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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.infobar.InfoBar

An info bar is a transient window shown at top or bottom of its parent window to display non-critical information to the user.

This is the main class implementation, plainly translated from C++.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class InfoBar:

appearance Control Appearance







super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
AddButton Adds a button to be shown in the info bar.
Dismiss Hides the InfoBar window.
DoHide Hides this InfoBar with whatever hiding effect has been chosen.
DoShow Shows this InfoBar with whatever showing effect has been chosen.
GetBarPlacement Determines the placement of the bar from its position in the containing
GetDefaultBorder Returns the default border style for InfoBar.
GetEffectDuration Return the effect animation duration currently used, in milliseconds.
GetHideEffect Return the effect currently used for hiding the bar.
GetShowEffect Return the effect currently used for showing the bar.
Init Common initialization code.
OnButton Default event handler for the Close button in InfoBar.
RemoveButton Remove a button previously added by AddButton.
SetEffectDuration Sets the duration of the animation used when showing or hiding the bar.
SetFont Overridden base class methods changes the font of the text message.
SetShowHideEffects Set the effects to use when showing and hiding the bar.
ShowMessage Show a message in the bar.
UpdateParent Updates the parent layout appearance, but only if this InfoBar parent is not managed

api Class API

class InfoBar(wx.Control)

An info bar is a transient window shown at top or bottom of its parent window to display non-critical information to the user.

This is the main class implementation, plainly translated from C++.


__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, name='InfoBar')

Default class constructor.

  • parent – parent window. Must not be None;
  • id (integer) – window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
  • pos (tuple or wx.Point) – the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • size (tuple or wx.Size) – the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • style (integer) – the InfoBar style (unused at present);
  • name (string) – the control name.

AddButton(self, btnid, label='', bitmap=wx.NullBitmap)

Adds a button to be shown in the info bar.

The button added by this method will be shown to the right of the text (in LTR layout), with each successive button being added to the right of the previous one. If any buttons are added to the info bar using this method, the default Close button is not shown as it is assumed that the extra buttons already allow the user to close it.

Clicking the button will generate a normal wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event which can be handled as usual. The default handler in InfoBar itself closes the window whenever a button in it is clicked so if you wish the info bar to be hidden when the button is clicked, simply call event.Skip() in the button handler to let the base class handler do it (calling Dismiss explicitly works too, of course). On the other hand, if you don’t skip the event, the info bar will remain opened so make sure to do it for at least some buttons to allow the user to close it.

  • btnid (integer) – id of the button. It will be used in the button message clicking this button will generate;
  • label (string) – the label of the button. It may only be empty if btnid is one of the stock ids in which case the corresponding stock label will be used;
  • bitmap – if not equal to NullBitmap, a valid wx.Bitmap image to show beside the button text.


Notice that the generic InfoBar implementation handles the button events itself and so they are not propagated to the info bar parent and you need to either inherit from InfoBar and handle them in your derived class or use self.Bind(...) to handle the button events in the parent frame.


Hides the InfoBar window.

This method hides the window and lays out the parent window to account for its disappearance (unlike a simple Hide()), but only if this InfoBar parent is not managed by framemanager or AuiManager.


Hides this InfoBar with whatever hiding effect has been chosen.


Shows this InfoBar with whatever showing effect has been chosen.


Determines the placement of the bar from its position in the containing sizer.

Returns:One of these integer bits:
Placement Flag Hex Value Description
BarPlacement_Unknown 0x0 Unknown placement of InfoBar (not good).
BarPlacement_Top 0x1 InfoBar is placed at the top of its parent.
BarPlacement_Bottom 0x2 InfoBar is placed at the bottom of its parent.


Returns the default border style for InfoBar.


Return the effect animation duration currently used, in milliseconds.


Return the effect currently used for hiding the bar.

Returns:One of the following integer bits:
ShowEffect Flag Hex Value Description
wx.SHOW_EFFECT_NONE 0x0 No effect, equivalent to normal Show() or Hide() call.
wx.SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_TOP 0x7 Slide the InfoBar window to the top.
wx.SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM 0x8 Slide the InfoBar window to the bottom.


Return the effect currently used for showing the bar.

Returns:One of the following integer bits:
ShowEffect Flag Hex Value Description
wx.SHOW_EFFECT_NONE 0x0 No effect, equivalent to normal Show() or Hide() call.
wx.SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_TOP 0x7 Slide the InfoBar window to the top.
wx.SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM 0x8 Slide the InfoBar window to the bottom.


Common initialization code.

OnButton(self, event)

Default event handler for the Close button in InfoBar.

Parameters:event – a CommandEvent to be processed.


Notice that the generic InfoBar implementation handles the button events itself and so they are not propagated to the info bar parent and you need to either inherit from InfoBar and handle them in your derived class or use self.Bind(...) to handle the button events in the parent frame.

RemoveButton(self, btnid)

Remove a button previously added by AddButton.

Parameters:btnid (integer) – id of the button to remove. If more than one button with the same id is used in the InfoBar (which is in any case not recommended), the last, i.e. most recently added, button with this id is removed.

SetEffectDuration(self, duration)

Sets the duration of the animation used when showing or hiding the bar.

By default, 500ms duration is used.

Parameters:duration (integer) – duration of the animation, in milliseconds.

SetFont(self, font)

Overridden base class methods changes the font of the text message.

InfoBar overrides this method to use the font passed to it for its text message part. By default a larger and bold version of the standard font is used.

Parameters:font – a valid instance of wx.Font.


Reimplemented from wx.Window.

SetShowHideEffects(self, showEffect, hideEffect)

Set the effects to use when showing and hiding the bar.

Either or both of the parameters can be set to wx.SHOW_EFFECT_NONE to disable using effects entirely.

By default, the info bar uses wx.SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM effect for showing itself and wx.SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_TOP for hiding if it is the first element of the containing sizer and reverse effects if it’s the last one. If it is neither the first nor the last element, no effect is used to avoid the use of an inappropriate one and this function must be called if an effect is desired.

  • showEffect (integer) – the effect to use when showing the bar;
  • hideEffect (integer) – the effect to use when hiding the bar.

The showEffect and hideEffect parameters can take one of the following bit:

ShowEffect Flag Description
SHOW_EFFECT_NONE No effect, equivalent to normal Show() or Hide() call.
SHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_LEFT Roll window to the left.
SHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_RIGHT Roll window to the right.
SHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_TOP Roll window to the top.
SHOW_EFFECT_ROLL_TO_BOTTOM Roll window to the bottom.
SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_LEFT Slide window to the left.
SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_RIGHT Slide window to the right.
SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_TOP Slide window to the top.
SHOW_EFFECT_SLIDE_TO_BOTTOM Slide window to the bottom.
SHOW_EFFECT_BLEND Fade in or out effect.
SHOW_EFFECT_EXPAND Expanding or collapsing effect.

ShowMessage(self, msg, flags=wx.ICON_INFORMATION)

Show a message in the bar.

If the bar is currently hidden, it will be shown. Otherwise its message will be updated in place.

  • msg (string) – the text of the message;
  • flags (integer) – one of wx.ICON_NONE, wx.ICON_INFORMATION (default), wx.ICON_QUESTION, wx.ICON_WARNING or wx.ICON_ERROR values.


    These flags have the same meaning as in MessageDialog for the generic version, i.e. show (or not, in case of wx.ICON_NONE) the corresponding icon in the bar but can be interpreted by the native versions. For example, the GTK+ native implementation doesn’t show icons at all but uses this parameter to select the appropriate background colour for the notification.


Updates the parent layout appearance, but only if this InfoBar parent is not managed by framemanager or AuiManager.