.. _configuration-without-zope-3: ============================== Configuration (without Zope 3) ============================== This section discusses setting up zc.async without Zope 3. Since Zope 3 is ill-defined, we will be more specific: this describes setting up zc.async without ZCML, without any zope.app packages, and with as few dependencies as possible. A casual way of describing the dependencies is "ZODB, Twisted, and zope.component," though we directly depend on some smaller packages and indirectly on others [#specific_dependencies]_. You may have one or two kinds of configurations for your software using zc.async. The simplest approach is to have all processes able both to put items in queues, and to perform them with a dispatcher. You can then use on-the-fly ZODB configuration to determine what jobs, if any, each process' dispatcher performs. If a dispatcher has no agents in a given queue, as we'll discuss below, the dispatcher will not perform any job for that queue. However, if you want to create some processes that can only put items in a queue, and do not have a dispatcher at all, that is easy to do. We'll call this a "client" process, and the full configuration a "client/server process". As you might expect, the configuration of a client process is a subset of the configuration of the client/server process. The ``zc.async.configure`` module helps with basic configuration. The :ref:`quickstart-with-virtualenv` shows an example of using this for a very :quick start. The current text uses some of those conveniences, but focuses more on understanding the underlying patterns, rather than the conveniences. We will first describe setting up a client, non-dispatcher process, in which you only can put items in a zc.async queue; and then describe setting up a dispatcher client/server process that can be used both to request and to perform jobs. Configuring a Client Process ============================ Generally, zc.async configuration has four basic parts: component registrations, ZODB setup, ZODB configuration, and process configuration. For a client process, we'll discuss required component registrations; ZODB setup; minimal ZODB configuration; process configuration; and then circle back around for some optional component registrations. -------------------------------- Required Component Registrations -------------------------------- The required registrations can be installed for you by the ``zc.async.configure.base`` function. Most other examples in this package, such as those in the :ref:`usage` section, use this in their test setup. Again, for a quick start, you might just want to use the helper ``zc.async.configure.base`` function, and move on to the `Required ZODB Set Up`_ section below. Here, though, we will go over each required registration to briefly explain what they are. You must have three adapter registrations: IConnection to ITransactionManager, IPersistent to IConnection, and IPersistent to ITransactionManager. The ``zc.twist`` package provides all of these adapters. However, zope.app.keyreference also provides a version of the ``connection`` adapter that is identical or very similar, and that should work fine if you are already using that package in your application. >>> import zc.twist >>> import zope.component >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(zc.twist.transactionManager) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(zc.twist.connection) >>> import ZODB.interfaces >>> zope.component.provideAdapter( ... zc.twist.transactionManager, adapts=(ZODB.interfaces.IConnection,)) We also need to be able to adapt functions and methods to jobs. The zc.async.job.Job class is the expected implementation. >>> import types >>> import zc.async.interfaces >>> import zc.async.job >>> zope.component.provideAdapter( ... zc.async.job.Job, ... adapts=(types.FunctionType,), ... provides=zc.async.interfaces.IJob) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter( ... zc.async.job.Job, ... adapts=(types.MethodType,), ... provides=zc.async.interfaces.IJob) >>> zope.component.provideAdapter( # optional, rarely used ... zc.async.job.Job, ... adapts=(zc.twist.METHOD_WRAPPER_TYPE,), ... provides=zc.async.interfaces.IJob) The queue looks for the UUID utility to set the ``assignerUUID`` job attribute, and may want to use it to optionally filter jobs during ``claim`` in the future. Also, the dispatcher will look for a UUID utility if a UUID is not specifically provided to its constructor. >>> from zc.async.instanceuuid import UUID >>> zope.component.provideUtility( ... UUID, zc.async.interfaces.IUUID, '') The UUID we register here is a UUID of the instance, which is expected to uniquely identify the process when in production. It is stored in the file specified by the ``ZC_ASYNC_UUID`` environment variable (or in ``os.join(os.getcwd(), 'uuid.txt')`` if this is not specified, for easy initial experimentation with the package). >>> import uuid >>> import os >>> f = open(os.environ["ZC_ASYNC_UUID"]) >>> uuid_hex = f.readline().strip() >>> f.close() >>> uuid = uuid.UUID(uuid_hex) >>> UUID == uuid True The uuid.txt file is intended to stay in the