The Cell Object =============== .. class:: Cell(ctype, value, xf_index=None) Contains the data for one cell. (:class:`XFCell` is the base class of :class:`Cell`) WARNING: You don't call this class yourself. You access Cell objects via methods of the Sheet object(s) that you found in the Book object that was returned when you called :func:`open_workbook`. Cell objects have three attributes: .. attribute:: Cell.ctype is an int .. attribute:: Cell.value (which depends on :attr:`ctype`) .. attribute:: Cell.xf_index If "formatting_info" is not enabled when the workbook is opened, xf_index will be None. The following table describes the types of cells and how their values are represented in Python. =============== =============== ================================================================= Type symbol Type number Python value =============== =============== ================================================================= XL_CELL_EMPTY 0 empty string '' XL_CELL_TEXT 1 a Unicode string XL_CELL_NUMBER 2 float XL_CELL_DATE 3 float XL_CELL_BOOLEAN 4 int; 1 means *True*, 0 means *False* XL_CELL_ERROR 5 int representing internal Excel codes; for a text representation, refer to the supplied dictionary error_text_from_code XL_CELL_BLANK 6 empty string ''. Note: this type will appear only when open_workbook(..., formatting_info= *True*) is used. =============== =============== ================================================================= .. class:: XFCell Add convenient methods and attributes for easy access of cell properties. (:class:`XFCell` is the base class of :class:`Cell`!) - *New in xlrd3 0.1.1* .. attribute:: XFCell.has_xf *True* if cell has a xf record. Workbook was opened with formatting_info=True. .. method:: XFCell.get_color(index) Get rgb-tuple of color index. .. attribute:: The :class:`Book` object. .. attribute:: XFCell.sheet The :class:`Sheet` object. .. attribute:: XFCell.xf The :class:`XF` object. .. attribute:: XFCell.is_datetime *True* if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE. .. attribute:: XFCell.has_date *True* if cell has a valid **date** and not only a time. .. method:: XFCell.datetime() Returns a datetime.datetime object if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE else raises a **TypeError**. Raises **ValueError** if the cell does not have a date value (only a time value is present). .. method:: Returns a object if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE else raises a **TypeError**. Raises **ValueError** if the cell does not have a date value (only a time value is present). .. method:: XFCell.time() Returns a datetime.time object if cell type is XL_CELL_DATE else raises a **TypeError**. .. attribute:: XFCell.background Get the :class:`XFBackground` object. .. method:: XFCell.background_color() Get the background color as rgb-tuple. .. method:: XFCell.pattern_color() Get the pattern color as rgb-tuple. .. method:: XFCell.fill_pattern() Get the fill pattern. see :attr:`XFBackground.fill_pattern` .. method:: XFCell.font() Get the :class:`Font` object. .. method:: XFCell.font_color() Get the font color as rgb-tuple. .. method:: XFCell.format() Get the :class:`Format` object. .. method:: XFCell.format_str() Get the :attr:`Format.format_str`. .. method:: XFCell.alignment() Get the :class:`XFAlignment` object. .. method:: XFCell.bordercolors() Get border colors as dict of rgb-color-tuples. keys: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'diag' example get rgb-values for the top cell border:: colors = cell.bordercolors() r,g,b = colors['top'] .. method:: XFCell.borderstyles() Get border styles as dict of int. Border styles see :class:`XFBorder` keys: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'diag' .. attribute:: XFCell.has_up_diag If *True* draw a line across the cell from bottom left to top right. .. attribute:: XFCell.has_down_diag If *True* draw a line across the cell from top left to bottom right. .. attribute:: XFCell.is_cell_locked see :attr:`XFProtection.cell_locked` .. attribute:: XFCell.is_formula_hidden see :attr:`XFProtection.formula_hidden`