########################## Commercial Plone 4 project ########################## ************ Introduction ************ Now that you have come this far, this chapter should feel like a walk in the park. Without further ado, let's get started. The guide is using an imaginary client ``eBar Ltd.`` that needs a website on ``ebar.si``. Imaginary Plone consultancy firm is still ``Plone Boutique Ltd.``. ************* Code skeleton ************* Unfuddle ======== Create a new project with Subversion repository (use ``ebar`` for project id). Give all your colleagues permissions on this project. Now prepare your new Unfuddle Subversion repository by adding base folders: .. sourcecode:: bash ~$ svn mkdir http://boutique.unfuddle.com/svn/boutique_ebar/{trunk,branches,tags} -m 'Added base folders' Cloud server ============ Login to ``manage.rackspacecloud.com`` and navigate to Cloud Server and click ``Add Server``. Choose ``CentOS 5.5`` for distro and ``265 MB`` for instance size. For ``Server Name`` enter ``ebar``. Write down server's IP and root password. You'll need it for generating a project skeleton with ZopeSkel. ZopeSkel ======== Prepare ZopeSkel ---------------- Install/Upgrade ZopeSkel to latest version. .. sourcecode:: bash $ sudo easy_install -U ZopeSkel Install/Upgrade zopeskel.niteoweb to latest version. .. sourcecode:: bash $ sudo easy_install -U zopeskel.niteoweb Generate code ------------- Run ZopeSkel to generate a skeleton based on niteoweb_project template (the one we use for all Plone Boutique projects). .. sourcecode:: bash $ cd ~/work $ bin/paster create -t niteoweb_project boutique.ebar Expert Mode? (What question mode would you like? (easy/expert/all)?) ['easy']: easy Description (One-line description of the project) ['Plone Boutique commercial project for eBar.si']: Hostname (Domain on which this project will run on.) ['ebar.si']: ebar.si IP (IP of production server. Leave default if you don't have one yet) ['']: Temporary root password (Temporary password for root user on production server. Leave default if you don't have one yet) ['root_password_here']: ebarM4Q8fsN90 Maintenance users (Usernames of administrators that will have access to your production server, separated with commas.) ['bob,jane']: bob,jane Headquarters hostname (Domain on which your Headquarters server is running.) ['ploneboutique.com']: ploneboutique.com Maintenance IP (IP on which your Headquarters server is listening.) ['']: Commit project skeleton ----------------------- Ok, skeleton is ready. Commit it to Subversion and continue working on it: .. sourcecode:: bash # Checkout Unfuddle's Subversion repository for this project work$ cd boutique.headquarters/ boutique.ebar$ svn co http://boutique.unfuddle.com/svn/boutique_ebar/trunk ./ # Commit code skeleton boutique.ebar$ svn add * boutique.ebar$ svn ci -m "added project skeleton" # Set svn:ignore, instructions how to do this are also in svnignore files boutique.ebar$ svn propset svn:ignore -F svnignore ./ boutique.ebar$ svn propset svn:ignore -F docs/svnignore ./docs boutique.ebar$ svn propset svn:ignore -F etc/svnignore ./etc boutique.ebar$ svn up boutique.ebar$ svn ci -m "set svn:ignore" ***************** Plone Development ***************** Development environment ======================= Use zc.buildout to prepare your development environment for you:: .. sourcecode:: bash # Create symlink to development.cfg so you don't have to append '-c buildout.cfg' all the time boutique.ebar$ ln -s development.cfg buildout.cfg boutique.ebar$ svn add buildout.cfg && svn ci -m "added soft-link to development.cfg" # Make an isolated Python environment boutique.ebar$ virtualenv -p python2.6 --no-site-packages ./ # Bootstrap zc.buildout boutique.ebar$ bin/python bootstrap.py # Build development/deployment environment boutique.ebar$ bin/buildout .. note:: Pin down egg versions by copying the last lines of output into versions.cfg. This makes sure that if you run this buildout in a year you will get the same versions of packages. Headquarters ============ Before you start developing and deploying Plone, add this project to Sphinx and Hudson on Headquarters server:: boutique.ebar$ bin/buildout -c development.cfg boutique.ebar$ bin/fab add_project_to_sphinx boutique.ebar$ bin/fab add_project_to_hudson Start it up! ============ You are now ready to start Zope in development mode, create your first Plone site and hack away:: boutique.ebar$ bin/zope fg Plone Development ================= You are now ready to start customizing Plone to your needs. Properties ---------- Open src/boutique/ebar/profiles/default/properties.xml and set some site properties. Read more about these XMLs: (TODO: links and pointers to GenericSetup documentation) - http://plone.org/documentation/kb/genericsetup - http://plone.org/documentation/manual/developer-manual/generic-setup Theming ------- Add your custom CSS and JS to ``ebar.css`` and ``ebar.js`` that you have in ``src/boutique/ebar/skins/ebar_css/ebar.css`` and ``src/boutique/ebar/skins/ebar_js/ebar.js``. Both files are already registered with Plone, for your convenience. Plone theming is a broad subject and is out of scope of this guide. Read more about theming: - http://plone.org/products/collective.xdv/documentation/reference-manual/theming - http://plone.org/documentation/kb/advanced-xdv-theming Testing your code ================= Test if your product is correctly installed in Plone by running ``bin/test -s boutique.ebar``. Testing your Plone codeis a broad subject and is out of scope of this guide. Read more about testing: - http://plone.org/documentation/manual/developer-manual/testing - http://plone.org/documentation/kb/testing **************** Plone Deployment **************** Now here is where true fun begins and the value of zopeskel.niteoweb ZopeSkel template shows it's value. You will deploy your Plone site to a Rackspace Cloud server running CentOS in a matter of minutes without ever connecting to the server. Bootstrap the server ==================== Re-generate Fabric command file and deploy on server:: boutique.ebar$ bin/buildout boutique.ebar$ bin/deploy Set local DNS settings ====================== You don't have to use DNS yet, having IP's mapped to hostnames in your local machine is enough for now. Adding the lines below to ``/etc/hosts`` does the trick. Note that you may have to restart your browser for changes to be applied:: boutique.headquarters$ sudo nano /etc/hosts .. sourcecode:: bash ebar.si You should be able to open http://ebar.si/ in your browser and see a your Plone site. Redeploy ======== Every time you do changes to your code, configuration or data, you simply use one of Fabric commands to perform deployment or update on the server:: boutique.ebar$ bin/fab reload_nginx_config boutique.ebar$ bin/fab update_static_files boutique.ebar$ bin/fab update_code boutique.ebar$ bin/fab run_buildout boutique.ebar$ bin/fab upload_data boutique.ebar$ bin/fab download_data boutique.ebar$ bin/fab restart supervisor_command