Source code for ars.utils.generic

"""Generic utility functions to

* write variables and tuples to file
* write and read setting from a file
* modify and create tuples.

import itertools as it
import time

from ..lib.six.moves import configparser as cp

[docs]def write_var_to_file(text_file, var): text_file.write(str(var) + '\n')
[docs]def write_tuple_to_file(text_file, tuple_): line = '' separator = ',' new_line = '\n' for item in tuple_: line += str(item) line += separator # delete the last separator if len(line) > 0: line = line[:-1] line += new_line text_file.write(line)
[docs]def write_settings(filename, section, mapped_values): """Write ``mapped_values`` at ``section`` in settings file at ``filename``. :param filename: settings file :type filename: str :param section: settings section :type section: str :param mapped_values: values to write :type mapped_values: dict Example: >>> write_settings('test.cfg', 'mySection', {'a_key': 1.1111, 'another_key': False}) """ config = cp.RawConfigParser() config.add_section(section) for key in mapped_values.keys(): config.set(section, key, mapped_values[key]) with open(filename, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile)
[docs]def read_settings(filename, section): """Read ``section`` from settings file at ``filename``. :param filename: settings file :type filename: str :param section: settings section :type section: str :return: settings section dictionary :rtype: dict Example: >>> read_settings('test.cfg', 'mySection') {'a_key': 1.1111, 'another_key': False} """ config = cp.RawConfigParser() return dict(config.items(section))
[docs]def insert_in_tuple(tuple_, index, item_): tuple_to_list = list(tuple_) tuple_to_list.insert(index, item_) return tuple(tuple_to_list)
[docs]def nested_iterable_to_tuple(iterable_): return tuple(it.chain.from_iterable(iterable_))
[docs]def get_current_epoch_time(): """Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch. Fractions of a second may be present if the OS provides them (UNIX-like do). :return: number of seconds since the Epoch :rtype: float """ return time.time()
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