Transformation pipelines - chaining transformations

XML Director provides a mechanism for chaining registered transformer operations in arbitrary order in order to process an XML document through multiple steps. Recall that transformers in XML Director are registered as tuple (family, transformer_name).

The following example we will register two Python transformers that will modify the given sample XML document.


from xmldirector.plonecore.transformation import Transformer

# the source XML document
sample_xml = u'''
    <umlaute>mit Umlauten üöäßÜÖÄ</umlaute>

def python_transformer(root, conversion_context):
    """ Sample Python transformation turning all <foo>
        tags into <bar> tags.

    for node in root.xpath('//foo'):
        node.tag = 'bar'

def python_transformer2(root, conversion_context):
    """ Sample Python transformation removing all <foo>
        nodes and putting an attribute foo="bar" into
        the root node
    for node in root.xpath('//foo'):
    root.attrib['foo'] = 'bar'

# Register both transformations
registry = TransformerRegistry()
registry.register_transformation('demo', 'trans1', python_transformer, 'python')
registry.register_transformation('demo', 'trans2', python_transformer2, 'python')

Running the first trans1 transformation (turning all <foo> tags into <bar> tags):

# Run transformation ``trans1`` only:
T = Transformer([('demo', 'trans1')],
print T(sample_xml)

The transformation result is the following:

    <umlaute>mit Umlauten üöäßÜÖÄ</umlaute>

Running the both transformations (removing all <foo> tags and placing an attribute foo=”bar” into the root tag:

# Run transformation ``trans1`` only:
T = Transformer([('demo', 'trans1'), ('demo', 'trans2')],
print T(sample_xml)

# Define the transformation pipeline
T = Transformer([('demo', 'trans1'),
                 ('demo', 'trans2)]

and the result is:

<hello foo="bar">
    <umlaute>mit Umlauten üöäßÜÖÄ</umlaute>

Mixing transformer steps

It is totally fine to mix arbitrary transformer step in one pipline independent of the underlaying implementation. Keep in mind that XSLT1 transformations are directly carried out on the Python level while XSLT2 and XSLT3 transformations are executed externally using the Saxon parser. Due to its implementation in Java there will be some performance loss since XML Director requires to start Java for each Saxon call.