instance home as a persistent identifier. Again, all of the required registrations above can be accomplished quickly with ``zc.async.configure.base``. -------------------- Required ZODB Set Up -------------------- On a basic level, zc.async needs a setup that supports good conflict resolution. Most or all production ZODB storages now have the necessary APIs to support MVCC. Of course, if you want to run multiple processes, you need ZEO. You should also then make sure that your ZEO server installation has all the code that includes conflict resolution, such as zc.queue, because, as of this writing, conflict resolution happens in the ZEO server, not in clients. A more subtle decision is whether to use multiple databases. The zc.async dispatcher can generate a lot of database churn. It may be wise to put the queue in a separate database from your content database(s). The downsides to this option include the fact that you must be careful to specify to which database objects belong; and that broken cross-database references are not handled gracefully in the ZODB as of this writing. We will use multiple databases for our example here, because we are trying to demonstrate production-quality examples. We will show this with a pure-Python approach, rather than the ZConfig approach usually used by Zope. If you know ZConfig, that will be a reasonable approach as well; see zope.app.appsetup for how Zope uses ZConfig to set up multidatabases. In our example, we create two file storages. In production, you might likely use ZEO; hooking ClientStorage up instead of FileStorage should be straight forward. >>> databases = {} >>> import ZODB.FileStorage >>> storage = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage( ... 'main.fs', create=True) >>> async_storage = ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage( ... 'async.fs', create=True) >>> from ZODB.DB import DB >>> databases[''] = db = DB(storage) >>> databases['async'] = async_db = DB(async_storage) >>> async_db.databases = db.databases = databases >>> db.database_name = '' >>> async_db.database_name = 'async' >>> conn = db.open() >>> root = conn.root() ------------------ ZODB Configuration ------------------ A Queue ------- All we must have for a client to be able to put jobs in a queue is ... a queue. For a quick start, the ``zc.async.subscribers`` module provides a subscriber to a DatabaseOpened event that does the right dance. See ``multidb_queue_installer`` and ``queue_installer`` in that module, and you can see that in use in :ref:`configuration-with-zope-3`. For now, though, we're taking things step by step and explaining what's going on. Dispatchers look for queues in a mapping off the root of the database in a key defined as a constant: zc.async.interfaces.KEY. This mapping should generally be a zc.async.queue.Queues object. If we were not using a multi-database for our example, we could simply install the queues mapping with this line: ``root[zc.async.interfaces.KEY] = zc.async.queue.Queues()``. We will need something a bit more baroque. We will add the queues mapping to the 'async' database, and then make it available in the main database ('') with the proper key. >>> conn2 = conn.get_connection('async') >>> import zc.async.queue >>> queues = conn2.root()['mounted_queues'] = zc.async.queue.Queues() Note that the 'mounted_queues' key in the async database is arbitrary: what we care about is the key in the database that the dispatcher will see. Now we add the object explicitly to conn2, so that the ZODB will know the "real" database in which the object lives, even though it will be also accessible from the main database. >>> conn2.add(queues) >>> root[zc.async.interfaces.KEY] = queues >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit() Now we need to put a queue in the queues collection. We can have more than one, as discussed below, but we suggest a convention of the primary queue being available in a key of '' (empty string). >>> queue = queues[''] = zc.async.queue.Queue() >>> transaction.commit() Quotas ------ We touched on quotas in the usage section. Some jobs will need to access resources that are shared across processes. A central data structure such as an index in the ZODB is a prime example, but other examples might include a network service that only allows a certain number of concurrent connections. These scenarios can be helped by quotas. Quotas are demonstrated in the usage section. For configuration, you should know these characteristics: - you cannot add a job with a quota name that is not defined in the queue [#undefined_quota_name]_; - you cannot add a quota name to a job in a queue if the quota name is not defined in the queue [#no_mutation_to_undefined]_; - you can create and remove quotas on the queue [#create_remove_quotas]_; - you can remove quotas if pending jobs have their quota names--the quota name is then ignored [#remove_quotas]_; - quotas default to a size of 1 [#default_size]_; - this can be changed at creation or later [#change_size]_; and - decreasing the size of a quota while the old quota size is filled will not affect the currently running jobs [#decreasing_affects_future]_. Multiple