Changelog ========= 2.1.9 (2011-11-11) ------------------ - fixed bug in makeImagesLocal() transformation where the document root has not been used properly for finding images by traversal 2.1.8 (2011-11-11) ------------------ - support for new ``SMARTPRINTNG_LOCAL_CONVERSION`` environment variable 2.1.7 (2011-11-08) ------------------ - removed some baggage in order to make distro smaller 2.1.6 (2011-11-07) ------------------ - minor fixes in handling of generated files for download 2.1.5 (2011-11-07) ------------------ - first public (open-source) release 2.1.4 (2011-10-25) ------------------ - fixed unicode/utf-8 issue in makeImagesLocal transformation 2.1.3 (2011-10-14) ------------------ - added fixAmpersand transformation 2.1.2 (2011-10-10) ------------------ - transformations for dealing with converted footnotes from Word 2.1.1 (2011-10-08) ------------------ - compatibility with Dexterity 2.1.0 (2011-09-22) ------------------ - final 2.1.0 release 2.0.9 (2011-09-20) ------------------ - fixed bug in xpath_query() (using relative query) 2.0.8 (2011-09-11) ------------------ - more cleanup 2.0.7 (2011-09-10) ------------------ - some ZCML fixes in order to avoid Plone 4.x startup failures under some conditions - restored compatibility with Plone 3.3.X 2.0.6 (2011-09-08) ------------------ - image exporter did not deal proper with duplicate image ids - minor fixes 2.0.5 (2011-09-02) ------------------ - new lxml backed transformation pipeline - more tests 2.0.4 (2011-08-26) ------------------ - logging resource registration using INFO severity - new lxml dependency 2.0.3 (2011/08/15) ------------------ - catching HTTPError in image resolver - fixed another BeautifulSoup misbehaviour in fixHeadingAfterOfficeImport() 2.0.2 (2011-08-02) ------------------ - minor fix 2.0.1 (2011-08-02) ------------------ - integration with new zip client version (Proxy2 implementation) 2.0.0 (2011-07-25) --------------------- * final release 2.0.0rc2 (2011-07-04) --------------------- * fix in logger call in 2.0.0rc1 (2011-07-01) --------------------- * don't extend images an authoring project * remove class attributes from headings after office import * added ignoreHeadingsForStructure transformation 2.0.0b2 (2011-06-16) -------------------- * minor fixes related to office data import 2.0.0b1 (2011-05-24) -------------------- * fixes related to office format input 2.0.0a3 (2011-05-17) -------------------- * added some workaround for image resolver in order to deal with images referenced through a fully specified URL with a redirection included (TQM issue) 2.0.0a2 (2011-05-14) -------------------- * minor fix in safe_get() 2.0.0a1 (2011-05-10) -------------------- * simplification and refacoring 0.7.0 (2011-02-11) ------------------- * updated for use with zopyx.authoring 1.5.X * added GenericDownloadView aka '@@ppConvert' * exported images now contain a proper extension (fixes issues with the XFC converter depending on extension for determining the image format) 0.6.24 (2010-12-09) ------------------- * added addDocumentLinks() transformation * including content ids of aggregated content 0.6.23 (2010-09-10) ------------------- * addImageCaptionsInHTML(): honour excludeFromImageEnumeration 0.6.22 (2010-09-09) ------------------- * fixed improper stripping of image names using an image scale (causing issues in the consolidated HTML view of the authoring environment) 0.6.21 (2010-08-09) ------------------- * added support '++resource++' image references (Patrick Gerken) * added support for FSImage (Patrick Gerken) 0.6.20 (2010-08-05) ------------------- * added 'removeComments' transformation * added 'makeImageSrcLocal' transformation 0.6.19 (2010-07-13) ------------------- * fixed race condition in makeImagesLocal() 0.6.18 (2010-06-14) ------------------- * images got a new PDF conversion option "Exclude from image enumeration" 0.6.17 (2010-06-12) ------------------- * inserting H1 title for consolidated HTML * added extra class to folder title for consolidated HTML 0.6.16 (2010-05-29) ------------------- * inserting space for found anchors 0.6.15 (2010-04-15) ------------------- * minor fix in image handling 0.6.14 (2010-04-14) ------------------- * minor tweaks for image caption markup 0.6.13 (2010-03-26) ------------------- * support for span.footnoteText 0.6.12 (2010-03-21) ------------------- * support for image urls 'resolveuid/' * minor fixes and tweaking in image handling (caption generation) 0.6.11 (2010-03-10) ------------------- * added document extender * document option for suppressing the title in PDF * image caption support * changed default transformations (to makeImagesLocal only) * removed TOC from default PDF template 0.6.10 (2010-03-03) ------------------- * support for request/transformations parameter * various fixes 0.6.9 (2010-02-22) ------------------ * added [[text:footnote-text]] support for generating footnotes * various changes related to zopyx.authoring integration 0.6.8 (2010-02-03) ------------------ * Folder aggregation now works with all folderish objects providing IATFolder 0.6.7 (2009-11-30) ------------------ * makeImagesLocal: better dealing with virtual hosting 0.6.6 (2009-11-15) ------------------ * fixed CSS issue with TOC markup 0.6.5 (2009-11-12) ------------------ * always use images in their original resolution * optional content information with link to the edit mode of the aggregated document (you must change the visibility of the .content-info class through CSS) * a request parameter 'show-debug-info' will enable the additional content-info view * better error handling * better logging * tweaked markup of generated TOC 0.6.3 (2009-10-27) ------------------ * refactored language handling * refactored PDF view in order to provide a low-level view returning a reference to the generated PDF file instead providing it for HTTP download 0.6.2 (2009-10-24) ------------------ * setting anti-cache headers * locale-aware sorting in PloneGlossary code 0.6.1 (2009-10-23) ------------------ * PloneGlossary integration: compare title case-insensitive (IDG project) 0.6.0 (2009-10-21) ------------------ * refactored and simplified transformation machinery 0.5.0 (2009-10-09) ------------------ * major rewrite 0.3.0 (2009-09-24) ------------------ * refactored views 0.2.0 (2009-09-23) ------------------ * more hyphenation dicts * restructured resources directory 0.1 (xxxx-xx-xx) ---------------- * Initial release