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phoenix_title wx.JoystickEvent

This event class contains information about joystick events, particularly events received by windows.

events Events Emitted by this Class

Handlers bound for the following event types will receive a wx.JoystickEvent parameter.

  • EVT_JOY_BUTTON_UP: Process a wxEVT_JOY_BUTTON_UP event.
  • EVT_JOY_MOVE: Process a wxEVT_JOY_MOVE event.
  • EVT_JOY_ZMOVE: Process a wxEVT_JOY_ZMOVE event.
  • EVT_JOYSTICK_EVENTS: Processes all joystick events.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class JoystickEvent:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
ButtonDown Returns True if the event was a down event from the specified button (or any button).
ButtonIsDown Returns True if the specified button (or any button) was in a down state.
ButtonUp Returns True if the event was an up event from the specified button (or any button).
GetButtonChange Returns the identifier of the button changing state.
GetButtonState Returns the down state of the buttons.
GetJoystick Returns the identifier of the joystick generating the event - one of wx.JOYSTICK1 and wx.JOYSTICK2.
GetPosition Returns the x, y position of the joystick event.
GetZPosition Returns the z position of the joystick event.
IsButton Returns True if this was a button up or down event (not ‘is any button down?’).
IsMove Returns True if this was an x, y move event.
IsZMove Returns True if this was a z move event.

api Class API

class wx.JoystickEvent(Event)

Possible constructors:

JoystickEvent(eventType=wxEVT_NULL, state=0, joystick=JOYSTICK1,

This event class contains information about joystick events, particularly events received by windows.


__init__(self, eventType=wxEVT_NULL, state=0, joystick=JOYSTICK1, change=0)


  • eventType (wx.EventType) –
  • state (int) –
  • joystick (int) –
  • change (int) –

ButtonDown(self, button=JOY_BUTTON_ANY)

Returns True if the event was a down event from the specified button (or any button).

Parameters:button (int) – Can be JOY_BUTTONn where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4; or JOY_BUTTON_ANY to indicate any button down event.
Return type:bool

ButtonIsDown(self, button=JOY_BUTTON_ANY)

Returns True if the specified button (or any button) was in a down state.

Parameters:button (int) – Can be JOY_BUTTONn where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4; or JOY_BUTTON_ANY to indicate any button down event.
Return type:bool

ButtonUp(self, button=JOY_BUTTON_ANY)

Returns True if the event was an up event from the specified button (or any button).

Parameters:button (int) – Can be JOY_BUTTONn where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4; or JOY_BUTTON_ANY to indicate any button down event.
Return type:bool


Returns the identifier of the button changing state.

This is a JOY_BUTTONn identifier, where n is one of 1, 2, 3, 4.

Return type:int


Returns the down state of the buttons.

This is a JOY_BUTTONn identifier, where n is one of 1, 2, 3, 4.

Return type:int


Returns the identifier of the joystick generating the event - one of wx.JOYSTICK1 and wx.JOYSTICK2.

Return type:int


Returns the x, y position of the joystick event.

These coordinates are valid for all the events except wxEVT_JOY_ZMOVE.

Return type: wx.Point


Returns the z position of the joystick event.

This method can only be used for wxEVT_JOY_ZMOVE events.

Return type:int


Returns True if this was a button up or down event (not ‘is any button down?’).

Return type:bool


Returns True if this was an x, y move event.

Return type:bool


Returns True if this was a z move event.

Return type:bool



See GetButtonChange


See GetButtonState


See GetJoystick


See GetPosition


See GetZPosition