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phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.utils.exchandling.ExcPublisher

Example exception handler that simply publishes the exception traceback as a message of topic name given by topicUncaughtExc.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ExcPublisher:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ If topic manager is specified, will automatically call init().
init Must be called only after pubsub has been imported since this

api Class API

class ExcPublisher(IListenerExcHandler)

Example exception handler that simply publishes the exception traceback as a message of topic name given by topicUncaughtExc.


__init__(self, topicMgr=None)

If topic manager is specified, will automatically call init(). Otherwise, caller must call init() after pubsub imported. See pub.setListenerExcHandler().

init(self, topicMgr)

Must be called only after pubsub has been imported since this handler creates a pubsub topic.