects" that are not pickled, but remain on the server and are referenced by the client.

When the returned data structure is reconstructed on the client, any "server objects" are converted into "proxy" objects. Calling a method on this proxy calls the corresponding method on the server. These proxy objects can also be passed as arguments to other functions on the same connection, and will be unserialized as the original object on the server.

>>> define_common('''
... class TestObject1(ServerObject):
...    def __init__(self, val):
...        self.val = val
...    def getval(self):
...        return self.val
...    def newobj(self):
...        return TestObject1(self.val + 1)
... def get_object_vals(lst):
...     return [obj.val for obj in lst]
... ''')
>>> # Call this on every connection after calling define_common.
>>> rmt.update_definitions()
>>> obj1 = rmt.TestObject1(100)
>>> obj1
<RemoteProxy for oid 1 on localhost:11999>
>>> obj1.getval()
>>> obj2 = obj1.newobj()
>>> obj2
<RemoteProxy for oid 2 on localhost:11999>
>>> obj2.getval()
>>> rmt.get_object_vals[obj1, obj2]
[100, 101]

Classes can indicate that they should be proxied rather than copied by inheriting from ServerObject. Existing classes which are unaware of EasyCluster can be registered on the server by calling make_server_class.

There are two ways classes can specify which methods and attributes to export:

Example of both methods:

>>> define_common('''
... class TestObject2(TestObject1):
...     export_methods = ('getval',)
...     export_attrs = ('val',)
... class TestObject3Proxy(RemoteProxy):
...     proxy_methods = ('getval',)
...     proxy_attrs = ('val',)
... class TestObject3(TestObject1):
...     proxy_class = TestObject3Proxy
... ''')
>>> rmt.update_definitions()
>>> obj2 = rmt.TestObject2(200)
>>> obj2.val
>>> obj2.getval()
>>> obj2.non_existant_method()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dynamic_proxy_getval_val' object has no attribute 'non_existant_method'

>>> define_common('''
... ''')
>>> rmt.update_definitions()
>>> obj3 = rmt.TestObject3(300)
>>> type(obj3)
<class 'easycluster_code.TestObject3Proxy'>
>>> obj3.val

If you have a built-in class or a class from a library module that you want to treat as a "server object", you can call easycluster.make_server_class() in your define_common block:

>>> define_common('''
... import array
... make_server_class(array.array)
... ''')
>>> rmt.update_definitions()
>>> rmt_array = rmt.array.array('B', 1234)

You can pass export_methods, export_attrs, export_attrs_cache, and proxy_class to make_server_class; they have the same meaning as defined for ServerObject.

There is also a function called make_singleton, which behaves like make_server_class, except it operates on a single instance of a class; if that instance is returned, it will be proxied, but other instances of the same class will be pickled.

Parallel Execution

Usually, clustering implies you want to execute code in parallel on multiple systems. By default, calling remote code suspends execution of the master script while the remote code is executing. However, there are several ways to execute remote code in parallel.

The simplest way to do this is to use a non-blocking response:

>>> rmt2 = Client(key, 'otherhost')
>>> r1 = rmt.addvals(5, 8, nonblocking=True)
>>> r2 = rmt2.addvals(14, 18, nonblocking=True)
>>> r1.wait()
>>> r2.wait()

Passing nonblocking=True to any proxy method causes it to immediately return a special "non-blocking response" object which has a wait() method. The wait() method waits until the code has finished executing on the remote server and returns the response value. If the remote side raised an exception, wait() will raise the same exception (unless you pass origexc -- see below).

You can also use the convenience functions eval_multi, call_multi, and call_method_multi to call the same function in parallel on multiple systems:

>>> call_multi([rmt, rmt2], 'addvals', 2, 3)
[5, 5]

This function calls a specific function on multiple systems, waits for all of the responses, then returns a list of their responses.

Besides nonblocking, there are other common keyword arguments that can be passed to remote calls:

You can start multiple threads on the same server by using non-blocking responses with threadid:

>>> r1 = rmt.addvals(101, 102, nonblocking=True, threadid=1)
>>> r2 = rmt.addvals(222, 333, nonblocking=True, threadid=2)
>>> r3 = rmt.addvals(555, 888, nonblocking=True, threadid=3)
>>> [r1.wait(), r2.wait(), r3.wait()]
[203, 555, 1443]

Using ThreadedClient

If your master script is already multi-threaded, you can use ThreadedClient to automatically manage server threads for you.

The ThreadedClient class starts a separate thread to read responses from the server. Because of this, completion functions are called as soon as the remote call returns, and the thread actively monitors the server to ensure that it hasn't gone down or locked up.

ThreadedClient will detect if you call remote functions from a separate thread in your master script, and will start a corresponding thread on the server to handle your request:

>>> import threading
>>> tc1 = ThreadedClient(key, 'host1')
>>> tc2 = ThreadedClient(key, 'host2')
>>> def client_thread(id, a, b):
...     print 'Thread %d: starting' % id
...     val1 = tc1.addvals(a, b)
...     print 'Thread %d: tc1 returned %r' % (id, val1)
...     val2 = tc2.addvals(a, b)
...     print 'Thread %d: tc2 returned %r' % (id, val2)
...     print 'Thread %d: finished' % id
>>> def run_threads():
...     t1 = threading.Thread(target=client_thread, args=(1, 200, 500))
...     t2 = threading.Thread(target=client_thread, args=(2, 300, 600))
...     t1.start(); t2.start()
...     t1.join(); t2.join()
>>> run_threads()
Thread 1: starting
Thread 2: starting
Thread 1: tc1 returned 700
Thread 2: tc1 returned 900
Thread 1: tc2 returned 700
Thread 2: tc2 returned 900
Thread 1: finished
Thread 2: finished

Once threads in your master script exit, ThreadedClient will detect it and stop the corresponding thread on the server.