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phoenix_title wx.lib.pydocview

function_summary Functions Summary


class_summary Classes Summary

_DocFrameFileDropTarget Class used to handle drops into the document frame.
AboutDialog Opens an AboutDialog. Shared by DocMDIParentFrame and DocSDIFrame.
AboutService About Dialog Service that installs under the Help menu to show the properties of the current application.
ChildDocTemplate A ChildDocTemplate is a DocTemplate subclass that enables the creation of ChildDocuments
ChildDocument A ChildDocument is a document that represents a portion of a Document. The child
DocApp The DocApp class serves as the base class for pydocview applications and offers
DocFrameMixIn Class with common code used by DocMDIParentFrame, DocTabbedParentFrame, and
DocMDIChildFrame The wxDocMDIChildFrame class provides a default frame for displaying
DocMDIParentFrame The DocMDIParentFrame is the primary frame which the DocApp uses to host MDI child windows. It offers
DocMDIParentFrameMixIn Class with common code used by DocMDIParentFrame and DocTabbedParentFrame.
DocOptionsService A service that implements an options menu item and an options dialog with
DocSDIFrame The DocSDIFrame host DocManager Document windows. It offers features such as a default menubar,
DocService An abstract class used to add reusable services to a docview application.
DocTabbedChildFrame The wxDocMDIChildFrame class provides a default frame for displaying
DocTabbedParentFrame The DocTabbedParentFrame class provides a default top-level frame for
FilePropertiesDialog Dialog that shows the properties of a file. Invoked by the PropertiesService.
FilePropertiesService Service that installs under the File menu to show the properties of the file associated
GeneralOptionsPanel A general options panel that is used in the OptionDialog to configure the
OptionsDialog A default options dialog used by the OptionsService that hosts a notebook
WindowMenuService The WindowMenuService is a service that implements a standard Window menu that is used

