Package animio :: Module lib
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Source Code for Module animio.lib

  1  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
  2  """This module contains classes and utilities affiliated with the import and export 
  3  of animation.""" 
  4  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext" 
  6  import mrv.maya.nt as nt 
  7  from mrv.maya.ns import Namespace 
  8  from mrv.maya.ref import FileReference 
  9  from mrv.maya.scene import Scene 
 10  from mrv.maya.undo import UndoRecorder 
 11  from mrv.path import Path 
 13  import maya.OpenMayaAnim as apianim 
 14  import maya.cmds as cmds 
 16  import logging 
 17  log = logging.getLogger("animio.lib") 
 19  __all__ = ('AnimInOutLibrary', 'AnimationHandle') 
20 21 22 23 -class AnimInOutLibrary( object ):
24 """contains default implementation for animation export and import""" 25 26 #{ Export/Import/Load 27 @classmethod 28 @notundoable
29 - def export(cls, destination_file, iter_nodes, **kwargs):
30 """Export animation retrieved from the given node iterator to the destination_file. 31 32 :param destination_file: file to which to export the animation to 33 :param iter_nodes: iterator yielding nodes in a format compatible to ``AnimationHandle.set_animation`` 34 :param **kwargs: passed to ``Scene.export`` 35 :raise ValueError: if the passed in nodes have no animation 36 :return: destination_file as Path""" 37 rec = UndoRecorder() 38 rec.startRecording() 39 tmphandle = AnimationHandle() 40 tmphandle.set_animation(iter_nodes) 41 rec.stopRecording() 42 43 try: 44 try: 45 tmphandle.iter_animation().next() 46 except StopIteration: 47 raise ValueError("Given nodes did not have any animation") 48 # END check for animation 49 50 tmphandle.to_file(destination_file) 51 return Path(destination_file) 52 finally: 53 rec.undo()
54 # END revert to previous state 55 56 57 #} END Export/Import/Load 58 59 #{ Query 60 61 #} END query 62
63 - def _create_plug_node( self ):
64 raise NotImplementedError("todo")
66 67 -class AnimationHandle( nt.Network ):
68 __mrv_virtual_subtype__ = True 69 70 _l_connection_info_attr = 'connectionInfo' 71 _s_connection_info_attr = 'cifo' 72 _k_separator = ',' 73 _networktype = nt.api.MFn.kAffect 74
75 - def __new__( cls, *args ):
76 if not args: 77 return cls.create() 78 # END empty args create new node ( without calling __init__ ) 79 80 self=super(AnimationHandle, cls).__new__(cls, *args) 81 if not cls._is_handle(self): 82 raise TypeError('%r is not a valid %s' % (self, cls)) 83 84 return self 85 86 @classmethod
87 - def _is_handle( cls, ah ):
88 """:return: True if ah in a propper AnimationHandle""" 89 return hasattr(ah, cls._s_connection_info_attr)
90 91 #{ Iteration 92 @classmethod
93 - def iter_instances( cls, **kwargs ):
94 """:return: iterator yielding AnimationHandle instances of scene""" 95 cls._networktype, asNode=1, **kwargs ) 96 for node in it: 97 if cls._is_handle(node): 98 yield cls(node.object())
99 # END if it is our node 100 # END for each node 101
102 - def iter_animation( self, asNode=True ):
103 """:return: iterator yielding managed animation curves as wrapped Node or MObject 104 :param asNode: if true, iterator yields Node instances else MObjects""" 105 for anim_node_dest_plug in self.affectedBy: 106 miplug=anim_node_dest_plug.minput() 107 if asNode: 108 yield miplug.mwrappedNode() 109 else: 110 yield miplug.node()
111 # END if asNode 112 # END iterator 113
114 - def iter_assignments( self, predicate=None, converter=None):
