Source code for zenodo.modules.records.serializers.schemas.datacite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Record serialization."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import json

import arrow
from marshmallow import Schema, fields

from ...models import ObjectType

[docs]class IdentifierSchema(Schema): """Identifier schema.""" identifier = fields.Function(lambda o: o) identifierType = fields.Constant('DOI')
[docs]class PersonSchema(Schema): """Creator/contributor common schema.""" affiliation = fields.Str() nameIdentifier = fields.Method('get_nameidentifier')
[docs] def get_nameidentifier(self, obj): """Get name identifier.""" if obj.get('orcid'): return { "nameIdentifier": obj.get('orcid'), "nameIdentifierScheme": "ORCID", "schemeURI": "" } if obj.get('gnd'): return { "nameIdentifier": obj.get('gnd'), "nameIdentifierScheme": "GND", } return {}
[docs]class CreatorSchema(PersonSchema): """Creator schema.""" creatorName = fields.Str(attribute='name')
[docs]class ContributorSchema(PersonSchema): """Contributor schema.""" contributorName = fields.Str(attribute='name') contributorType = fields.Str(attribute='type')
[docs]class TitleSchema(Schema): """Title schema.""" title = fields.Str(attribute='title')
[docs]class DateSchema(Schema): """Date schema.""" date = fields.Str(attribute='date') dateType = fields.Str(attribute='type')
[docs]class AlternateIdentifierSchema(Schema): """Alternate identifiers schema.""" alternateIdentifier = fields.Str(attribute='identifier') alternateIdentifierType = fields.Str(attribute='scheme')
[docs]class RelatedIdentifierSchema(Schema): """Alternate identifiers schema.""" relatedIdentifier = fields.Str(attribute='identifier') relatedIdentifierType = fields.Method('get_type') relationType = fields.Function( lambda o: o['relation'][0].upper() + o['relation'][1:])
[docs] def get_type(self, obj): """Get type.""" if obj['scheme'] == 'handle': return 'Handle' elif obj['scheme'] == 'ads': return 'bibcode' elif obj['scheme'] == 'arxiv': return 'arXiv' else: return obj['scheme'].upper()
[docs]class DataCiteSchemaV1(Schema): """Schema for records v1 in JSON.""" identifier = fields.Nested(IdentifierSchema, attribute='metadata.doi') creators = fields.List( fields.Nested(CreatorSchema), attribute='metadata.creators') titles = fields.List( fields.Nested(TitleSchema), attribute='metadata.title') publisher = fields.Constant('Zenodo') publicationYear = fields.Function( lambda o: str(arrow.get(o['metadata']['publication_date']).year)) subjects = fields.Method('get_subjects') contributors = fields.Method('get_contributors') # TOOD: Contributors dates = fields.Method('get_dates') language = fields.Str(attribute='metadata.language') resourceType = fields.Method('get_type') alternateIdentifiers = fields.List( fields.Nested(AlternateIdentifierSchema), attribute='metadata.alternate_identifiers', ) relatedIdentifiers = fields.Method('get_related_identifiers') rightsList = fields.Method('get_rights') descriptions = fields.Method('get_descriptions')
[docs] def get_descriptions(self, obj): """.""" items = [] desc = obj['metadata']['description'] if desc: items.append({ 'description': desc, 'descriptionType': 'Abstract' }) notes = obj['metadata'].get('notes') if notes: items.append({ 'description': notes, 'descriptionType': 'Other' }) refs = obj['metadata'].get('references') if refs: items.append({ 'description': json.dumps({ 'references': [ r['raw_reference'] for r in refs if 'raw_reference' in r] }), 'descriptionType': 'Other' }) return items
[docs] def get_rights(self, obj): """Get rights.""" # eu-repo eurepo = 'info:eu-repo/semantics/{}Access'.format( obj['metadata']['access_right']) items = [ {'rightsURI': eurepo, 'rights': '{0} access'.format( obj['metadata']['access_right']).title()} ] # license license_url = obj['metadata'].get('license', {}).get('url') license_text = obj['metadata'].get('license', {}).get('license') if license_url and license_text: items.append({ 'rightsURI': license_url, 'rights': license_text, }) return items
[docs] def get_type(self, obj): """Resource type.""" t = ObjectType.get_by_dict(obj['metadata']['resource_type']) return { 'resourceTypeGeneral': t['datacite']['general'], 'resourceType': t['datacite'].get('type'), }
[docs] def get_subjects(self, obj): """Get subjects.""" items = [] for s in obj['metadata'].get('keywords', []): items.append({'subject': s}) for s in obj['metadata'].get('subjects', []): items.append({ 'subject': s['identifier'], 'subjectScheme': s['scheme'], }) return items
[docs] def get_dates(self, obj): """Get dates.""" s = DateSchema() if obj['metadata']['access_right'] == 'embargoed' and \ obj['metadata'].get('embargo_date'): return [ s.dump(dict( date=obj['metadata']['embargo_date'], type='Available')).data, s.dump(dict( date=obj['metadata']['publication_date'], type='Accepted')).data, ] else: return [s.dump(dict( date=obj['metadata']['publication_date'], type='Issued')).data, ]
[docs] def get_contributors(self, obj): """Get contributors.""" def inject_type(c): c['type'] = 'Supervisor' return c # Contributors and supervisors s = ContributorSchema() contributors = obj['metadata'].get('contributors', []) contributors.extend([ inject_type(c) for c in obj['metadata'].get('thesis_supervisors', []) ]) items = [] for c in contributors: items.append(s.dump(c).data) # Grants s = ContributorSchema() for g in obj['metadata'].get('grants', []): funder = g.get('funder', {}).get('name') eurepo = g.get('identifiers', {}).get('eurepo') if funder and eurepo: items.append({ 'contributorName': funder, 'contributorType': 'Funder', 'nameIdentifier': { 'nameIdentifier': eurepo, 'nameIdentifierScheme': 'info', }, }) return items