Source code for xfacereclib.extension.CSU.lrpca

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Guenther <>
# @date: Mon Oct 29 09:27:59 CET 2012
# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import facerec2010
import pyvision
import pickle
import PIL
import numpy
import facereclib

[docs]class ImageCrop (facereclib.preprocessing.Preprocessor): """This class defines a wrapper for the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA class to be used as an image :py:class:`facereclib.preprocessing.Preprocessor` in the :ref:`FaceRecLib <facereclib>`.""" def __init__(self, TUNING): """Constructor Documentation: TUNING The tuning for the LRPCA algorithm as taken from the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.GBU_TUNING """ facereclib.preprocessing.Preprocessor.__init__(self, **TUNING) self.m_lrpca = facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA(**TUNING) def __call__(self, image, annotations): """Preprocesses the image using the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA.preprocess function""" # assure that the eye positions are in the set of annotations if annotations is None or 'leye' not in annotations or 'reye' not in annotations: raise ValueError("The LRPCA image cropping needs eye positions, but they are not given.") # Warning! Left and right eye are mixed up here! # The lrpca preprocess expects left_eye_x < right_eye_x tile = self.m_lrpca.preprocess( image, rect=None, leye = pyvision.Point(annotations['reye'][1], annotations['reye'][0]), reye = pyvision.Point(annotations['leye'][1], annotations['leye'][0]) ) # pyvision used images in (x,y)-order. # To be consistent to the (y,x)-order in Bob, we have to transpose return tile.asMatrix2D().transpose().astype(numpy.float64)
[docs] def read_original_data(self, image_file): """Reads the original images using functionality from pyvision.""" # we use pyvision to read the images. Hence, we don't have to struggle with conversion here return pyvision.Image(str(image_file))
[docs]class Features (facereclib.features.Extractor): """This class defines a wrapper for the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA class to be used as a :py:class:`facereclib.feature.Extractor` in the :ref:`FaceRecLib <facereclib>`.""" def __init__(self, TUNING): """Constructor Documentation: TUNING The tuning for the LRPCA algorithm as taken from the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.GBU_TUNING """ facereclib.features.Extractor.__init__(self, requires_training=True, split_training_data_by_client=True, **TUNING) self.m_lrpca = facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA(**TUNING) def _py_image(self, image): """Converts the given image to pyvision images.""" pil_image ="L",(image.shape[1],image.shape[0])) # TODO: Test if there is any faster method to convert the image type for y in range(image.shape[0]): for x in range(image.shape[1]): # copy image content (re-order [y,x] to (x,y)) pil_image.putpixel((x,y),image[y,x]) # convert to pyvision image py_image = pyvision.Image(pil_image) return py_image
[docs] def train(self, image_list, extractor_file): """Trains the LRPCA module with the given image list and saves the result into the given extractor file using the pickle module.""" train_count = 0 for client_index in range(len(image_list)): for image in image_list[client_index]: # convert the image into a data type that is understood by FaceRec2010 pyimage = self._py_image(image) # append training data to the LRPCA training # (the None parameters are due to the fact that preprocessing happened before) self.m_lrpca.addTraining(str(client_index), pyimage, None, None, None), train_count += 1" -> Training LRPCA with %d images" % train_count) self.m_lrpca.train() # and write the result to file, which in this case simply used pickle with open(extractor_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self.m_lrpca, f)
[docs] def load(self, extractor_file): """Loads the trained LRPCA feature extractor from the given extractor file using the pickle module.""" # read LRPCA projector with open(extractor_file, "rb") as f: self.m_lrpca = pickle.load(f)
def __call__(self, image): """Projects the image data using the LRPCA projector and returns a numpy.ndarray.""" # create pvimage pyimage = self._py_image(image) # Projects the data by creating a "FaceRecord" face_record = self.m_lrpca.getFaceRecord(pyimage, None, None, None) # return the projected data, which is stored as a numpy.ndarray return face_record.feature
[docs]class Tool ( """This class defines a wrapper for the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA class to be used as a face recognition :py:class:`` in the :ref:`FaceRecLib <facereclib>`.""" def __init__( self, TUNING, multiple_model_scoring = 'average', # by default, compute the average between several models and the probe multiple_probe_scoring = 'average' # by default, compute the average between the model and several probes ): """Constructor Documentation: TUNING The tuning for the LRPCA algorithm as taken from the facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.GBU_TUNING multiple_model_scoring The scoring strategy if models are enrolled from several images, see for more information. multiple_probe_scoring The scoring strategy if a score is computed from several probe images, see for more information. """, multiple_model_scoring=multiple_model_scoring, multiple_probe_scoring=multiple_probe_scoring, **TUNING) # initialize LRPCA (not sure if this is really required) self.m_lrpca = facerec2010.baseline.lrpca.LRPCA(**TUNING)
[docs] def enroll(self, enroll_features): """Enrolls a model from features from several images by simply storing all given features.""" # no rule to enroll features in the LRPCA setup, so we just store all features # create model Face records model_records = [] for feature in enroll_features: model_record = facerec2010.baseline.pca.FaceRecord(None,None,None) model_record.feature = feature[:] model_records.append(model_record) return model_records
[docs] def save_model(self, model, model_file): """Saves the enrolled model to file using the pickle module.""" # just dump the model to .pkl file with open(model_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(model, f)
[docs] def read_model(self, model_file): """Loads an enrolled model from file using the pickle module.""" # just read the model from .pkl file with open(model_file, "rb") as f: model = pickle.load(f) return model
[docs] def score(self, model, probe): """Computes the score for the given model (a list of FaceRecords) and a probe feature (a numpy.ndarray)""" if isinstance(model, list): # compute score fusion strategy with several model features (which is implemented in the base class) return self.score_for_multiple_models(model, probe) else: assert isinstance(model, facerec2010.baseline.pca.FaceRecord) # compute score for one model and one probe probe_record = facerec2010.baseline.pca.FaceRecord(None,None,None) probe_record.feature = probe return self.m_lrpca.similarityMatrix([probe_record], [model])[0,0]