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phoenix_title wx.lib.sheet.CSheet

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class CSheet:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

Clear Clear the currently selected cells
Copy Copy the currently selected cells to the clipboard
OnGridSelectCell Track cell selections
OnLeftClick Override left-click behavior to prevent left-click edit initiation
OnLeftDoubleClick Initiate the cell editor on a double-click
OnRangeSelect Track which cells are selected so that copy/paste behavior can be implemented
OnRightClick Move grid cursor when a cell is right-clicked
Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard into the currently selected cells
SetNumberCols Set the number of columns in the sheet
SetNumberRows Set the number of rows in the sheet

api Class API

class CSheet(wx.grid.Grid)


__init__(self, parent)


Clear the currently selected cells


Copy the currently selected cells to the clipboard

OnCellChange(self, event)

OnColSize(self, event)

OnGridSelectCell(self, event)

Track cell selections

OnLeftClick(self, event)

Override left-click behavior to prevent left-click edit initiation

OnLeftDoubleClick(self, event)

Initiate the cell editor on a double-click

OnRangeSelect(self, event)

Track which cells are selected so that copy/paste behavior can be implemented

OnRightClick(self, event)

Move grid cursor when a cell is right-clicked

OnRowSize(self, event)


Paste the contents of the clipboard into the currently selected cells

SetNumberCols(self, numCols=1)

Set the number of columns in the sheet

SetNumberRows(self, numRows=1)

Set the number of rows in the sheet