xSGE GUI Toolkit

xSGE is a collection of extensions for the SGE licensed under the GNU General Public License. They are designed to give additional features to free/libre software games which aren’t necessary, but are nice to have.

xSGE extensions are not dependent on any particular SGE implementation. They should work with any implementation that follows the specification.

This extension provides a simple toolkit for adding GUIs to a SGE game as well as support for modal dialog boxes.

To use this extension, you must call xsge_gui.init() sometime between the creation of the sge.dsp.Game object and the start of the game.


The colors used by this module. They can be safely changed, but be sure to call redraw() on all windows and widgets that would be affected; some changes might not become visible until you do.


The fonts used by this module. They can be safely changed, but be sure to call redraw() on all windows and widgets that would be affected; some changes might not become visible until you do.


The sprites used by this module. They can be safely changed, but be sure to call redraw() on all windows and widgets that would be affected; some changes might not become visible until you do.


A list of keys which, when pressed, will give keyboard focus to the next available window.

Default value: []


A list of keys which, when pressed, will give keyboard focus to the previous available window.

Default value: []


A list of keys which, when pressed, will give keyboard focus to the next available widget on the window which has keyboard focus.

Default value: ["tab"]


A list of keys which, when pressed, will give keyboard focus to the previous available widget on the window which has keyboard focus.

Default value: []


A list of keys to treat as left arrows.

Default value: ["left"]


A list of keys to treat as right arrows.

Default value: ["right"]


A list of keys to treat as up arrows.

Default value: ["up"]


A list of keys to treat as down arrows.

Default value: ["down"]


A list of keys to treat as Enter keys.

Default value: ["enter", "kp_enter"]


A list of keys to treat as Escape keys.

Default value: ["escape"]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events which will give keyboard focus to the next available window.

The tuples should contain, in order, the following values:

  1. The number of the joystick, where 0 is the first joystick.
  2. The type of event. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.
  3. The number of the joystick control, where 0 is the first control of its type on the joystick.

Default value: []


A list of tuples indicating joystick events which will give keyboard focus to the previous available window.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: []


A list of tuples indicating joystick events which will give keyboard focus to the next available widget on the window which has keyboard focus.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: [(0, "button", 8)]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events which will give keyboard focus to the previous available widget on the window which has keyboard focus.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: []


A list of tuples indicating joystick events to treat as left arrows.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: [(0, "axis-", 0), (0, "hat_left", 0)]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events to treat as right arrows.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: [(0, "axis+", 0), (0, "hat_right", 0)]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events to treat as up arrows.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: [(0, "axis-", 1), (0, "hat_up", 0)]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events to treat as down arrows.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: [(0, "axis+", 1), (0, "hat_down", 0)]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events to treat as Enter keys.

See the documentation for next_window_joystick_events for more information.

Default value: [(0, "button", 9)]


A list of tuples indicating joystick events to treat as Escape keys.

Default value: []


The amount of tilt on a joystick that should be considered “triggered” for the purpose of navigating menus.

xsge_gui Classes


class xsge_gui.Handler[source]

An object of this class needs to exist in any room where windows are to be used. It feeds SGE events to the windows so they can react to user input. It also refreshes all windows every frame.


A list of all windows that are currently handled by this handler.

You don’t need to modify this list manually. Instead, use xsge_gui.Window.show() and xsge_gui.Window.hide() to add and remove windows from this list, respectively.


The window that currently has keyboard focus, or None if no window has focus.

xsge_gui.Handler Methods


Return the window that currently has mouse focus. The window with mouse focus is the one which is closest to the front that is touching the mouse cursor.

Return None if no window has focus.


class xsge_gui.Window(parent, x, y, width, height, title='', background_color=None, border=True)[source]

Window objects are used to contain widgets. They can be moved around the game window by the user.


A weak reference to this window’s parent handler object, which is used to display it when it is supposed to be visible.

If a strong reference is assigned to this attribute, it will automatically be changed to a weak reference.


The horizontal position of the window relative to the game window.


The vertical position of the window relative to the game window.


The width of the window.


The height of the window.


The text that shows up in the title bar of the window.


