RichTextAction |
Implements a part of a command. |
RichTextAttr |
A class representing enhanced attributes for rich text objects. |
RichTextBox |
This class implements a floating or inline text box, containing paragraphs. |
RichTextBuffer |
This is a kind of paragraph layout box, used to represent the whole buffer. |
RichTextBufferDataObject |
Implements a rich text data object for clipboard transfer. |
RichTextCell |
wx.richtext.RichTextCell is the cell in a table, in which the user can type. |
RichTextCharacterStyleDefinition |
This class represents a character style definition, usually added to a wx.richtext.RichTextStyleSheet. |
RichTextCommand |
Implements a command on the undo/redo stack. |
RichTextCompositeObject |
Objects of this class can contain other objects. |
RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo |
wx.richtext.RichTextContextMenuPropertiesInfo keeps track of objects that appear in the context menu, whose properties are available to be edited. |
RichTextCtrl |
wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl provides a generic, ground-up implementation of a text control capable of showing multiple styles and images. |
RichTextDrawingContext |
A class for passing information to drawing and measuring functions. |
RichTextDrawingHandler |
The base class for custom drawing handlers. |
RichTextEvent |
This is the event class for wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl notifications. |
RichTextField |
This class implements the general concept of a field, an object that represents additional functionality such as a footnote, a bookmark, a page number, a table of contents, and so on. |
RichTextFieldType |
The base class for custom field types. |
RichTextFieldTypeStandard |
A field type that can handle fields with text or bitmap labels, with a small range of styles for implementing rectangular fields and fields that can be used for start and end tags. |
RichTextFileHandler |
The base class for file handlers. |
RichTextFontTable |
Manages quick access to a pool of fonts for rendering rich text. |
RichTextFormattingDialog |
This dialog allows the user to edit a character and/or paragraph style. |
RichTextFormattingDialogFactory |
This class provides pages for wx.richtext.RichTextFormattingDialog, and allows other customization of the dialog. |
RichTextHTMLHandler |
Handles HTML output (only) for wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl content. |
RichTextHeaderFooterData |
This class represents header and footer data to be passed to the wx.richtext.RichTextPrinting and wx.richtext.RichTextPrintout classes. |
RichTextImage |
This class implements a graphic object. |
RichTextImageBlock |
This class stores information about an image, in binary in-memory form. |
RichTextLine |
This object represents a line in a paragraph, and stores offsets from the start of the paragraph representing the start and end positions of the line. |
RichTextListStyleDefinition |
This class represents a list style definition, usually added to a wx.richtext.RichTextStyleSheet. |
RichTextObject |
This is the base for drawable rich text objects. |
RichTextObjectAddress |
A class for specifying an object anywhere in an object hierarchy, without using a pointer, necessary since RTC commands may delete and recreate sub-objects so physical object addresses change. |
RichTextParagraph |
This object represents a single paragraph containing various objects such as text content, images, and further paragraph layout objects. |
RichTextParagraphLayoutBox |
This class knows how to lay out paragraphs. |
RichTextParagraphStyleDefinition |
This class represents a paragraph style definition, usually added to a wx.richtext.RichTextStyleSheet. |
RichTextPlainText |
This object represents a single piece of text. |
RichTextPlainTextHandler |
Implements saving a buffer to plain text. |
RichTextPrinting |
This class provides a simple interface for performing wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer printing and previewing. |
RichTextPrintout |
This class implements print layout for wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer. |
RichTextProperties |
A simple property class using Variants. |
RichTextRange |
This stores beginning and end positions for a range of data. |
RichTextRenderer |
This class isolates some common drawing functionality. |
RichTextSelection |
Stores selection information. |
RichTextStdRenderer |
The standard renderer for drawing bullets. |
RichTextStyleComboCtrl |
This is a combo control that can display the styles in a wx.richtext.RichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl. |
RichTextStyleDefinition |
This is a base class for paragraph and character styles. |
RichTextStyleListBox |
This is a listbox that can display the styles in a wx.richtext.RichTextStyleSheet, and apply the selection to an associated wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl. |
RichTextStyleListCtrl |
This class incorporates a wx.richtext.RichTextStyleListBox and a choice control that allows the user to select the category of style to view. |
RichTextStyleOrganiserDialog |
This class shows a style sheet and allows the user to edit, add and remove styles. |
RichTextStyleSheet |
A style sheet contains named paragraph and character styles that make it easy for a user to apply combinations of attributes to a wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl. |
RichTextTable |
wx.richtext.RichTextTable represents a table with arbitrary columns and rows. |
RichTextXMLHandler |
A handler for loading and saving content in an XML format specific to wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer. |
SymbolPickerDialog |
wx.richtext.SymbolPickerDialog presents the user with a choice of fonts and a grid of available characters. |
TextAttrBorder |
A class representing a rich text object border. |
TextAttrBorders |
A class representing a rich text object’s borders. |
TextAttrDimension |
A class representing a rich text dimension, including units and position. |
TextAttrDimensionConverter |
A class to make it easier to convert dimensions. |
TextAttrDimensions |
A class for left, right, top and bottom dimensions. |
TextAttrSize |
A class for representing width and height. |
TextBoxAttr |
A class representing the box attributes of a rich text object. |