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phoenix_title wx.lib.delayedresult.PreProcessChain.Traverser

Traverses the chain of pre-processors it is given, transforming the original delayedResult along the way. The return value of each callable added via addSub() is given to the previous addSub() callable, until the handler is reached.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class Traverser:

method_summary Methods Summary

get This makes handler think we are a delayedResult.
getJobID Return the job id for the delayedResult we transform.

api Class API

class Traverser

Traverses the chain of pre-processors it is given, transforming the original delayedResult along the way. The return value of each callable added via addSub() is given to the previous addSub() callable, until the handler is reached.


__init__(self, delayedResult, chain)


This makes handler think we are a delayedResult.


Return the job id for the delayedResult we transform.