The color of this window’s background. If set to None, it becomes the same value as xsge_gui.window_background_color.


Whether or not the window has a border. If this is False, the window cannot be moved or resized by the user, and title will not be displayed.


A list of this window’s widgets.


The widget which currently has keyboard focus within this window, or None if no widget has keyboard focus within this window.


The sprite this window currently displays as itself.

xsge_gui.Window Methods


Add this window to its parent handler.


Remove this window from its parent handler.


Move this window in front of all other windows.


Move this window behind all other windows.


An alias for xsge_gui.Window.hide().


Re-draw this window’s sprite.

Call this method if you change any variables that should affect this window’s appearance. For performance reasons, the changes won’t show up in an existing window until this method is called.


Project this window onto the game window.

This method must be called every frame for the window to be visible.


Return whether or not the mouse is on the title bar.


Return the widget in this window with mouse focus. The widget with mouse focus is the one which is closest to the front that is touching the mouse cursor.

Return None if no widget has focus.

xsge_gui.Window Event Methods

Window.event_step(time_passed, delta_mult)[source]

Called once every frame, before refreshing. See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.


Called when keyboard_focused_widget changes as a result of a key or joystick event being pressed.

Window.event_key_press(key, char)[source]

Called when a key is pressed while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


Called when a key is released while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.


Called when a mouse button is pressed while this window has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


Called when a mouse button is released while this window has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Window.event_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)[source]

Called when a joystick axis is moved while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Window.event_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick hat is moved while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Window.event_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick trackball is moved while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Window.event_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is pressed while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Window.event_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is released while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.

Window.event_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)[source]

Called when a joystick event occurs while this window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.inputJoystickEvent for more information.


Called when a key in left_keys or a joystick event in left_joystick_events is pressed while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in right_keys or a joystick event in right_joystick_events is pressed while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in up_keys or a joystick event in up_joystick_events is pressed while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in down_keys or a joystick event in down_joystick_events is pressed while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in enter_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is pressed while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in escape_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is pressed while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in left_keys or a joystick event in left_joystick_events is released while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in right_keys or a joystick event in right_joystick_events is released while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in up_keys or a joystick event in up_joystick_events is released while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in down_keys or a joystick event in down_joystick_events is released while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in enter_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is released while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in escape_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is released while this window has keyboard focus.


Called when a mouse button is pressed on top of this window’s title bar (top border). See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


Called when a mouse button is released on top of this window’s title bar (top border). See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Window.event_global_key_press(key, char)[source]

Called when a key is pressed, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


Called when a key is released, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.


Called when a mouse button is pressed, regardless of which window has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


Called when a mouse button is released, regardless of which window has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Window.event_global_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)[source]

Called when a joystick axis is moved, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Window.event_global_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick hat is moved, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Window.event_global_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick trackball is moved, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Window.event_global_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is pressed, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Window.event_global_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is released, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.

Window.event_global_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)[source]

Called when a joystick event occurs, regardless of which window has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.inputJoystickEvent for more information.


Called when the “X” button in the top-right corner of the window is pressed.

By default, this calls xsge_gui.Window.destroy().


class xsge_gui.Dialog(parent, x, y, width, height, title='', background_color=None, border=True)[source]

Dialog class.

Dialogs are windows with their own loops, also called modal windows. They are used for tasks that must be completed before the main program continues, such as pop-up messages.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Window for more information.

xsge_gui.Dialog Methods

In addition to methods inherited from xsge_gui.Window, the following methods are also available:


Show this dialog and start its loop.

Like xsge_gui.Window.show(), this method adds the dialog to its parent. It then starts this dialog’s loop. Call xsge_gui.Dialog.hide() on this dialog to end the loop.


class xsge_gui.MenuWindow(parent, x, y, width, height, title='', background_color=sge.gfx.Color("#00000000"), border=False)[source]

Meant to be used with xsge_gui.MenuItem widgets to create keyboard-navigated menus. Has no border by default. If one of the keys in enter_keys or one of the joystick events in enter_joystick_events is pressed, choice is set to the index within widgets of the widget which currently has keyboard focus, the window is closed, and event_choose() is called. If one of the keys in escape_keys or one of the joystick events in escape_joystick_events is pressed, the window is closed and event_choose() is called.


