Source code for ars.utils.geometry

import numpy as np

from . import mathematical as mut

rtb_license = """RTB (The Robotics Toolbox for Matlab) is free software: you
can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

def _rot_matrix_to_rpy_angles(rot, zyx=False):
	"""The roll-pitch-yaw angles corresponding to a rotation matrix.

	The 3 angles RPY correspond to sequential rotations about the X, Y and Z
	axes respectively.

	WARNING: for the convention where Y axis points upwards, swap the returned
	pitch and yaw. The input remains the same.

	Translated to Python by German Larrain.

	Original version in Matlab, part of 'The Robotics Toolbox for Matlab (RTB)'
	as '/robot/tr2rpy.m'
	Copyright (C) 1993-2011, by Peter I. Corke. See `rtb_license`.

	m = mut.matrix_as_3x3_tuples(rot)

	# "eps: distance from 1.0 to the next largest double-precision number"
	eps = 2e-52 #

	rpy_1 = 0.0
	rpy_2 = 0.0
	rpy_3 = 0.0

	if not zyx:
		# XYZ order
		if abs(m[2][2]) < eps and abs(m[1][2]) < eps:  # if abs(m(3,3)) < eps && abs(m(2,3)) < eps
			# singularity
			rpy_1 = 0.0
			rpy_2 = mut.atan2(m[0][2], m[2][2])  # atan2(m(1,3), m(3,3))
			rpy_3 = mut.atan2(m[1][0], m[1][1])  # atan2(m(2,1), m(2,2))
			rpy_1 = mut.atan2(-m[1][2], m[2][2])  # atan2(m(2,1), m(2,2))
			# compute sin/cos of roll angle
			sr = mut.sin(rpy_1)  # sr = sin(rpy(1))
			cr = mut.cos(rpy_1)  # cr = cos(rpy(1))
			rpy_2 = mut.atan2(m[0][2], cr * m[2][2] - sr * m[1][2])  # atan2(m(1,3), cr * m(3,3) - sr * m(2,3))
			rpy_3 = mut.atan2(-m[0][1], m[0][0])  # atan2(-m(1,2), m(1,1))
		# old ZYX order (as per Paul book)
		if abs(m[0][0]) < eps and abs(m[1][0]) < eps:  # if abs(m(1,1)) < eps && abs(m(2,1)) < eps
			# singularity
			rpy_1 = 0.0
			rpy_2 = mut.atan2(-m[2][0], m[0][0])  # atan2(-m(3,1), m(1,1))
			rpy_3 = mut.atan2(-m[1][2], m[1][1])  # atan2(-m(2,3), m(2,2))
			rpy_1 = mut.atan2(m[1][0], m[0][0])  	# atan2(m(2,1), m(1,1))
			sp = mut.sin(rpy_1)  					# sp = sin(rpy(1))
			cp = mut.cos(rpy_1)  					# cp = cos(rpy(1))
			rpy_2 = mut.atan2(-m[2][0],  			# atan2(-m(3,1),
				cp * m[0][0] + sp * m[1][0])  		# cp * m(1,1) + sp * m(2,1))
			rpy_3 = mut.atan2(sp * m[0][2] - cp * m[1][2],  # atan2(sp * m(1,3) - cp * m(2,3),
				cp * m[1][1] - sp * m[0][1])  				# cp*m(2,2) - sp*m(1,2))

