__init__ module
__author__ = 'Max Buck'
__email__ = 'maxbuckdeveloper@gmail.com'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__package__ = 'zipcode'
__version__ = '2.0.0'
import sqlite3 as db
import os
from haversine import haversine
import math
_db_filename = 'zipcode.db'
_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
_zipcodedb_location = os.path.join(_directory, _db_filename)
_conn = db.connect(_zipcodedb_location)
_cur = _conn.cursor()
# positions
_CITY= 2
_STATE = 3
_LAT = 5
_LONG = 6
_XAXIS = 7
_YAXIS = 8
_ZAXIS = 9
_NOTES = 18
class Zip(object):
"""The zip code object."""
def __init__(self, zip_tuple):
self.zip = zip_tuple[_ZIP_CODE]
"""The 5 digit zip code"""
self.zip_type = zip_tuple[_ZIP_CODE_TYPE]
"""The type of zip code according to USPS: 'UNIQUE', 'PO BOX', or 'STANDARD'"""
self.city = zip_tuple[_CITY]
"""The primary city associated with the zip code according to USPS"""
self.state = zip_tuple[_STATE]
"""The state associated with the zip code according to USPS"""
self._location_type = zip_tuple[_LOCATION_TYPE]
# This value will always be 'Primary'. Secondary and 'Not Acceptable' placenames have been removed.
self.lat = zip_tuple[_LAT]
"""The latitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data"""
self.lon = zip_tuple[_LONG]
"""The longitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data"""
self._xaxis = zip_tuple[_XAXIS]
self._yaxis = zip_tuple[_YAXIS]
self._zaxis = zip_tuple[_ZAXIS]
self._world_region = zip_tuple[_WORLD_REGION]
# This value will always be NA for North America
self._country = zip_tuple[_WORLD_REGION]
# This value will always be US for United States -- This includes Embassy's, Military Bases, and Territories
self.location_text = zip_tuple[_LOCATION_TEXT]
"""The city with its state or territory. Example: 'Cleveland, OH' or 'Anasco, PR'"""
self.location = zip_tuple[_LOCATION]
"""A string formatted as WORLD_REGION-COUNTRY-STATE-CITY. Example: 'NA-US-PR-ANASCO'"""
self.decommisioned = zip_tuple[_DECOMMISIONED]
"""A boolean value that reveals if a zipcode is still in use"""
self.tax_returns_filed = zip_tuple[_TAX_RETURNS_FILED]
"""Number of tax returns filed for the zip code in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self.population = zip_tuple[_ESTIMATED_POPULATION]
"""Estimated population in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self.wages = zip_tuple[_TOTAL_WAGES]
"""Total wages according in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self._notes = zip_tuple[_NOTES]
# Not empty when there is no NWS data.
def __repr__(self):
return ''.format(zip=self.zip)
def to_dict(self):
vars_self = vars(self)
bad_key_list = [x for x in vars_self.keys() if x[0] == '_']
for key in vars_self.keys():
if key in bad_key_list:
del vars_self[key]
return vars_self
def _make_zip_list(list_of_zip_tuples):
zip_list = list()
for zip_tuple in list_of_zip_tuples:
z = Zip(zip_tuple)
return zip_list
def _validate(zipcode):
if not isinstance(zipcode, str):
raise TypeError('zipcode should be a string')
int(zipcode) # This could throw an error if zip is not made of numbers
return True
def islike(zipcode):
"""Takes a partial zip code and returns a list of zipcode objects with matching prefixes."""
_cur.execute('SELECT * FROM ZIPS WHERE ZIP_CODE LIKE ?', ['{zipcode}%'.format(zipcode=str(zipcode))])
return _make_zip_list(_cur.fetchall())
def isequal(zipcode):
"""Takes a zipcode and returns the matching zipcode object. If it does not exist, None is returned"""
_cur.execute('SELECT * FROM ZIPS WHERE ZIP_CODE == ?', [str(zipcode)])
row = _cur.fetchone()
if row:
return Zip(row)
return None
def isinradius(point, distance):
"""Takes a tuple of (lat, lon) where lon and lat are floats, and a distance in miles. Returns a list of zipcodes near the point."""