The menu item chosen. If no menu item has been chosen, it is set to None.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Window for more information.

xsge_gui.MenuWindow Methods

In addition to the methods inherited from xsge_gui.Window, the following methods are also available:

classmethod MenuWindow.from_text(parent, x, y, items, font_normal=None, color_normal=None, font_selected=None, color_selected=None, background_color=sge.gfx.Color("#00000000"), height=None, margin=0, halign='left', valign='top')[source]

Return a menu created automatically from a list of strings.


  • x – The horizontal location of the window within the room. Affected by halign.
  • y – The vertical location of the window within the room. Affected by valign.
  • items – A list of strings to use as the menu’s items.
  • font_normal – The default font to use.
  • color_normal – The default color to use.
  • font_selected – The font to use for the currently selected item. If set to None, the default font will be used.
  • color_selected – The color to use for the currently selected item. If set to None, the default color will be used.
  • height – The height of the menu. If set to None, it will be the sum of the items’ height.
  • margin – The size of the margin around the menu.
  • halign – The horizontal alignment of the menu. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.
  • valign – The vertical alignment of the menu. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.

xsge_gui.MenuWindow Event Methods

In addition to the event methods inherited from xsge_gui.Window, the following event methods are also available:


Called when a menu item is chosen.


class xsge_gui.MenuDialog(parent, x, y, width, height, title='', background_color=sge.gfx.Color("#00000000"), border=False)[source]

Inherits both MenuWindow and Dialog.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Dialog for more information.


class xsge_gui.MessageDialog(parent, message='', title='Message', buttons=('Ok', ), default=-1, width=320, height=None)[source]

This dialog shows a message box and accepts button input. All buttons cause the dialog to close and set choice to the button pressed.


The button clicked. If a button hasn’t been clicked (i.e. the dialog hasn’t yet been closed or was closed by clicking on the close button), it is set to None.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Dialog for more information.


class xsge_gui.TextEntryDialog(parent, message='', title='Text Entry', text='', width=320, height=None)[source]

This dialog shows a message and has the user enter some text. Two buttons are shown: a “Cancel” button that closes the dialog, and an “Ok” button that sets text to the text entered and then closes the dialog.


The text entered after the “Ok” button is clicked. If the “Ok” button hasn’t been clicked, this is None.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Dialog for more information.


class xsge_gui.Widget(parent, x, y, z, sprite=None, index=None)[source]

Widget objects are things like controls and decorations that exist on windows.


A weak reference to this widget’s parent window.

If a strong reference is assigned to this attribute, it will automatically be changed to a weak reference.


The horizontal position of the widget relative to its parent window.


The vertical position of the widget relative to its parent window.


The Z-axis position of the widget. Widgets with a higher Z-axis value are in front of widgets with a lower Z-axis value. This value is not connected in any way to Z-axis values in the SGE.


The sprite this widget displays as itself.


Indicates the “position” this widget is in for the purposes of tab-focusing. Smaller indexes are first on the window’s list of widgets. Set to None to use z for this purpose. Widgets with smaller indexes are inserted earlier in the parent window’s widgets list, and this positioning is what actually determines the ordering of tab-focusing.


This attribute does not precisely control the index of the widget within the parent widget’s widgets list. It only controls where the widget is in the list relative to other widgets.


Class attribute indicating whether or not the widget should be considered for focusing when the Tab key is pressed.

Default value: True

xsge_gui.Widget Methods


Destroy this widget.


Re-draw this widget’s sprite.

Call this method if you change any variables that should affect this widget’s appearance. This method automatically makes any changes necessary to self.sprite.


Project this widget onto the game window.

This method must be called every frame for the widget to be visible.

xsge_gui.Widget Event Methods

Widget.event_step(time_passed, delta_mult)[source]

Called once every frame, before refreshing. See the documentation for sge.dsp.Game.event_step() for more information.

Widget.event_key_press(key, char)[source]

Called when a key is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


Called when a key is released while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.