115 """:return: iterator yielding source-target assignments as plugs in a tuple(source_plug, target_plug) 116 :param converter: if not None, the function returns the desired target plug name to use 117 instead of the given plug name. Its called as follows: (string) convert(source_plug, target_plugname). 118 :param predicate: if not None, after the converter function has been applied, 119 (bool) predicate(source_plug, target_plugname) returns True for each plug to be yielded 120 :note: for now, if target_plug does not exist we just print a message and continue""" 121 # get target strings as array 122 # mrv provides this: 123 target_plug_names = self.findPlug(self._s_connection_info_attr).masData().array() 124 125 assert len(target_plug_names) == len(self.affectedBy), "Number of animation nodes out of sync with their stored targets" 126 127 # make iterator yielding source and target plug objects 128 plug_sel_list = nt.api.MSelectionList() 129 mfndep = nt.api.MFnDependencyNode() 130 for index, anim_node_dest_plug in enumerate(self.affectedBy): 131 target_plug_name_list = target_plug_names[index].split(self._k_separator) 132 anim_node_msg_plug=anim_node_dest_plug.minput() 133 if anim_node_msg_plug.isNull(): 134 log.warn("no animation curve found on %s" % anim_node_dest_plug.mfullyQualifiedName()) 135 continue 136 # END check for nullPlug 137 138 mfndep.setObject(anim_node_msg_plug.node()) 139 anim_node_otp_plug = mfndep.findPlug('o') 140 141 # convert target names to actual plugs 142 for tindex, tplug_name in enumerate(target_plug_name_list): 143 if converter: 144 tplug_name = converter(anim_node_otp_plug, tplug_name) 145 # END handle converter 146 147 if predicate and not predicate(anim_node_otp_plug, tplug_name): 148 continue 149 # END filter 150 151 actual_plug = nt.api.MPlug() 152 try: 153 plug_sel_list.add(tplug_name) 154 except: 155 log.warn("target plug named %s does not exist" % tplug_name) 156 continue 157 # END check if plug exists 158 159 plug_sel_list.getPlug(tindex, actual_plug) 160 yield (anim_node_otp_plug, actual_plug) 161 # END for each plugname to convert 162 163 # make sure it doesnt build up 164 plug_sel_list.clear()
165 # END for each anim node source plug 166 # END iterating 167 168 169 #} END iteration 170 171 #{ Edit 172 173 @classmethod 174 @undoable
175 - def create( cls, name="animationHandle", **kwargs ):
176 """:return: New instance of our type providing the ``AnimationHandle`` interface 177 :param kwargs: Passed to ``createNode`` method of mrv""" 178 mynode = nt.createNode(name, "network", **kwargs) 179 180 # add our custom attribute 181 attr = nt.TypedAttribute.create(cls._l_connection_info_attr, cls._s_connection_info_attr, 182 nt.api.MFnData.kStringArray, nt.StringArrayData.create(list())) 183 mynode.addAttribute(attr) 184 return cls(mynode.object())
185 186 @undoable
187 - def clear( self ):
188 """Forget our managed animation completely""" 189 # clear array plug 190 for ip in self.affectedBy.minputs(): 191 ip.disconnectInput() 192 # END for each array item to disconnect 193 194 # clear connection data 195 dplug = self.findPlug(self._s_connection_info_attr) 196 dplug.setMObject(nt.StringArrayData.create(list()))
197 198 @undoable
199 - def set_animation( self, iter_nodes ):
200 """Set this handle to manage the animation of the given nodes. 201 The previous animation information will be removed. 202 203 :param iter_nodes: MSelectionList or iterable of Nodes or api objects pointing 204 to nodes connected to animation. 205 :note: Will not raise if the nodes do not have any animation 206 :note: Heavily optimized for speed, hence we work directly with the 207 apiObjects, skipping the mrv layer as we are in a tight loop here""" 208 self.clear() 209 anim_nodes = nt.AnimCurve.findAnimation(iter_nodes, asNode=False) 210 mfndep = nt.api.MFnDependencyNode() 211 def iter_plugs(): 212 affected_by_plug = self.affectedBy 213 for pindex, apinode in enumerate(anim_nodes): 214 mfndep.setObject(apinode) 215 yield (mfndep.findPlug('msg'), affected_by_plug.elementByLogicalIndex(pindex))