zips_in_radius = list()
if not isinstance(point, tuple):
raise TypeError('point should be a tuple of floats')
for f in point:
if not isinstance(f, float):
raise TypeError('lat and lon must be of type float')
dist_btwn_lat_deg = 69.172
dist_btwn_lon_deg = math.cos(point[0]) * 69.172
lat_degr_rad = float(distance)/dist_btwn_lat_deg
lon_degr_rad = float(distance)/dist_btwn_lon_deg
latmin = point[0] - lat_degr_rad
latmax = point[0] + lat_degr_rad
lonmin = point[1] - lon_degr_rad
lonmax = point[1] + lon_degr_rad
if latmin > latmax:
latmin, latmax = latmax, latmin
if lonmin > lonmax:
lonmin, lonmax = lonmax, lonmin
stmt = ('SELECT * FROM ZIPS WHERE LONG > {lonmin} AND LONG < {lonmax}\
AND LAT > {latmin} AND LAT < {latmax}')
_cur.execute(stmt.format(lonmin=lonmin, lonmax=lonmax, latmin=latmin, latmax=latmax))
results = _cur.fetchall()
for row in results:
if haversine(point, (row[_LAT], row[_LONG])) <= distance:
return zips_in_radius
def isequal(
Takes a zipcode and returns the matching zipcode object. If it does not exist, None is returned
def isequal(zipcode):
"""Takes a zipcode and returns the matching zipcode object. If it does not exist, None is returned"""
_cur.execute('SELECT * FROM ZIPS WHERE ZIP_CODE == ?', [str(zipcode)])
row = _cur.fetchone()
if row:
return Zip(row)
return None
def isinradius(
point, distance)
Takes a tuple of (lat, lon) where lon and lat are floats, and a distance in miles. Returns a list of zipcodes near the point.
def isinradius(point, distance):
"""Takes a tuple of (lat, lon) where lon and lat are floats, and a distance in miles. Returns a list of zipcodes near the point."""
zips_in_radius = list()
if not isinstance(point, tuple):
raise TypeError('point should be a tuple of floats')
for f in point:
if not isinstance(f, float):
raise TypeError('lat and lon must be of type float')
dist_btwn_lat_deg = 69.172
dist_btwn_lon_deg = math.cos(point[0]) * 69.172
lat_degr_rad = float(distance)/dist_btwn_lat_deg
lon_degr_rad = float(distance)/dist_btwn_lon_deg
latmin = point[0] - lat_degr_rad
latmax = point[0] + lat_degr_rad
lonmin = point[1] - lon_degr_rad
lonmax = point[1] + lon_degr_rad
if latmin > latmax:
latmin, latmax = latmax, latmin
if lonmin > lonmax:
lonmin, lonmax = lonmax, lonmin
stmt = ('SELECT * FROM ZIPS WHERE LONG > {lonmin} AND LONG < {lonmax}\
AND LAT > {latmin} AND LAT < {latmax}')
_cur.execute(stmt.format(lonmin=lonmin, lonmax=lonmax, latmin=latmin, latmax=latmax))
results = _cur.fetchall()
for row in results:
if haversine(point, (row[_LAT], row[_LONG])) <= distance:
return zips_in_radius
def islike(
Takes a partial zip code and returns a list of zipcode objects with matching prefixes.
def islike(zipcode):
"""Takes a partial zip code and returns a list of zipcode objects with matching prefixes."""
_cur.execute('SELECT * FROM ZIPS WHERE ZIP_CODE LIKE ?', ['{zipcode}%'.format(zipcode=str(zipcode))])
return _make_zip_list(_cur.fetchall())
class Zip
The zip code object.
class Zip(object):
"""The zip code object."""
def __init__(self, zip_tuple):
self.zip = zip_tuple[_ZIP_CODE]
"""The 5 digit zip code"""
self.zip_type = zip_tuple[_ZIP_CODE_TYPE]
"""The type of zip code according to USPS: 'UNIQUE', 'PO BOX', or 'STANDARD'"""
self.city = zip_tuple[_CITY]
"""The primary city associated with the zip code according to USPS"""
self.state = zip_tuple[_STATE]
"""The state associated with the zip code according to USPS"""
self._location_type = zip_tuple[_LOCATION_TYPE]
