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phoenix_title wx.dataview.TreeListItem

Unique identifier of an item in wx.dataview.TreeListCtrl.

This is an opaque class which can’t be used by the application in any other way than receiving or passing it to wx.dataview.TreeListCtrl and checking for validity.

New in version 2.9.3.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class TreeListItem:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Only the default constructor is publicly accessible.
IsOk Return True if the item is valid.

api Class API

class wx.dataview.TreeListItem(object)

Possible constructors:


Unique identifier of an item in TreeListCtrl.



Only the default constructor is publicly accessible.

Default constructing a wx.dataview.TreeListItem creates an invalid item.


Return True if the item is valid.

Return type:bool

__eq__(self, other)
Return type:bool

Return type:long

__ne__(self, other)
Return type:bool

Return type:int