Queues --------------- Since we put our queues in a mapping of them, we can also create multiple queues. This can make some scenarios more convenient and simpler to reason about. For instance, while you might have agents filtering jobs as we describe above, it might be simpler to say that you have a queue for one kind of job--say, processing a video file or an audio file--and a queue for other kinds of jobs. Then it is easy and obvious to set up simple FIFO agents as desired for different dispatchers. The same kind of logic could be accomplished with agents, but it is easier to picture the multiple queues. Another use case for multiple queues might be for specialized queues, like ones that broadcast jobs. You could write a queue subclass that broadcasts copies of jobs they get to all dispatchers, aggregating results. This could be used to send "events" to all processes, or to gather statistics on certain processes, and so on. Generally, any time the application wants to be able to assert a kind of job rather than letting the agents decide what to do, having separate queues is a reasonable tool. --------------------- Process Configuration --------------------- Daemonization ------------- You often want to daemonize your software, so that you can restart it if there's a problem, keep track of it and monitor it, and so on. ZDaemon (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zdaemon) and Supervisor (http://supervisord.org/) are two fairly simple-to-use ways of doing this for both client and client/server processes. If your main application can be packaged as a setuptools distribution (egg or source release or even development egg) then you can have your main application as a zc.async client and your dispatchers running a separate zc.async-only main loop that simply includes your main application as a dependency, so the necessary software is around. You may have to do a bit more configuration on the client/server side to mimic global registries such as zope.component registrations and so on between the client and the client/servers, but this shouldn't be too bad. UUID File Location ------------------ As discussed above, the instanceuuid module will look for an environmental variable ``ZC_ASYNC_UUID`` to find the file name to use, and failing that will use ``os.join(os.getcwd(), 'uuid.txt')``. It's worth noting that daemonization tools such as ZDaemon and Supervisor (3 or greater) make setting environment values for child processes an easy (and repeatable) configuration file setting. ----------------------------------------------------- Optional Component Registrations for a Client Process ----------------------------------------------------- The only optional component registration potentially valuable for client instances that only put jobs in the queue is registering an adapter from persistent objects to a queue. The ``zc.async.queue.getDefaultQueue`` adapter does this for an adapter to the queue named '' (empty string). Since that's what we have from the `ZODB Configuration`_ above section, we'll register it. Writing your own adapter is trivial, as you can see if you look at the implementation of this function. >>> zope.component.provideAdapter(zc.async.queue.getDefaultQueue) >>> zc.async.interfaces.IQueue(root) is queue True Configuring a Client/Server Process =================================== Configuring a client/server process--something that includes a running dispatcher--means doing everything described above, plus a bit more. You need to set up and start a reactor and dispatcher; configure agents as desired to get the dispatcher to do some work; and optionally configure logging. For a quick start, the ``zc.async.subscribers`` module has some conveniences to start a threaded reactor and dispatcher, and to install agents. You might want to look at those to get started. They are also used in the Zope 3 configuration (README_3). Meanwhile, this document continues to go step-by-step instead, to try and explain the components and configuration. Even though it seems reasonable to first start a dispatcher and then set up its agents, we'll first define a subscriber to create an agent. As we'll see below, the dispatcher fires an event when it registers with a queue, and another when it activates the queue. These events give you the opportunity to register subscribers to add one or more agents to a queue, to tell the dispatcher what jobs to perform. zc.async.agent.addMainAgentActivationHandler is a reasonable starter: it adds a single agent named 'main' if one does not exist. The agent has a simple indiscriminate FIFO policy for the queue. If you want to write your own subscriber, look at this, or at the more generic subscriber in the ``zc.async.subscribers`` module. Agents are an important part of the ZODB configuration, and so are described more in depth below. >>> import zc.async.agent >>> zope.component.provideHandler( ... zc.async.agent.addMainAgentActivationHandler) This subscriber is registered for the IDispatcherActivated event; another approach might use the IDispatcherRegistered event. ----------------------- Starting the Dispatcher ----------------------- Now we can start the reactor, and start the dispatcher. In some applications this may be done with an event subscriber to DatabaseOpened, as is done in ``zc.async.subscribers``. Here, we will do it inline. Any object that conforms to the specification of zc.async.interfaces.IReactor will be usable by the dispatcher. For our example, we will use our own instance of the Twisted select-based reactor running in a separate thread. This is separate from the Twisted reactor installed in twisted.internet.reactor, and so this approach can be used with an application that does not otherwise use Twisted (for instance, a Zope application using the "classic" zope publisher). The testing module also has a reactor on which the `Usage` section relies, if you would like to see a minimal contract. Configuring the basics is fairly simple, as we'll see in a moment. The trickiest part is to handle signals cleanly. It is also optional! The dispatcher will eventually figure out that there was not a clean shut down before and take care of it. Here, though, essentially as an optimization, we install signal handlers in the main thread using ``reactor._handleSignals``. ``reactor._handleSignals`` may work in some real-world applications, but if your application already needs to handle signals you may need a more careful approach. Again, see ``zc.async.subscribers`` for some options you can explore. >>> import twisted.internet.selectreactor >>> reactor = twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor() >>> reactor._handleSignals() Now we are ready to instantiate our dispatcher. >>> import zc.async.dispatcher >>> dispatcher = zc.async.dispatcher.Dispatcher(db, reactor) Notice it has the uuid defined in instanceuuid. >>> dispatcher.UUID == UUID True Now we can start the reactor and the dispatcher in a thread. >>> import threading >>> def start(): ... dispatcher.activate() ... reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=0) ... >>> thread = threading.Thread(target=start) >>> thread.setDaemon(True) >>> thread.start() The dispatcher should be starting up now. Let's wait for it to activate. We're using a test convenience, get_poll, defined in the testing module. >>> from zc.async.testing import get_poll >>> poll = get_poll(dispatcher, 0) We're off! The events have been fired for registering and activating the dispatcher. Therefore, our subscriber to add our agent has fired. We need to begin our transaction to synchronize our view of the database. >>> t = transaction.begin() We get the collection of dispatcher agents from the queue, using the UUID. >>> dispatcher_agents = queue.dispatchers[UUID] It has one agent--the one placed by our subscriber. >>> dispatcher_agents.keys() ['main'] >>> agent = dispatcher_agents['main'] Now we have our agent! But...what is it [#stop_config_reactor]_? ------ Agents ------ Agents are the way you control what a dispatcher's worker threads do. They pick the jobs and assign them to their dispatcher when the dispatcher asks. *If a dispatcher does not have any agents in a given queue, it will not perform any tasks for that queue.* We currently have an agent that simply asks for the next available FIFO job. We are using an agent implementation that allows you to specify a callable to filter the job. That callable is now None. >>> agent.filter is None True What does a filter do? A filter takes a job and returns a value evaluated as a boolean. For instance, let's say we always wanted a certain number of threads available for working on a particular call; for the purpose of example, we'll use ``operator.mul``, though a more real-world example might be a network call or a particular call in your application. >>> import operator >>> def chooseMul(job): ... return job.callable == operator.mul ... You might want something more sophisticated, such as preferring operator.mul, but if one is not in the queue, it will take any; or doing any other priority variations. To do this, you'll want to write your own agent--possibly inheriting from the provided one and overriding ``_choose``. Let's set up another agent, in addition to the default one, that has the ``chooseMul`` policy. >>> agent2 = dispatcher_agents['mul'] = zc.async.agent.Agent(chooseMul) Another characteristic of agents is that they specify how many jobs they should pick at a time. The dispatcher actually adjusts the size of the ZODB connection pool to accommodate its agents' size. The default is 3. >>> agent.size 3 >>> agent2.size 3 We can change that at creation or later. Finally, it's worth noting that agents contain the jobs that are currently worked on by the dispatcher, on their behalf; and have a ``completed`` collection of the more recent completed jobs, beginning with the most recently completed job. ---------------------- Logging and Monitoring ---------------------- Logs are sent to the ``zc.async.events`` log for big events, like startup and shutdown, and errors. Poll and job logs are sent to ``zc.async.trace``. Configure the standard Python logging module as usual to send these logs where you need. Be sure to auto-rotate the trace logs. The package supports monitoring using zc.monitor. Using this package includes only a very few additional dependencies: zc.monitor, simplejson, and zc.ngi. An example of setting it up without Zope 3 is in the end of :ref:`quickstart-with-virtualenv`. If you would like to use it, see that document, monitor.txt in the package, and our next section: :ref:`configuration-with-zope-3`. Otherwise, if you want to roll your own monitoring, glance at monitor.py and monitordb.py--you'll see that you should be able to reuse most of the heavy lifting, so it should be pretty easy to hook up the basic data another way. >>> reactor.stop() .