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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.foldpanelbar.CaptionBarEvent

This event will be sent when a EVT_CAPTIONBAR is mapped in the parent. It is to notify the parent that the bar is now in collapsed or expanded state. The parent should re-arrange the associated windows accordingly

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class CaptionBarEvent:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
GetBar Returns the selected CaptionBar.
GetFoldStatus Returns whether the bar is expanded or collapsed. True means
GetTag Returns the tag assigned to the selected CaptionBar.
SetBar Sets the bar associated with this event.
SetTag Assigns a tag to the selected CaptionBar.

api Class API

class CaptionBarEvent(wx.CommandEvent)

This event will be sent when a EVT_CAPTIONBAR is mapped in the parent. It is to notify the parent that the bar is now in collapsed or expanded state. The parent should re-arrange the associated windows accordingly


__init__(self, evtType)

Default class constructor.

Parameters:evtType – the event type.


Returns the selected CaptionBar.


Returns whether the bar is expanded or collapsed. True means expanded.


Returns the tag assigned to the selected CaptionBar.

SetBar(self, bar)

Sets the bar associated with this event.

Parameters:bar – an instance of CaptionBar.


Should not be used by any other than the originator of the event.

SetTag(self, tag)

Assigns a tag to the selected CaptionBar.

Parameters:tag – an instance of FoldPanelBar.