Adding custom content-types to the Plone Client ConnectorΒΆ

This documentation explains how to extend the Plone Client Connector with your own or custom Plone content-types.

Custom content-types can be registered with the Produce & Publish server using the Zope Component Architecture. The one single contact of the P&P server with a content-type is the existence of a @@asHTML view for the related content-type. The @@asHTML view must return a HTML snippet that will be used by the P&P within the main body of its own rendering PDF template.

As an example look at the @@asHTML view for Plone news items.

The @@asHTML view is configured through ZCML (within your configure.zcml file):


and implemented as browser view (

from Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

class HTMLView(BrowserView):
    """ This view renders a HMTL fragment for the configured content type """

    template = ViewPageTemplateFile('')

    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
        return self.template(self.context)


The related templates renders a snippet of code for a news item object:

<div class="type-newsitem document-body">
    <h1 class="title bookmark-title" tal:content="context/Title" />
    <div class="description" tal:content="context/Description" />
        <div class="image-box" tal:condition="nocall: context/image | nothing">
            <img class="teaser-image" src="image" />
            <div class="image-caption" tal:content="context/getImageCaption | nothing" />

        <div class="body" tal:content="structure context/getText" />

In addition your content-type implementation must provide the zopyx.smartprintng.plone.interfaces.IPPContent interface - either by specifying this interface as part of the class definition in your code

class MyContentType(...):


or you add the interfaces as a marker interface through ZCML


Only content objects providing the IPPContent interface are being considered during the aggregation phase of the Plone Client Connector.

For further example code, please refer to the zopyx/smartprintng/plone/browser directory. The folder integration ( shows you a more complex example and involves aggregation of other content.

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