Called when a mouse button is pressed while this widget has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


Called when a mouse button is released while this widget has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Widget.event_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)[source]

Called when a joystick axis is moved while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Widget.event_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick hat is moved while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Widget.event_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick trackball is moved while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Widget.event_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Widget.event_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is released while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.

Widget.event_joystick(js_name, js_id, input_type, input_id, value)[source]

Called when a joystick event occurs while this widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickEvent for more information.


Called when a key in left_keys or a joystick event in left_joystick_events is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in right_keys or a joystick event in right_joystick_events is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in up_keys or a joystick event in up_joystick_events is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in down_keys or a joystick event in down_joystick_events is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in enter_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in escape_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is pressed while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in left_keys or a joystick event in left_joystick_events is released while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in right_keys or a joystick event in right_joystick_events is released while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in up_keys or a joystick event in up_joystick_events is released while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in down_keys or a joystick event in down_joystick_events is released while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in enter_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is released while this widget has keyboard focus.


Called when a key in escape_keys or a joystick event in enter_joystick_events is released while this widget has keyboard focus.

Widget.event_global_key_press(key, char)[source]

Called when a key is pressed, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyPress for more information.


Called when a key is released, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.KeyRelease for more information.


Called when a mouse button is pressed, regardless of which widget has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonPress for more information.


Called when a mouse button is released, regardless of which widget has mouse focus. See the documentation for sge.input.MouseButtonRelease for more information.

Widget.event_global_joystick_axis_move(js_name, js_id, axis, value)[source]

Called when a joystick axis is moved, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickAxisMove for more information.

Widget.event_global_joystick_hat_move(js_name, js_id, hat, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick hat is moved, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickHatMove for more information.

Widget.event_global_joystick_trackball_move(js_name, js_id, ball, x, y)[source]

Called when a joystick trackball is moved, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickTrackballMove for more information.

Widget.event_global_joystick_button_press(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is pressed, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonPress for more information.

Widget.event_global_joystick_button_release(js_name, js_id, button)[source]

Called when a joystick button is released, regardless of which widget has keyboard focus. See the documentation for sge.input.JoystickButtonRelease for more information.


class xsge_gui.DecorativeWidget(parent, x, y, z, sprite=None, index=None)[source]

Identical to Widget, except that tab_focus is False by default.


class xsge_gui.Label(parent, x, y, z, text, font=None, width=None, height=None, color=None, halign='left', valign='top')[source]

This widget simply displays some text.


The text this label should display.


The font this label’s text should be rendered with. If set to None, the value of xsge_gui.default_font is used.


The width of the imaginary rectangle the text is drawn in. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.


The height of the imaginary rectangle the text is drawn in. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.


The horizontal alignment of the text. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.


The vertical alignment of the text. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Widget for more information.


class xsge_gui.ProgressiveLabel(parent, x, y, z, full_text, font=None, width=None, height=None, color=None, halign='left', valign='top', rate=1000)[source]

This widget is a version of xsge_gui.Label which progressively builds text one character at a time, making it look like the text is being typed in real-time.


The value that text progressively becomes.


The rate at which text is built in characters per minute.

xsge_gui.ProgressiveLabel Event Methods

In addition to the event methods inherited from xsge_gui.Widget, the following event methods are also available:


Called when a character is added to text.


class xsge_gui.Button(parent, x, y, z, text, width=None, halign='center')[source]

This widget contains some text and can be clicked on by the user.


The text contained in the button.


The width of the button. If set to None, the width is chosen based on the width of the rendered text.


The horizontal alignment of the text. See the documentation for sge.gfx.Sprite.draw_text() for more information.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Widget for more information.

xsge_gui.Button Event Methods

In addition to the event methods inherited from xsge_gui.Widget, the following event methods are also available:


Called when this button is clicked on, or when the Enter key is pressed while this button is selected.


class xsge_gui.CheckBox(parent, x, y, z, enabled=False)[source]

This widget can be toggled “on” or “off” by clicking on it.


