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phoenix_title wx.StockCursorΒΆ

The StockCursor enumeration provides the following values:

Description Value
wx.CURSOR_ARROW A standard arrow cursor.
wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW A standard arrow cursor pointing to the right.
wx.CURSOR_BULLSEYE Bullseye cursor.
wx.CURSOR_CHAR Rectangular character cursor.
wx.CURSOR_CROSS A cross cursor.
wx.CURSOR_HAND A hand cursor.
wx.CURSOR_IBEAM An I-beam cursor (vertical line).
wx.CURSOR_LEFT_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the left button depressed.
wx.CURSOR_MAGNIFIER A magnifier icon.
wx.CURSOR_MIDDLE_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the middle button depressed.
wx.CURSOR_NO_ENTRY A no-entry sign cursor.
wx.CURSOR_PAINT_BRUSH A paintbrush cursor.
wx.CURSOR_PENCIL A pencil cursor.
wx.CURSOR_POINT_LEFT A cursor that points left.
wx.CURSOR_POINT_RIGHT A cursor that points right.
wx.CURSOR_QUESTION_ARROW An arrow and question mark.
wx.CURSOR_RIGHT_BUTTON Represents a mouse with the right button depressed.
wx.CURSOR_SIZENESW A sizing cursor pointing NE-SW.
wx.CURSOR_SIZENS A sizing cursor pointing N-S.
wx.CURSOR_SIZENWSE A sizing cursor pointing NW-SE.
wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE A sizing cursor pointing W-E.
wx.CURSOR_SIZING A general sizing cursor.
wx.CURSOR_SPRAYCAN A spraycan cursor.
wx.CURSOR_WAIT A wait cursor.
wx.CURSOR_WATCH A watch cursor.
wx.CURSOR_BLANK Transparent cursor.
wx.CURSOR_DEFAULT Standard X11 cursor (only in wxGTK).
wx.CURSOR_COPY_ARROW MacOS Theme Plus arrow (only in Mac).
wx.CURSOR_ARROWWAIT A wait cursor with a standard arrow.