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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.aui.auibar.AuiDefaultToolBarArt

Toolbar art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to the AuiToolBar. This allows the AuiToolBar to have a plugable look-and-feel.

By default, a AuiToolBar uses an instance of this class called AuiDefaultToolBarArt which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms’ look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class. Call AuiToolBar.SetArtProvider to make use this new tab art.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AuiDefaultToolBarArt:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
Clone Clones the AuiDefaultToolBarArt art.
DrawBackground Draws a toolbar background with a gradient shading.
DrawButton Draws a toolbar item button.
DrawControlLabel Draws a label for a toolbar control.
DrawDropDownButton Draws a toolbar dropdown button.
DrawGripper Draws the toolbar gripper.
DrawLabel Draws a toolbar item label.
DrawOverflowButton Draws the overflow button for the AuiToolBar.
DrawPlainBackground Draws a toolbar background with a plain colour.
DrawSeparator Draws a toolbar separator.
GetAGWFlags Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt flags.
GetElementSize Returns the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.
GetFont Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.
GetLabelSize Returns the label size for a toolbar item.
GetOrientation Returns the toolbar orientation.
GetTextOrientation Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt text orientation.
GetToolSize Returns the toolbar item size.
GetToolsPosition Returns the bitmap and text rectangles for a toolbar item.
SetAGWFlags Sets the toolbar art flags.
SetDefaultColours Sets the default colours, which are calculated from the given base colour.
SetElementSize Sets the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.
SetFont Sets the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.
SetOrientation Sets the toolbar tool orientation.
SetTextOrientation Sets the text orientation.
ShowDropDown Shows the drop down window menu for overflow items.

api Class API

class AuiDefaultToolBarArt(object)

Toolbar art provider code - a tab provider provides all drawing functionality to the AuiToolBar. This allows the AuiToolBar to have a plugable look-and-feel.

By default, a AuiToolBar uses an instance of this class called AuiDefaultToolBarArt which provides bitmap art and a colour scheme that is adapted to the major platforms’ look. You can either derive from that class to alter its behaviour or write a completely new tab art class. Call AuiToolBar.SetArtProvider to make use this new tab art.



Default class constructor.


Clones the AuiDefaultToolBarArt art.

DrawBackground(self, dc, wnd, _rect, horizontal=True)

Draws a toolbar background with a gradient shading.

  • dc – a wx.DC device context;
  • wnd – a wx.Window derived window;
  • _rect (wx.Rect) – the AuiToolBarItem rectangle;
  • horizontal (bool) – True if the toolbar is horizontal, False if it is vertical.

DrawButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect)

Draws a toolbar item button.


DrawControlLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect)

Draws a label for a toolbar control.


DrawDropDownButton(self, dc, wnd, item, rect)

Draws a toolbar dropdown button.


DrawGripper(self, dc, wnd, rect)

Draws the toolbar gripper.


DrawLabel(self, dc, wnd, item, rect)

Draws a toolbar item label.


DrawOverflowButton(self, dc, wnd, rect, state)

Draws the overflow button for the AuiToolBar.


DrawPlainBackground(self, dc, wnd, _rect)

Draws a toolbar background with a plain colour.

This method contrasts with the default behaviour of the AuiToolBar that draws a background gradient and this break the window design when putting it within a control that has margin between the borders and the toolbar (example: put AuiToolBar within a StaticBoxSizer that has a plain background).


DrawSeparator(self, dc, wnd, _rect)

Draws a toolbar separator.



Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt flags.

See also

SetAGWFlags for more details.

GetElementSize(self, element_id)

Returns the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.

Parameters:element_id (integer) – can be one of the following:

Element Identifier Description
AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE Separator size in AuiToolBar
AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE Gripper size in AuiToolBar
AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE Overflow button size in AuiToolBar


Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.

GetLabelSize(self, dc, wnd, item)

Returns the label size for a toolbar item.



Returns the toolbar orientation.


Returns the AuiDefaultToolBarArt text orientation.

See also

SetTextOrientation for more details.

GetToolSize(self, dc, wnd, item)

Returns the toolbar item size.


GetToolsPosition(self, dc, item, rect)

Returns the bitmap and text rectangles for a toolbar item.


SetAGWFlags(self, agwFlags)

Sets the toolbar art flags.

Parameters:agwFlags (integer) – a combination of the following values:

Flag name Description
AUI_TB_TEXT Shows the text in the toolbar buttons; by default only icons are shown
AUI_TB_NO_TOOLTIPS Don’t show tooltips on AuiToolBar items
AUI_TB_NO_AUTORESIZE Do not auto-resize the AuiToolBar
AUI_TB_GRIPPER Shows a gripper on the AuiToolBar
AUI_TB_OVERFLOW The AuiToolBar can contain overflow items
AUI_TB_VERTICAL The AuiToolBar is vertical
AUI_TB_HORZ_LAYOUT Shows the text and the icons alongside, not vertically stacked. This style must be used with AUI_TB_TEXT
AUI_TB_PLAIN_BACKGROUND Don’t draw a gradient background on the toolbar

SetDefaultColours(self, base_colour=None)

Sets the default colours, which are calculated from the given base colour.

Parameters:base_colour – an instance of wx.Colour. If defaulted to None, a colour is generated accordingly to the platform and theme.

SetElementSize(self, element_id, size)

Sets the size of a UI element in the AuiToolBar.

  • element_id (integer) – can be one of the following:

    Element Identifier Description
    AUI_TBART_SEPARATOR_SIZE Separator size in AuiToolBar
    AUI_TBART_GRIPPER_SIZE Gripper size in AuiToolBar
    AUI_TBART_OVERFLOW_SIZE Overflow button size in AuiToolBar
  • size (integer) – the new size of the UI element.

SetFont(self, font)

Sets the AuiDefaultToolBarArt font.

Parameters:font (wx.Font) – the font used for displaying toolbar item labels.

SetOrientation(self, orientation)

Sets the toolbar tool orientation.


SetTextOrientation(self, orientation)

Sets the text orientation.

Parameters:orientation (integer) – can be one of the following constants:

Orientation Switches Description
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_LEFT Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned left
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_RIGHT Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned right
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_TOP Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned top
AUI_TBTOOL_TEXT_BOTTOM Text in AuiToolBar items is aligned bottom

ShowDropDown(self, wnd, items)

Shows the drop down window menu for overflow items.

  • wnd – an instance of wx.Window;
  • items (list) – a list of the overflow toolbar items.