	return rpy_1, rpy_2, rpy_3

[docs]class Transform(object): r"""An homogeneous transform. It is a composition of rotation and translation. Mathematically it can be expressed as .. math:: \left[ \begin{array}{ccc|c} & & & \\ & R & & T \\ & & & \\ \hline 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{array} \right] where `R` is the 3x3 submatrix describing rotation and `T` is the 3x1 submatrix describing translation. source: """ def __init__(self, pos=None, rot=None): """Constructor. With empty arguments it's just a 4x4 identity matrix. :param pos: a size 3 vector, or 3x1 or 1x3 matrix :type pos: tuple, :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None :param rot: 3x3 or 9x1 rotation matrix :type rot: tuple, :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None """ if pos is None: pos = (0, 0, 0) pos = np.array(pos) if pos.shape != (3, 1): pos = pos.reshape((3, 1)) if rot is None: rot = np.identity(3) else: rot = np.array(rot) if rot.shape != (3, 3): rot = rot.reshape((3, 3)) temp = np.hstack((rot, pos)) self._matrix = np.vstack((temp, np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]))) def __str__(self): return str(self._matrix) @property
[docs] def matrix(self): r"""Return matrix that contains the transform values. :return: 4x4 matrix :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return self._matrix
[docs] def get_long_tuple(self): return tuple(self._matrix.flatten())
[docs] def get_translation(self, as_numpy=False): """Get the translation component (vector). :param as_numpy: whether to return a numpy object or a tuple :return: 3-sequence :rtype: tuple or :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ rot = self._matrix[0:3,3] if as_numpy: return rot return tuple(rot)
[docs] def get_rotation(self, as_numpy=False): """Get the rotation component (matrix). :param as_numpy: whether to return a numpy object or a tuple :return: 3x3 rotation matrix :rtype: tuple of tuples or :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ rot = self._matrix[0:3,0:3] if as_numpy: return rot return mut.np_matrix_to_tuple(rot)
[docs]def rot_matrix_to_hom_transform(rot): """Convert a rotation matrix to a homogeneous transform. source: transform.r2t in Corke's Robotic Toolbox (python) :param rot: 3x3 rotation matrix :type rot: a tuple, a tuple of tuples or :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ if isinstance(rot, tuple): if len(rot) == 9: rot = (rot[0:3], rot[3:6], rot[6:9]) return np.concatenate((np.concatenate((rot, np.zeros((3, 1))), 1), np.mat([0, 0, 0, 1])))
[docs]def calc_rotation_matrix(axis, angle): r"""Return the row-major 3x3 rotation matrix defining a rotation of magnitude ``angle`` around ``axis``. Formula is the same as the one presented here (as of 2011.12.01): .. math:: R = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta +u_x^2 \left(1-\cos \theta\right) & u_x u_y \left(1-\cos \theta\right) - u_z \sin \theta & u_x u_z \left(1-\cos \theta\right) + u_y \sin \theta \\ u_y u_x \left(1-\cos \theta\right) + u_z \sin \theta & \cos \theta + u_y^2\left(1-\cos \theta\right) & u_y u_z \left(1-\cos \theta\right) - u_x \sin \theta \\ u_z u_x \left(1-\cos \theta\right) - u_y \sin \theta & u_z u_y \left(1-\cos \theta\right) + u_x \sin \theta & \cos \theta + u_z^2\left(1-\cos \theta\right) \end{bmatrix} The returned matrix format is length-9 tuple. """ cos_theta = mut.cos(angle) sin_theta = mut.sin(angle) t = 1.0 - cos_theta return (t * axis[0]**2 + cos_theta, t * axis[0] * axis[1] - sin_theta * axis[2], t * axis[0] * axis[2] + sin_theta * axis[1], t * axis[0] * axis[1] + sin_theta * axis[2], t * axis[1]**2 + cos_theta, t * axis[1] * axis[2] - sin_theta * axis[0], t * axis[0] * axis[2] - sin_theta * axis[1], t * axis[1] * axis[2] + sin_theta * axis[0], t * axis[2]**2 + cos_theta)
[docs]def make_OpenGL_matrix(rot, pos): """Return an OpenGL compatible (column-major, 4x4 homogeneous) transformation matrix from ODE compatible (row-major, 3x3) rotation matrix rotation and position vector position. The returned matrix format is length-9 tuple. """ return (rot[0], rot[3], rot[6], 0.0, rot[1], rot[4], rot[7], 0.0, rot[2], rot[5], rot[8], 0.0, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 1.0)
[docs]def get_body_relative_vector(body, vector): """Return the 3-vector vector transformed into the local coordinate system of ODE body 'body'""" return mut.rotate3(mut.transpose3(body.get_rotation()), vector)
[docs]def rot_matrix_to_euler_angles(rot): r"""Return the 3-1-3 Euler angles `phi`, `theta` and `psi` (using the x-convention) corresponding to the rotation matrix `rot`, which is a tuple of three 3-element tuples, where each one is a row (what is called row-major order). Using the x-convention, the 3-1-3 Euler angles `phi`, `theta` and `psi` (around the Z, X and again the Z-axis) can be obtained as follows: .. math:: \phi &= \arctan2(A_{31}, A_{32}) \\ \theta &= \arccos(A_{33}) \\ \psi &= -\arctan2(A_{13}, A_{23}) """ A = rot phi = mut.atan2(A[2][0], A[2][1]) # arctan2(A_{31}, A_{32}) theta = mut.acos(A[2][2]) # arccos(A_{33}) psi = -mut.atan2(A[0][2], A[1][2]) # -arctan2(A_{13}, A_{23}) angles = (phi, theta, psi) return angles
[docs]def calc_inclination(rot): """Return the inclination (as ``pitch`` and ``roll``) inherent of rotation matrix ``rot``, with respect to the plane (`XZ`, since the vertical axis is `Y`). ``pitch`` is the rotation around `Z` and ``roll`` around `Y`. Examples: >>> rot = calc_rotation_matrix((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), pi/6) >>> pitch, roll = gemut.calc_inclination(rot) 0.0, pi/6 >>> rot = calc_rotation_matrix((0.0, 1.0, 0.0), whatever) >>> pitch, roll = gemut.calc_inclination(rot) 0.0, 0.0 >>> rot = calc_rotation_matrix((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), pi/6) >>> pitch, roll = gemut.calc_inclination(rot) pi/6, 0.0 """ # THE FOLLOWING worked only in some cases, damn #y_up = UP_AXIS #z_front = OUT_AXIS #x_right = RIGHT_AXIS # #up_rotated = mut.rotate3(rot, y_up) #pitch_proj = mut.dot_product(mut.cross_product(y_up, up_rotated), x_right) #pitch = mut.sign(pitch_proj) * mut.acos_dot3(y_up, up_rotated) # #front_rotated = mut.rotate3(rot, z_front) #roll_proj = mut.dot_product(mut.cross_product(z_front, front_rotated), y_up) #roll = mut.sign(roll_proj) * mut.acos_dot3(z_front, front_rotated) # #return pitch, roll roll_x, pitch_y, yaw_z = _rot_matrix_to_rpy_angles(rot) roll = roll_x pitch = yaw_z #yaw = pitch_y # we don't need it return pitch, roll
[docs]def calc_compass_angle(rot): """Return the angle around the vertical axis with respect to the `X+` axis, i.e. the angular orientation inherent of a rotation matrix ``rot``, constrained to the plane aligned with the horizon (`XZ`, since the vertical axis is `Y`). """ roll_x, pitch_y, yaw_z = _rot_matrix_to_rpy_angles(rot) yaw = pitch_y return yaw
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