216 # END for each pair to yield 217 # END iterator helper 218 219 iterator = iter_plugs() 220 nt.api.MPlug.mconnectMultiToMulti(iterator, force=False) 221 222 # add current connection info 223 # NOTE: We know that the anim-node is connected to something 224 # as this is the reason we retrieved it in the first place 225 # TODO: Deal with intermediate nodes 226 target_plug_strings = list() 227 for apinode in anim_nodes: 228 mfndep.setObject(apinode) 229 outputs = mfndep.findPlug('o').moutputs() 230 target_plug_strings.append(self._k_separator.join(p.mfullyQualifiedName() for p in outputs)) 231 # END for each node 232 self.findPlug(self._s_connection_info_attr).setMObject(nt.StringArrayData.create(target_plug_strings)) 233 234 @undoable
235 - def apply_animation( self, converter=None ):
236 """Apply the stored animation by (re)connecting the animation nodes to their 237 respective target plugs 238 :param: converter see ``iter_assignments`` 239 This allows you to perform any modifications to the target before it will be 240 connected. 241 :note: Will break existing destination connections""" 242 243 # do actual connection ( best case is 38k connections per second ) 244 iterator = self.iter_assignments(converter=converter) 245 nt.api.MPlug.mconnectMultiToMulti(iterator, force=True)
246 247 #} END edit 248 249 #{ Utilities 250 @undoable
251 - def paste_animation( self, sTimeRange=tuple(), tTimeRange=tuple(), option="fitInsert", predicate=None, converter=None ):
252 """paste the stored animation to their respective target animation curves, if target does not exist it will be created 253 :param sTimeRange: tuple of timerange passed to copyKey 254 :param tTimeRange: tuple of timerange passed to pasteKey 255 :param option: option on how to paste forwarded to pasteKey (useful: "fitInsert", "fitReplace", "scaleInsert", "scaleReplace") 256 :param predicate and converter: passed to ``iter_assignments``, see documentation there 257 :todo: handle if range is out of curve (error:nothing to paste from) - should paste the pose in this range""" 258 iter_plugs=self.iter_assignments(predicate=predicate, converter=converter) 259 260 # get animCurves form plugs and copy pate 261 for s_plug, t_plug in iter_plugs: 262 s_animcrv=s_plug.mwn() 263 264 if apianim.MAnimUtil.isAnimated(t_plug): 265 t_animcrv=t_plug.minput().mwn() 266 else: 267 t_animcrv=nt.Node(apianim.MFnAnimCurve().create(t_plug)) 268 # END get new or existing animCurve 269 270 cmds.copyKey(s_animcrv, time=sTimeRange, option="curve" ) 271 cmds.pasteKey(t_animcrv, time=tTimeRange, option=option)
272 # END for each assignment 273 274 #} END Utilities 275 276 #{ File IO 277 278 @classmethod 279 @notundoable
280 - def from_file( cls, input_file ):
281 """references imput_file into scene by using an unique namespace, returning 282 FileReference as well as an iterator yielding AmimationHandles of input_file 283 284 :return: tuple(FileReference, iterator of AnimationHandles) 285 :param input_file: valid path to a maya file""" 286 ahref=FileReference.create(input_file, loadReferenceDepth="topOnly") 287 refns=ahref.namespace() 288 return (ahref, cls.iter_instances(predicate = lambda x: x.namespace() == refns))
289 290 @notundoable
291 - def to_file( self, output_file, **kwargs ):
292 """export the AnimationHandle and all managed nodes to the given file 293 294 :return: path to exported file 295 :param output_file: Path object or path string to export file. 296 Parent directories will be created as needed 297 :param kwargs: passed to the ``Scene.export`` method""" 298 # build selectionlist for export 299 exp_slist = nt.toSelectionList(self.iter_animation(asNode=0)) 300 exp_slist.add(self.object()) 301 return Scene.export(output_file, exp_slist, **kwargs )
303 - def delete( self ):
304 """AnimationHandle will disapear without a trace, no matter if it was created in 305 the current file or if it came from a referenced file""" 306 307 if self.isReferenced(): 308 FileReference(self.referenceFile()).remove() 309 else: 310 super(AnimationHandle, self).delete()
311 # END handle referencing 312 313 #} END file io 314