PUT /plone/xmldirector-create

Create a new instance of XML Director Connector

Example request:

PUT /xmldirector-create HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": "1f461181-b7cd-4708-8181-9787c9530ed2",
  "url": ""
Request Headers:
Status Codes:

Search for connectors

Example request:

GET /plone/xmldirector-search HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

{u'items': [{u'created': u'2015-12-18T13:16:28+01:00',
             u'creator': u'admin',
             u'id': u'148d5f0a-3be9-42b6-bc2e-b128df2dbc1b',
             u'modified': u'2015-12-18T13:16:28+01:00',
             u'path': u'/plone/148d5f0a-3be9-42b6-bc2e-b128df2dbc1b',
             u'title': u'',
             u'url': u'http://localhost:55001/plone/148d5f0a-3be9-42b6-bc2e-b128df2dbc1b'},
            {u'created': u'2015-12-18T13:16:27+01:00',
             u'creator': u'god',
             u'id': u'connector',
             u'modified': u'2015-12-18T13:16:27+01:00',
             u'path': u'/plone/connector',
             u'title': u'',
             u'url': u'http://localhost:55001/plone/connector'}]}
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
DELETE /xmldirector-delete

Removes a Connector given by its path/url

Example request:

DELETE /plone/1f461181-b7cd-4708-8181-9787c9530ed2/xmldirector-delete HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

Request Headers:
Status Codes:
POST /path-to-connector/xmldirector-set-metadata

Set metadata for a Connector object. You can set the title, description (both text) and the subject (list of strings) as metadata for every Connector object. In addition the custom field can be used to specify arbitrary metadata that is not part of the official Plone metadata.

Example request:

POST /plone/some/path/xmldirector-set-metadata HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

    "custom": {
        "a": 2,
        "b": 42
    "description": "my description",
    "title": "hello world"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

Request Headers:
Status Codes:
GET /path-to-connector/xmldirector-get-metadata

Return Plone and custom metadata (see xmldirector-set-metadata for details.

Example request:

GET /plone/some/path/xmldirector-get-metadata HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "custom": {
        "a": 2,
        "b": 42
    "description": "my description",
    "title": "hello world"
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
GET /path-to-connector/xmldirector-get

Retrieve a single file by path.

Example request:

GET /plone/some/path/xmldirector-get?name=src/sample.docx HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=sample.docx'
Content-Length: 89796
Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

<binary data in response body>
Query Parameters:
  • name (string) – name of file to be retrieved
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
GET /path-to-connector/xmldirector-get-zip

Retrieve all files as ZIP file.

Example request:

GET /plone/some/path/xmldirector-get-zip HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment;'
Content-Length: 89796
Content-Type: application/zip

<binary ZIP data in response body>
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
POST /path-to-connector/xmldirector-store

Upload one or more files as multipart form-data request. Please refer to for details about multipart/form-data requests. You must specify the filename for each uploaded file. The filename might be a relative path which is preserved upon storage.


All uploaded files will be stored on the server under the src subfolder. All uploaded files must use the same name parameter within the POST body (see example below):


Example of filename mapping:

  • filename=some.png -> src/some.png
  • filename=my/images/some.png -> src/my/images/some.png

XML Director will calculated a SHA256 has for all uploaded files and stores them internally for efficient retrieval. The hashes of uploaded files are exposed through the xmldirector-hashes and xmldirector-list-full API methods.

Example request:

Uploaded files files a.txt and a.html will be stored as src/a.txt and src/a.html.

PUT /xmldirector-store HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------9051914041544843365972754266
Content-Length: 554

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="a.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

Content of a.txt.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="a.html"
Content-Type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html><title>Content of a.html.</title>


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

Request Headers:
Status Codes:
POST /path-to-connector/xmldirector-store-zip

Upload one or more files as ZIP archive. The ZIP archive will be unpacked. The functionality is similar to xmldirector-store. except that the uploaded ZIP archive must be uploaded with query parameter name=zipfile. All unpacked files will be stored within the subfolder src. directory names are being preserved.

GET /path-to-connector/xmldirector-list

xmldirector-list retrieves list of all stored files.

Example request:

GET /plone/path/to/object/xmldirector-list HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

{u'files': [u'src/folder/3.txt',
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
GET /path-to-connector/xmldirector-list-full

Retrieve a list of all stored files including information about size, file mode and their SHA256 hash.

Example request:

GET /plone/path/to/object/xmldirector-list-full HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

{u'src': {u'modified_time': u'2015-12-21T07:30:27', u'st_mode': 16832},
 u'src/folder': {u'modified_time': u'2015-12-21T07:30:27', u'st_mode': 16832},
 u'src/folder/1.txt': {u'modified_time': u'2015-12-21T07:30:27',
                       u'sha256': u'a948904f2f0f479b8f8197694b30184b0d2ed1c1cd2a1ec0fb85d299a192a447',
                       u'size': 12,
                       u'st_mode': 33216},
 u'src/folder/2.txt': {u'modified_time': u'2015-12-21T07:30:27',
                       u'sha256': u'6355baea1348fe93f7d9c0c56a5cfeff34682aeb6f24a61ce7b06fdb94927a8d',
                       u'size': 24,
                       u'st_mode': 33216},
 u'src/folder/3.txt': {u'modified_time': u'2015-12-21T07:30:27',
                       u'sha256': u'a8e82d2a65f75a68e82ea8835522dd67f1fede950bfedef9ccd1b2608dd70cb5',
                       u'size': 20,
                       u'st_mode': 33216},
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
GET /path-to-connector/xmldirector-hashes

Return all SHA256 hashes of all stored files. and their SHA256 hash.

Example request:

GET /plone/path/to/object/xmldirector-hashes HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

{u'src/folder/1.txt': {u'sha256': u'a948904f2f0f479b8f8197694b30184b0d2ed1c1cd2a1ec0fb85d299a192a447'},
 u'src/folder/2.txt': {u'sha256': u'6355baea1348fe93f7d9c0c56a5cfeff34682aeb6f24a61ce7b06fdb94927a8d'},
 u'src/folder/3.txt': {u'sha256': u'a8e82d2a65f75a68e82ea8835522dd67f1fede950bfedef9ccd1b2608dd70cb5'}}
Request Headers:
Status Codes:
POST /path-to-connector/xmldirector-delete-content

Delete one or more items from the be written

POST /path-to-connector/xmldirector-convert

Start CRex be written