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phoenix_title wx.lib.ogl.basic.ShapeRegion

The ShapeRegion class.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ShapeRegion:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor
ClearText Clear the text.
GetActualColourObject Get the actual colour object from the wx.ColourDatabase.
GetActualPen Get actual pen.
GetColour Get the colour.
GetFont Get the font.
GetFormatMode Get the format mode.
GetFormattedText Get the formatted text.
GetHeight Get the height.
GetMinSize Get the minimum size.
GetName Get the name.
GetPenColour Get the pen colour
GetPenStyle Get the pen style.
GetPosition Get the position.
GetProportion Get the proportion.
GetSize Get the size.
GetText Get the text.
GetWidth Get the width.
SetColour Set the colour.
SetFont Set the font.
SetFormatMode Set the format mode of the region.
SetMinSize Set the minumum size.
SetName Set the name.
SetPenColour Set the pen colour.
SetPenStyle Set the pen style.
SetPosition Set the position.
SetProportions Set the proportions.
SetSize Set the size.
SetText Set the text.

api Class API

class ShapeRegion(object)

The ShapeRegion class.


__init__(self, region = None)

Default class constructor

Parameters:region – a parent region or None???


Clear the text.


Get the actual colour object from the wx.ColourDatabase.


Get actual pen.


Returns NULL if the pen is invisible (different to pen being transparent; indicates that region boundary should not be drawn.)


Get the colour.


Get the font.


Get the format mode.


Get the formatted text.


Get the height.


Get the minimum size.


Get the name.


Get the pen colour


Get the pen style.


Get the position.


Get the proportion.


Get the size.


Get the text.


Get the width.

SetColour(self, col)

Set the colour.

Parameters:col (str) – a valid colour name, see wx.ColourDatabase

SetFont(self, f)

Set the font.

Parameters:f – an instance of wx.Font

SetFormatMode(self, mode)

Set the format mode of the region.

Parameters:mode – can be a bit list of the following
Format mode Description
FORMAT_NONE No formatting
FORMAT_CENTRE_HORIZ Horizontal centring
FORMAT_CENTRE_VERT Vertical centring

SetMinSize(self, w, h)

Set the minumum size.

Parameters:w – the minimum width
Param hh:the minimum height

SetName(self, s)

Set the name.

Parameters:s (str) – the name

SetPenColour(self, col)

Set the pen colour.

Parameters:col (str) – a valid colour name, see wx.ColourDatabase

SetPenStyle(self, style)

Set the pen style.

Parameters:style – the style, see wx.Pen

SetPosition(self, xp, yp)

Set the position.

Parameters:xp – the x position
Param ypyp:the y position

SetProportions(self, xp, yp)

Set the proportions.

Parameters:xp – the x region proportion
Param ypyp:the y region proportion

SetSize(self, w, h)

Set the size.

Parameters:w – the width
Param hh:the jeight

SetText(self, s)

Set the text.

Parameters:s (str) – the text