Menu ==== The ``Menu`` is a class that represents Cocoa's ``NSMenu``. .. class:: Menu(name) :param name: String. See :attr:`name` Creates a menu with the specified name. .. attribute:: name The name of the menu. .. method:: add(menu_or_item[, index=None]) :param menu_or_item: :class:`Menu` or :class:`MenuItem`. :param index: Integer. Adds the instance specified by ``menu_or_item`` to its subitems. If ``index`` is not ``None``, the item will be inserted at the specified index. Otherwise, it will be added at the end of the list. .. method:: addItem(name[, action=None, shortcut=None, tag=None, index=None]) :param name: String. See :attr:``. :param action: :class:`Action`. See :attr:`MenuItem.action`. :param shortcut: String. See :attr:`MenuItem.shortcut`. :param tag: Integer or :ref:`literal-consts`. See :attr:`MenuItem.tag`. :param index: Integer. See :meth:`add`. Creates a :class:`MenuItem` and adds it to the menu's items. The method arguments are passed to the menu item constructor. .. method:: addSeparator([index=None]) :param index: Integer. See :meth:`add`. Add a separator item to the menu. .. method:: addMenu(name[, index=None]) :param name: String. See :attr:`name`. :param index: Integer. See :meth:`add`. Create a new submenu and add it to our menu's items. .. method:: removeItem(index) :param index: Integer. Remove item at ``index``. MenuItem -------- The ``MenuItem`` is a class that represents Cocoa's ``NSMenuItem``. .. class:: MenuItem(name, action=None, shortcut=None, tag=None) :param name: String. See :attr:``. :param action: :class:`Action`. See :attr:`MenuItem.action`. :param shortcut: String. See :attr:`MenuItem.shortcut`. :param tag: Integer or :ref:`literal-consts`. See :attr:`MenuItem.tag`. .. attribute:: name The name of the menu. .. attribute:: action :class:`Action`. The action that is performed on click. Equivalent to ``[self setTarget:]`` and ``[self setAction:]``. .. attribute:: shortcut A string that represent the keyboard shortcut that triggers the item. This string has the format "modifiers+letter", for example, "cmd+f". Available modifiers are "cmd", "ctrl", "alt" and "shift". Some special characters are supported through special identifiers. The list of supported identifiers is :ref:`there `. For example, if you want a shortcut that is activated on cmd+, your shorcut would be ``cmd+arrowup``. .. attribute:: tag Integer value corresponding to ``[self tag]``. .. attribute:: state :ref:`Cocoa constant `. Use with ``NSCellStateValue`` constants. MainMenu -------- This special class builds the same main menu that is created when you create a new XIB project. .. class:: MainMenu(appname) :param appname: String The ``appname`` param is used to create menu items like "Quit " and "About ".