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phoenix_title wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape

A DivisionShape class is a composite with special properties, to be used for containment. It’s a subdivision of a container. A containing node image consists of a composite with a main child shape such as rounded rectangle, plus a list of division objects. It needs to be a composite because a division contains pieces of diagram.


A container has at least one wxDivisionShape for consistency. This can be subdivided, so it turns into two objects, then each of these can be subdivided, etc.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class DivisionShape:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
AdjustLeft Adjust a side.
AdjustRight Adjust a side.
AdjustTop Adjust a side.
CalculateSize not implemented???
Divide Divide this division into two further divisions.
GetBottomSide Return the division on the bottom side of this division.
GetHandleSide Return the side which the handle appears on.
GetLeftSide Return the division on the left side of this division.
GetLeftSideColour Return the colour used for drawing the left side of the division.
GetLeftSidePen Return the pen used for drawing the left side of the division.
GetLeftSideStyle Return the style used for the left side of the division.
GetRightSide Return the division on the right side of this division.
GetTopSide Return the division on the top side of this division.
GetTopSideColour Return the colour used for drawing the top side of the division.
GetTopSidePen Return the pen used for drawing the top side of the division.
GetTopSideStyle Return the style used for the top side of the division.
MakeControlPoints Make control points.
MakeMandatoryControlPoints Make mandatory control points.
OnBeginDragLeft The begin drag left handler.
OnDragLeft The drag left handler.
OnDraw The draw handler.
OnDrawContents The draw contens handler.
OnEndDragLeft The end drag left handler.
OnMovePre The move ‘pre’ handler.
OnRightClick The right click handler.
PopupMenu Popup menu handler.
ResetControlPoints Reset control points.
ResetMandatoryControlPoints Reset mandatory control points.
ResizeAdjoining Resize adjoining divisions at the given side.
SetBottomSide Set the the division on the bottom side of this division.
SetHandleSide Sets the side which the handle appears on.
SetLeftSide Set the the division on the left side of this division.
SetLeftSideColour Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
SetLeftSidePen Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
SetLeftSideStyle Set the left side style.
SetRightSide Set the the division on the right side of this division.
SetSize Set the size.
SetTopSide Set the the division on the top side of this division.
SetTopSideColour Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
SetTopSidePen Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
SetTopSideStyle Set the top side style.

api Class API

class DivisionShape(CompositeShape)

A DivisionShape class is a composite with special properties, to be used for containment. It’s a subdivision of a container. A containing node image consists of a composite with a main child shape such as rounded rectangle, plus a list of division objects. It needs to be a composite because a division contains pieces of diagram.


A container has at least one wxDivisionShape for consistency. This can be subdivided, so it turns into two objects, then each of these can be subdivided, etc.



Default class constructor.

AdjustLeft(self, left, test)

Adjust a side.

  • left – desired left position ???
  • test – if True just a test

False if it’s not physically possible to adjust it to this point.

AdjustRight(self, right, test)

Adjust a side.

  • right – desired right position ???
  • test – if True just a test

False if it’s not physically possible to adjust it to this point.

AdjustTop(self, top, test)

Adjust a side.

  • top – desired top position ???
  • test – if True just a test

False if it’s not physically possible to adjust it to this point.


not implemented???

Divide(self, direction)

Divide this division into two further divisions.

Parameters:directionwx.HORIZONTAL for horizontal or wx.VERTICAL for vertical division.

EditEdge(self, side)


Return the division on the bottom side of this division.


Return the side which the handle appears on.


Return the division on the left side of this division.


Return the colour used for drawing the left side of the division.


Return the pen used for drawing the left side of the division.


Return the style used for the left side of the division.


Return the division on the right side of this division.


Return the division on the top side of this division.


Return the colour used for drawing the top side of the division.


Return the pen used for drawing the top side of the division.


Return the style used for the top side of the division.


Make control points.


Make mandatory control points.

OnBeginDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)

The begin drag left handler.

OnDragLeft(self, draw, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)

The drag left handler.

OnDraw(self, dc)

The draw handler.

OnDrawContents(self, dc)

The draw contens handler.

OnEndDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)

The end drag left handler.

OnMovePre(self, dc, x, y, oldx, oldy, display = True)

The move ‘pre’ handler.

OnRightClick(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)

The right click handler.

PopupMenu(self, x, y)

Popup menu handler.


Reset control points.


Reset mandatory control points.

ResizeAdjoining(self, side, newPos, test)

Resize adjoining divisions at the given side.

Parameters:side – can be one of
Side option Description
  • newPos – new position
  • test – if True, just see whether it’s possible for each adjoining region, returning False if it’s not.

SetBottomSide(self, shape)

Set the the division on the bottom side of this division.

SetHandleSide(self, side)

Sets the side which the handle appears on.


SetLeftSide(self, shape)

Set the the division on the left side of this division.

SetLeftSideColour(self, colour)

Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.

SetLeftSidePen(self, pen)

Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.

SetLeftSideStyle(self, style)

Set the left side style.

Parameters:style – valid values ???

SetRightSide(self, shape)

Set the the division on the right side of this division.

SetSize(self, w, h, recursive = True)

Set the size.

  • w – the width
  • h – the heigth
  • recursiveTrue recurse all children

SetTopSide(self, shape)

Set the the division on the top side of this division.

SetTopSideColour(self, colour)

Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.

SetTopSidePen(self, pen)

Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.

SetTopSideStyle(self, style)

Set the top side style.

Parameters:style – valid values ???