# This value will always be 'Primary'. Secondary and 'Not Acceptable' placenames have been removed.
self.lat = zip_tuple[_LAT]
"""The latitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data"""
self.lon = zip_tuple[_LONG]
"""The longitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data"""
self._xaxis = zip_tuple[_XAXIS]
self._yaxis = zip_tuple[_YAXIS]
self._zaxis = zip_tuple[_ZAXIS]
self._world_region = zip_tuple[_WORLD_REGION]
# This value will always be NA for North America
self._country = zip_tuple[_WORLD_REGION]
# This value will always be US for United States -- This includes Embassy's, Military Bases, and Territories
self.location_text = zip_tuple[_LOCATION_TEXT]
"""The city with its state or territory. Example: 'Cleveland, OH' or 'Anasco, PR'"""
self.location = zip_tuple[_LOCATION]
"""A string formatted as WORLD_REGION-COUNTRY-STATE-CITY. Example: 'NA-US-PR-ANASCO'"""
self.decommisioned = zip_tuple[_DECOMMISIONED]
"""A boolean value that reveals if a zipcode is still in use"""
self.tax_returns_filed = zip_tuple[_TAX_RETURNS_FILED]
"""Number of tax returns filed for the zip code in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self.population = zip_tuple[_ESTIMATED_POPULATION]
"""Estimated population in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self.wages = zip_tuple[_TOTAL_WAGES]
"""Total wages according in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self._notes = zip_tuple[_NOTES]
# Not empty when there is no NWS data.
def __repr__(self):
return ''.format(zip=self.zip)
def to_dict(self):
vars_self = vars(self)
bad_key_list = [x for x in vars_self.keys() if x[0] == '_']
for key in vars_self.keys():
if key in bad_key_list:
del vars_self[key]
return vars_self
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Zip
- __builtin__.object
Instance variables
var city
The primary city associated with the zip code according to USPS
var decommisioned
A boolean value that reveals if a zipcode is still in use
var lat
The latitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data
var location
var location_text
The city with its state or territory. Example: 'Cleveland, OH' or 'Anasco, PR'
var lon
The longitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data
var population
Estimated population in 2008 according to the IRS
var state
The state associated with the zip code according to USPS
var tax_returns_filed
Number of tax returns filed for the zip code in 2008 according to the IRS
var wages
Total wages according in 2008 according to the IRS
var zip
The 5 digit zip code
var zip_type
The type of zip code according to USPS: 'UNIQUE', 'PO BOX', or 'STANDARD'
def __init__(
self, zip_tuple)
def __init__(self, zip_tuple):
self.zip = zip_tuple[_ZIP_CODE]
"""The 5 digit zip code"""
self.zip_type = zip_tuple[_ZIP_CODE_TYPE]
"""The type of zip code according to USPS: 'UNIQUE', 'PO BOX', or 'STANDARD'"""
self.city = zip_tuple[_CITY]
"""The primary city associated with the zip code according to USPS"""
self.state = zip_tuple[_STATE]
"""The state associated with the zip code according to USPS"""
self._location_type = zip_tuple[_LOCATION_TYPE]
# This value will always be 'Primary'. Secondary and 'Not Acceptable' placenames have been removed.
self.lat = zip_tuple[_LAT]
"""The latitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data"""
self.lon = zip_tuple[_LONG]
"""The longitude associated with the zipcode according to the National Weather Service. This can be empty when there is no NWS Data"""
self._xaxis = zip_tuple[_XAXIS]
self._yaxis = zip_tuple[_YAXIS]
self._zaxis = zip_tuple[_ZAXIS]
self._world_region = zip_tuple[_WORLD_REGION]
# This value will always be NA for North America
self._country = zip_tuple[_WORLD_REGION]
# This value will always be US for United States -- This includes Embassy's, Military Bases, and Territories
self.location_text = zip_tuple[_LOCATION_TEXT]
"""The city with its state or territory. Example: 'Cleveland, OH' or 'Anasco, PR'"""
self.location = zip_tuple[_LOCATION]
"""A string formatted as WORLD_REGION-COUNTRY-STATE-CITY. Example: 'NA-US-PR-ANASCO'"""
self.decommisioned = zip_tuple[_DECOMMISIONED]
"""A boolean value that reveals if a zipcode is still in use"""
self.tax_returns_filed = zip_tuple[_TAX_RETURNS_FILED]
"""Number of tax returns filed for the zip code in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self.population = zip_tuple[_ESTIMATED_POPULATION]
"""Estimated population in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self.wages = zip_tuple[_TOTAL_WAGES]
"""Total wages according in 2008 according to the IRS"""
self._notes = zip_tuple[_NOTES]
def to_dict(
def to_dict(self):
vars_self = vars(self)
bad_key_list = [x for x in vars_self.keys() if x[0] == '_']
for key in vars_self.keys():
if key in bad_key_list:
del vars_self[key]
return vars_self