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#specific_dependencies] More specifically, as of this writing, these are the minimal egg dependencies (including indirect dependencies): - pytz A Python time zone library - rwproperty A small package of descriptor conveniences - uuid The uuid module included in Python 2.5 - zc.dict A ZODB-aware dict implementation based on BTrees. - zc.queue A ZODB-aware queue - zc.twist Conveniences for working with Twisted and the ZODB - twisted The Twisted internet library. - ZConfig A general configuration package coming from the Zope project with which the ZODB tests. - zdaemon A general daemon tool coming from the Zope project. - ZODB3 The Zope Object Database. - zope.bforest Aggregations of multiple BTrees into a single dict-like structure, reasonable for rotating data structures, among other purposes. - zope.component A way to hook together code by contract. - zope.deferredimport A way to defer imports in Python packages, often to prevent circular import problems. - zope.deprecation A small framework for deprecating features. - zope.event An exceedingly small event framework that derives its power from zope.component. - zope.i18nmessageid A way to specify strings to be translated. - zope.interface A way to specify code contracts and other data structures. - zope.proxy A way to proxy other Python objects. - zope.testing Testing extensions and helpers. The next section, :ref:`configuration-with-zope-3`, still tries to limit dependencies--we only rely on additional packages zc.z3monitor, simplejson, and zope.app.appsetup ourselves--but as of this writing zope.app.appsetup ends up dragging in a large chunk of zope.app.* packages. Hopefully that will be refactored in Zope itself, and our full Zope 3 configuration can benefit from the reduced indirect dependencies. .. [#undefined_quota_name] >>> import operator >>> import zc.async.job >>> job = zc.async.job.Job(operator.mul, 5, 2) >>> job.quota_names = ['content catalog'] >>> job.quota_names ('content catalog',) >>> queue.put(job) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('unknown quota name', 'content catalog') >>> len(queue) 0 .. [#no_mutation_to_undefined] >>> job.quota_names = () >>> job is queue.put(job) True >>> job.quota_names = ('content catalog',) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ('unknown quota name', 'content catalog') >>> job.quota_names () .. [#create_remove_quotas] >>> list(queue.quotas) [] >>> queue.quotas.create('testing') >>> list(queue.quotas) ['testing'] >>> queue.quotas.remove('testing') >>> list(queue.quotas) [] .. [#remove_quotas] >>> queue.quotas.create('content catalog') >>> job.quota_names = ('content catalog',) >>> queue.quotas.remove('content catalog') >>> job.quota_names ('content catalog',) >>> job is queue.claim() True >>> len(queue) 0 .. [#default_size] >>> queue.quotas.create('content catalog') >>> queue.quotas['content catalog'].size 1 .. [#change_size] >>> queue.quotas['content catalog'].size = 2 >>> queue.quotas['content catalog'].size 2 >>> queue.quotas.create('frobnitz account', size=3) >>> queue.quotas['frobnitz account'].size 3 .. [#decreasing_affects_future] >>> job1 = zc.async.job.Job(operator.mul, 5, 2) >>> job2 = zc.async.job.Job(operator.mul, 5, 2) >>> job3 = zc.async.job.Job(operator.mul, 5, 2) >>> job1.quota_names = job2.quota_names = job3.quota_names = ( ... 'content catalog',) >>> job1 is queue.put(job1) True >>> job2 is queue.put(job2) True >>> job3 is queue.put(job3) True >>> job1 is queue.claim() True >>> job2 is queue.claim() True >>> print queue.claim() None >>> quota = queue.quotas['content catalog'] >>> len(quota) 2 >>> list(quota) == [job1, job2] True >>> quota.filled True >>> quota.size = 1 >>> quota.filled True >>> print queue.claim() None >>> job1() 10 >>> print queue.claim() None >>> len(quota) 1 >>> list(quota) == [job2] True >>> job2() 10 >>> job3 is queue.claim() True >>> list(quota) == [job3] True >>> len(quota) 1 >>> job3() 10 >>> print queue.claim() None >>> len(queue) 0 >>> quota.clean() >>> len(quota) 0 >>> quota.filled False .. [#stop_config_reactor] We don't want the live dispatcher for our demos, actually. See dispatcher.txt to see the live dispatcher actually in use. So, here we'll stop the "real" reactor and switch to a testing one. >>> reactor.callFromThread(reactor.stop) >>> thread.join(3) >>> assert not dispatcher.activated, 'dispatcher did not deactivate' >>> import zc.async.testing >>> reactor = zc.async.testing.Reactor() >>> dispatcher._reactor = reactor >>> dispatcher.activate() >>> reactor.start()