xmlsec.constants ---------------- Various constants used by the library EncryptionType ************** - *TypeEncContent* - http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Content - *TypeEncElement* - http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element KeyData ******* - *KeyDataName* - The processing class. - *KeyDataValue* - The processing class. - *KeyDataRetrievalMethod* - The processing class. - *KeyDataEncryptedKey* - The processing class. - *KeyDataAes* - The AES key klass. - *KeyDataDes* - The DES key klass. - *KeyDataDsa* - The DSA key klass. - *KeyDataEcdsa* - The ECDSA key klass. - *KeyDataHmac* - The DHMAC key klass. - *KeyDataRsa* - The RSA key klass. - *KeyDataX509* - The X509 data klass. - *KeyDataRawX509Cert* - The raw X509 certificate klass. KeyDataFormat ************* - *KeyDataFormatUnknown* - the key data format is unknown. - *KeyDataFormatBinary* - the binary key data. - *KeyDataFormatPem* - the PEM key data (cert or public/private key). - *KeyDataFormatDer* - the DER key data (cert or public/private key). - *KeyDataFormatPkcs8Pem* - the PKCS8 PEM private key. - *KeyDataFormatPkcs8Der* - the PKCS8 DER private key. - *KeyDataFormatPkcs12* - the PKCS12 format (bag of keys and certs) - *KeyDataFormatCertPem* - the PEM cert. - *KeyDataFormatCertDer* - the DER cert. KeyDataType *********** - *KeyDataTypeUnknown* - The key data type is unknown - *KeyDataTypeNone* - The key data type is unknown - *KeyDataTypePublic* - The key data contain a public key. - *KeyDataTypePrivate* - The key data contain a private key. - *KeyDataTypeSymmetric* - The key data contain a symmetric key. - *KeyDataTypeSession* - The key data contain session key (one time key, not stored in keys manager). - *KeyDataTypePermanent* - The key data contain permanent key (stored in keys manager). - *KeyDataTypeTrusted* - The key data is trusted. - *KeyDataTypeAny* - The key data is trusted. Namespaces ********** - *Ns* - http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/2002 - *DSigNs* - http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig# - *EncNs* - http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc# - *XPathNs* - http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116 - *XPath2Ns* - http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xmldsig-filter2 - *XPointerNs* - http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more/xptr - *Soap11Ns* - http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ - *Soap12Ns* - http://www.w3.org/2002/06/soap-envelope - *NsExcC14N* - http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n# - *NsExcC14NWithComments* - http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#WithComments Nodes ***** - *NodeSignature* - Signature - *NodeSignedInfo* - SignedInfo - *NodeCanonicalizationMethod* - CanonicalizationMethod - *NodeSignatureMethod* - SignatureMethod - *NodeSignatureValue* - SignatureValue - *NodeSignatureProperties* - SignatureProperties - *NodeDigestMethod* - DigestMethod - *NodeDigestValue* - DigestValue - *NodeObject* - Object - *NodeManifest* - Manifest - *NodeEncryptedData* - EncryptedData - *NodeEncryptionMethod* - EncryptionMethod - *NodeEncryptionProperties* - EncryptionProperties - *NodeEncryptionProperty* - EncryptionProperty - *NodeCipherData* - CipherData - *NodeCipherValue* - CipherValue - *NodeCipherReference* - CipherReference - *NodeReferenceList* - ReferenceList - *NodeDataReference* - DataReference - *NodeKeyReference* - KeyReference - *NodeKeyInfo* - KeyInfo Transforms ********** - *TransformUsageUnknown* - Transforms usage is unknown or undefined. - *TransformUsageDSigTransform* - Transform could be used in . - *TransformUsageC14NMethod* - Transform could be used in . - *TransformUsageDigestMethod* - Transform could be used in . - *TransformUsageSignatureMethod* - Transform could be used in . - *TransformUsageEncryptionMethod* - Transform could be used in . - *TransformUsageAny* - Transform could be used for operation. - *TransformInclC14N* - The regular (inclusive) C14N without comments transform klass. - *TransformInclC14NWithComments* - The regular (inclusive) C14N with comments transform klass. - *TransformInclC14N11* - The regular (inclusive) C14N 1.1 without comments transform klass. - *TransformInclC14N11WithComments* - The regular (inclusive) C14N 1.1 with comments transform klass. - *TransformExclC14N* - The exclusive C14N without comments transform klass. - *TransformExclC14NWithComments* - The exclusive C14N with comments transform klass. - *TransformEnveloped* - The "enveloped" transform klass. - *TransformXPath* - The XPath transform klass. - *TransformXPath2* - The XPath2 transform klass. - *TransformXPointer* - The XPointer transform klass. - *TransformXslt* - The XSLT transform klass. - *TransformRemoveXmlTagsC14N* - The "remove all xml tags" transform klass (used before base64 transforms). - *TransformVisa3DHack* - Selects node subtree by given node id string. The only reason why we need this is Visa3D protocol. It doesn't follow XML/XPointer/XMLDSig specs and allows invalid XPointer expressions in the URI attribute. Since we couldn't evaluate such expressions thru XPath/XPointer engine, we need to have this hack here. - *TransformAes128Cbc* - The AES128 CBC cipher transform klass. - *TransformAes192Cbc* - The AES192 CBC cipher transform klass. - *TransformAes256Cbc* - The AES256 CBC cipher transform klass. - *TransformKWAes128* - The AES 128 key wrap transform klass. - *TransformKWAes192* - The AES 192 key wrap transform klass. - *TransformKWAes256* - The AES 256 key wrap transform klass. - *TransformDes3Cbc* - The Triple DES encryption transform klass. - *TransformKWDes3* - The DES3 CBC cipher transform klass. - *TransformDsaSha1* - The DSA-SHA1 signature transform klass. - *TransformEcdsaSha1* - The ECDSA-SHA1 signature transform klass. - *TransformEcdsaSha224* - The ECDSA-SHA224 signature transform klass. - *TransformEcdsaSha256* - The ECDSA-SHA256 signature transform klass. - *TransformEcdsaSha384* - The ECDS-SHA384 signature transform klass. - *TransformEcdsaSha512* - The ECDSA-SHA512 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacMd5* - The HMAC with MD5 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacRipemd160* - The HMAC with RipeMD160 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacSha1* - The HMAC with SHA1 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacSha224* - The HMAC with SHA224 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacSha256* - The HMAC with SHA256 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacSha384* - The HMAC with SHA384 signature transform klass. - *TransformHmacSha512* - The HMAC with SHA512 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaMd5* - The RSA-MD5 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaRipemd160* - The RSA-RIPEMD160 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaSha1* - The RSA-SHA1 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaSha224* - The RSA-SHA224 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaSha256* - The RSA-SHA256 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaSha384* - The RSA-SHA384 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaSha512* - The RSA-SHA512 signature transform klass. - *TransformRsaPkcs1* - The RSA PKCS1 key transport transform klass. - *TransformRsaOaep* - The RSA PKCS1 key transport transform klass. - *TransformMd5* - The MD5 digest transform klass. - *TransformRipemd160* - The RIPEMD160 digest transform klass. - *TransformSha1* - The SHA1 digest transform klass. - *TransformSha224* - The SHA224 digest transform klass. - *TransformSha256* - The SHA256 digest transform klass. - *TransformSha384* - The SHA384 digest transform klass. - *TransformSha512* - The SHA512 digest transform klass. :ref:`contents`