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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.cubecolourdialog

CubeColourDialog is an alternative implementation of wx.ColourDialog.


The CubeColourDialog is an alternative implementation of wx.ColourDialog, and it offers different functionalities with respect to the default wxPython one. It can be used as a replacement of wx.ColourDialog with exactly the same syntax and methods.

Some features:

  • RGB components may be controlled using spin controls or with mouse gestures on a 3D RGB cube, with the 3 components laying on the X, Y, Z axes;
  • HSB components may be controlled using spin controls or with mouse gestures on a 2D colour wheel;
  • Brightness has its own vertical slider to play with;
  • The colour alpha channel can be controlled using another vertical slider, or via spin control;
  • The colour alpha channel controls can be completely hidden at startup or the choice to use the alpha channel can be left to the user while playing with the dialog, via a simple CheckBox;
  • The “old colour” and “new colour” are displayed in two small custom panel, which support alpha transparency and texture;
  • CubeColourDialog displays also the HTML colour code in hexadecimal format;
  • When available, a corresponding “Web Safe” colour is generated using a 500 web colours “database” (a dictionary inside the widget source code). Web Safe colours are recognized by all the browsers;
  • When available, a corresponding “HTML name” for the selected colour is displayed, by using the same 500 web colours “database”;
  • When available, a corresponding “Microsoft Access Code” for the selected colour is displayed, by using the same 500 web colours “database”.

And much more.


Usage example:

import wx
import wx.lib.agw.cubecolourdialog as CCD

# Our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual
app = wx.App(0)

colourData = wx.ColourData()
dlg = CCD.CubeColourDialog(None, colourData)

if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:

    # If the user selected OK, then the dialog's wx.ColourData will
    # contain valid information. Fetch the data ...
    colourData = dlg.GetColourData()
    h, s, v, a = dlg.GetHSVAColour()

    # ... then do something with it. The actual colour data will be
    # returned as a three-tuple (r, g, b) in this particular case.
    colour = colourData.GetColour()
    r, g, b, alpha = colour.Red(), colour.Green(), colour.Blue(), colour.Alpha()
    print("You selected (RGBA): %d, %d, %d, %d"%(r, g, b, alpha))
    print("You selected (HSVA): %d, %d, %d, %d"%(h, s, v, a))

# Once the dialog is destroyed, Mr. wx.ColourData is no longer your
# friend. Don't use it again!


Window Styles

This class supports the following window styles:

Window Styles Hex Value Description
CCD_SHOW_ALPHA 0x1 Show the widget used to control colour alpha channels in CubeColourDialog.

Events Processing

No custom events are available for this class.

License And Version

CubeColourDialog is distributed under the wxPython license.

Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 19 Dec 2012, 21.00 GMT

Version 0.5.

function_summary Functions Summary

AngleFromPoint Returns the angle between the x-axis and the line connecting the center and
deg2rad Transforms degrees into radians.
Distance Returns the distance between 2 points.
DrawCheckerBoard Draws a checkerboard on a wx.DC.
FindC Internal function.
Intersection Calculates the intersection point between 2 lines.
PointOnLine Internal function.
PtFromAngle Given the angle with respect to the x-axis, returns the point based on
rad2deg Transforms radians into degrees.
RestoreOldDC Restores the old settings for a wx.DC.
rgb2html Transforms a RGB triplet into an html hex string.
scaletomax Normalize a value as a function of the radius.
Slope Calculates the slope of the line connecting 2 points.
toscale Normalize a value as a function of the radius.

class_summary Classes Summary

AlphaCtrl Implements the drawing, mouse handling and sizing routines for the alpha
BaseLineCtrl Base class used to hold common code for the Alpha channel control and the
BasePyControl Base class used to hold common code for the HSB colour wheel and the RGB
BrightCtrl Implements the drawing, mouse handling and sizing routines for the brightness
Colour This is a subclass of wx.Colour, which adds Hue, Saturation and Brightness
ColourPanel Simple custom class used to display “old” and “new” colour panels, with alpha
CubeColourDialog This is the CubeColourDialog main class implementation.
CustomPanel This panel displays a series of custom colours (chosen by the user) just like
HSVWheel Implements the drawing, mouse handling and sizing routines for the HSV
LineDescription Simple class to store description and constants for a line in 2D space.
RGBCube Implements the drawing, mouse handling and sizing routines for the RGB


AngleFromPoint(pt, center)

Returns the angle between the x-axis and the line connecting the center and the point pt.

  • pt – an instance of wx.Point;
  • center – a float value representing the center.


Transforms degrees into radians.

Parameters:x – a float representing an angle in degrees.

Distance(pt1, pt2)

Returns the distance between 2 points.


DrawCheckerBoard(dc, rect, checkColour, box=5)

Draws a checkerboard on a wx.DC.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • rect – the client rectangle on which to draw the checkerboard;
  • checkColour – the colour used for the dark checkerboards;
  • box – the checkerboards box sizes.


Used for the Alpha channel control and the colour panels.


Internal function.

Intersection(line1, line2)

Calculates the intersection point between 2 lines.


PointOnLine(pt1, pt2, length, maxLen)

Internal function.

PtFromAngle(angle, sat, center)

Given the angle with respect to the x-axis, returns the point based on the saturation value.

  • angle – a float representing an angle;
  • sat – a float representing the colour saturation value;
  • center – a float value representing the center.


Transforms radians into degrees.

Parameters:x – a float representing an angle in radians.

RestoreOldDC(dc, oldPen, oldBrush, oldMode)

Restores the old settings for a wx.DC.

  • dc – an instance of wx.DC;
  • oldPen – an instance of wx.Pen;
  • oldBrush – an instance of wx.Brush;
  • oldMode – the wx.DC drawing mode bit.


Transforms a RGB triplet into an html hex string.

Parameters:colour – a tuple of red, green, blue integers.


Normalize a value as a function of the radius.

Parameters:x – a float value to normalize

Slope(pt1, pt2)

Calculates the slope of the line connecting 2 points.



Normalize a value as a function of the radius.

Parameters:x – a float value to normalize