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phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.core.notificationmgr.INotificationHandler

Defines the interface expected by pubsub for pubsub activity notifications. Any instance that supports the same methods, or derives from this class, will work as a notification handler for pubsub events (see pub.addNotificationHandler).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class INotificationHandler:

method_summary Methods Summary

notifyDeadListener Called when a listener has been garbage collected.
notifyDelTopic Called whenever a topic is removed from topic tree.
notifyNewTopic Called whenever a new topic is added to the topic tree.
notifySend Called multiple times during a sendMessage: once before message
notifySubscribe Called when a listener is subscribed to a topic.
notifyUnsubscribe Called when a listener is unsubscribed from given topic.

api Class API

class INotificationHandler

Defines the interface expected by pubsub for pubsub activity notifications. Any instance that supports the same methods, or derives from this class, will work as a notification handler for pubsub events (see pub.addNotificationHandler).


notifyDeadListener(self, pubListener, topicObj)

Called when a listener has been garbage collected. :param pubListener: the pubsub.core.Listener that wraps GC’d listener. :param topicObj: the pubsub.core.Topic object it was subscribed to.

notifyDelTopic(self, topicName)

Called whenever a topic is removed from topic tree. :param topicName: name of topic removed.

notifyNewTopic(self, topicObj, description, required, argsDocs)

Called whenever a new topic is added to the topic tree. :param topicObj: the Topic object for the message. :param description: docstring for the topic. :param required: list of message data names (keys in argsDocs) that are required. :param argsDocs: dictionary of all message data names, with the corresponding docstring.

notifySend(self, stage, topicObj, pubListener=None)

Called multiple times during a sendMessage: once before message sending has started (pre), once for each listener about to be sent the message, and once after all listeners have received the message (post). :param stage: ‘pre’, ‘post’, or ‘loop’. :param topicObj: the Topic object for the message. :param pubListener: None for pre and post stages; for loop, the listener

that is about to be sent the message.

notifySubscribe(self, pubListener, topicObj, newSub)

Called when a listener is subscribed to a topic. :param pubListener: the pubsub.core.Listener that wraps subscribed listener. :param topicObj: the pubsub.core.Topic object subscribed to. :param newSub: false if pubListener was already subscribed.

notifyUnsubscribe(self, pubListener, topicObj)

Called when a listener is unsubscribed from given topic. :param pubListener: the pubsub.core.Listener that wraps unsubscribed listener. :param topicObj: the pubsub.core.Topic object unsubscribed from.