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wx.aui provides a set of classes for implementing an “Advanced User Interface”. More specifically, these classes enable to you present some of your application in floating or dockable panels, notebooks with floatable tabs, etc.

There is also a pure-python implementation of these classes available in the wx.lib.agw.aui package.

Class Summary

Class Short Description
AuiDefaultDockArt This is the default art provider for wx.aui.AuiManager.
AuiDefaultTabArt Default art provider for wx.aui.AuiNotebook.
AuiDefaultToolBarArt wx.aui.AuiDefaultToolBarArt is part of the AUI class framework.
AuiDockArt wx.aui.AuiDockArt is part of the AUI class framework.
AuiManager wx.aui.AuiManager is the central class of the AUI class framework.
AuiManagerEvent Event used to indicate various actions taken with wx.aui.AuiManager.
AuiNotebook wx.aui.AuiNotebook is part of the AUI class framework, which represents a notebook control, managing multiple windows with associated tabs.
AuiNotebookEvent This class is used by the events generated by wx.aui.AuiNotebook.
AuiNotebookPage A simple class which holds information about the notebook’s pages and their state.
AuiPaneInfo wx.aui.AuiPaneInfo is part of the AUI class framework.
AuiSimpleTabArt Another standard tab art provider for wx.aui.AuiNotebook.
AuiTabArt Tab art provider defines all the drawing functions used by wx.aui.AuiNotebook.
AuiTabContainer wx.aui.AuiTabContainer is a class which contains information about each tab.
AuiTabContainerButton A simple class which holds information about wx.aui.AuiNotebook tab buttons and their state.
AuiToolBar wx.aui.AuiToolBar is a dockable toolbar, part of the AUI class framework.
AuiToolBarArt wx.aui.AuiToolBarArt is part of the AUI class framework.
AuiToolBarEvent wx.aui.AuiToolBarEvent is used for the events generated by wx.aui.AuiToolBar.
AuiToolBarItem wx.aui.AuiToolBarItem is part of the AUI class framework, representing a toolbar element.