Whether or not the checkbox is on.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Widget for more information.

xsge_gui.CheckBox Event Methods

In addition to the event methods inherited from xsge_gui.Widget, the following event methods are also available:


Called when the state of the checkbox is toggled by the user.


class xsge_gui.RadioButton(parent, x, y, z, enabled=False)[source]

This widget is mostly like xsge_gui.CheckBox, but clicking on it while it is on will not turn it off, and only one radio button can be on at any given time (i.e. enabling one radio button on a window will disable all others on the same window).

See the documentation for xsge_gui.CheckBox for more information.

xsge_gui.RadioButton Event Methods

In addition to the event methods inherited from xsge_gui.Widget, the following event methods are also available:


Called when the state of the radiobutton is toggled by the user.


class xsge_gui.ProgressBar(parent, x, y, z, width=128, progress=0)[source]

This widget displays a bar which can be used to show progress (e.g. of some task being done).


The width of the progress bar.


The progress indicated by the progress bar as a factor (i.e. 0 is no completion, 1 is full completion, and 0.5 is half completion).


class xsge_gui.TextBox(parent, x, y, z, width=32, text='', text_limit=1000)[source]

This widget provides a place for the user to enter text.


The width of the text box.


The text in the text box.


The maximum number of characters allowed in the text box.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Widget for more information.

xsge_gui.TextBox Event Methods

In addition to the event methods inherited from xsge_gui.Widget, the following event methods are also available:


Change text event.

Called when the user changes the text in the textbox.


class xsge_gui.MenuItem(parent, x, y, z, sprite_normal=None, sprite_selected=None)[source]

This widget has two sprites: one for when it is selected, and one for when it is unselected. Meant to be used with xsge_gui.MenuWindow or xsge_gui.MenuDialog.


The sprite to use as sprite when this widget is unselected.


The sprite to use as sprite when this widget is selected.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.Widget for more information.

xsge_gui Functions


Prepare this module for use. This function in particular creates the sprites and fonts it uses for windows and widgets. Because of this, it must not be called until after a sge.dsp.Game object has been created.

xsge_gui.show_message(parent=None, message='', title='Message', buttons=('Ok', ), default=-1, width=320, height=None)[source]

Show a message and return the button pressed.


  • parent – The parent handler of the xsge_gui.MessageDialog object created. Set to None to create a new handler and then destroy it after the dialog is shown.
  • message – The message shown to the user.
  • title – The window title of the xsge_gui.MessageDialog object created.
  • buttons – A list of strings to put inside the buttons, from left to right.
  • default – The index of the default button selected by the keyboard (i.e. the default choice).
  • width – The width of the xsge_gui.MessageDialog object created.
  • height – The height of the xsge_gui.MessageDialog object created. If set to None, set the height automatically based on the space needed for the text.

Value returned is the index of the button pressed, where 0 is the leftmost button, or None if no button was pressed (i.e. the close button on the window frame was pressed instead).

See the documentation for xsge_gui.MessageDialog for more information.

xsge_gui.get_text_entry(parent=None, message='', title='Text Entry', text='', width=320, height=None)[source]

Return text entered by the user.


  • parent – The parent handler of the xsge_gui.MessageDialog object created. Set to None to create a new handler and then destroy it after the dialog is shown.
  • message – The message shown to the user.
  • title – The window title of the xsge_gui.TextEntryDialog object created.
  • text – The text in the text box by default.
  • width – The width of the xsge_gui.TextEntryDialog object created.
  • height – The height of the xsge_gui.TextEntryDialog object created. If set to None, set the height automatically based on the space needed for the text.

Value returned is the text entered if the “Ok” button is pressed, or None otherwise.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.TextEntryDialog for more information.

xsge_gui.get_menu_selection(x, y, items, parent=None, default=0, font_normal=None, color_normal=None, font_selected=None, color_selected=None, background_color=sge.gfx.Color("#00000000"), height=None, margin=0, halign='left', valign='top')[source]

Show a menu and return the index of the menu item selected.


  • parent – The parent handler of the xsge_gui.TextMenuDialog object created. Set to None to create a new handler and then destroy it after the dialog is shown.
  • default – The index of the item to select by default.

See the documentation for xsge_gui.MenuDialog.from_text for more information.