Introduction to yara-ctypes-python ================================== What is yara-ctypes: * A powerful python wrapper for `yara-project's libyara v1.6`_. * Supports thread safe matching of YARA rules. * namespace management to allow easy loading of multiple YARA rules into a single libyara context. * Comes with a scan module which exposes a user CLI and demonstrates a pattern for executing match jobs across a thread pool. Why: * ctypes releases the GIL on system function calls... Run your PC to its true potential. * No more building the PyC extension... * I found a few bugs and memory leaks and wanted to make my life simple. As a reference and guide to yara-ctypes see: `yara-ctypes documentation`_ For additional tips / tricks with this wrapper feel free to post a question at the github `yara-ctypes/issues`_ page. Project hosting provided by ``_. [] Getting started =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 howto/install.rst howto/scan.rst howto/build.rst Reference ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 yara/scan.rst yara/cli.rst yara/rules.rst yara/libyara_wrapper.rst Indices and tables =================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. .. _yara-ctypes/issues: .. _notes on building: .. _yara-ctypes documentation: .. _yara-project's libyara v1.6: