Setup the client connection using xmlrpclib with basic authorization.
>>> from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
>>> client = ServerProxy('http://user:password@localhost:8888/plone')
The above URI is an example. The terms within it will likely need changed to suit ones needs. The url scheme is like so:
Please take a look at the wsapi4plone.client package if you are interested in cookie based authentication.
We can use the query call to search for content in the site. This will also allow us to get a full index of all the content objects in the site if we do not provide any parameters.
>>> q = client.query()
>>> len(q)
>>> q
{'/plone/front-page': {'CreationDate': '2007-04-02 15:28:30',
'Creator': 'admin',
'Date': '2009-08-19 09:56:50',
'Description': 'Congratulations! You have successfully installed Plone.',
'EffectiveDate': 'None',
'ExpirationDate': 'None',
'ModificationDate': '2009-08-19 09:56:50',
'Subject': [],
'Title': 'Welcome to Plone',
'Type': 'Page',
'UID': '07f20e423b6ca478eb8691ff816b83a3',
'container': False,
'created': <DateTime ...>,
'effective': <DateTime ...>,
'expires': <DateTime ...>,
'id': 'front-page',
'listCreators': ['admin'],
'modified': <DateTime ...>,
'review_state': 'published',
'size': '4.9 kB'}, ... }
We can also pass criteria to the query call in the form of a dictionary. The query call is simply an abstraction of the Plone portal_catalog’s search method. Therefore, you can look at the Plone Manual’s Querying section for more information on the possible calls to the portal_catalog. The query call uses a dictionary of keyword arguments. A basic example would look like:
>>> q = client.query({'Title': "Users"})
>>> q.keys()
Where Title in the above case would normally be a keyword argument like search(Title="Users") it needs to be a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass through the XML-RPC parts of the Zope2 Publisher.
To get information about the site (or the current calling location based on the URL used to instantiate the client) use the get_object call without any parameters.
>>> site_object = client.get_object()
>>> site_object
{'/plone': [{'description': '', 'id': 'plone', 'title': 'Site'},
'Plone Site',
{'contents': {'/plone/Members': {'CreationDate': '2009-08-19 09:56:50',
'Creator': 'admin',
'Date': '2009-08-19 09:56:51',
'Description': "Container for users' home directories",
'EffectiveDate': 'None',
'ExpirationDate': 'None',
'ModificationDate': '2009-08-19 09:56:51',
'Subject': [],
'Title': 'Users',
'Type': 'Large Folder',
'UID': '6e22e44bbe5581e10e3ff4913cebf83a',
'container': True,
'created': <DateTime ...>,
'effective': <DateTime ...>,
'expires': <DateTime ...>,
'id': 'Members',
'listCreators': ['admin'],
'modified': <DateTime ...>,
'review_state': 'published',
'size': '1 kB'}, ... }]}
The get_object call will return data in a dictionary that is keyed by absolute path within the Zope2 instance. The value of each key is a list of three items. The items are loosely referred as the following and will appear in a Python list in the specified order.
schema: | The schema isn’t exactly a schema, but for lack of a better term has been called such. The data is a dictionary of the content object’s attribute name and value. Further information about the schema can be determined by using the get_schema call and the content’s type name. |
type: | The type is a string that represents the content-type of the object. The type name is derived from the name that has been registered in Plone’s portal_types tool. |
extensions: | This third value will always be available, but may return an empty dictionary when there are no extensions for the object that has been requested. When an extension is available, it will appear in the dictionary, keyed by its registered name. You will need to consult the particular extension’s documentation to understand the out/input structure. Extensions can be written to provide support for information that is secondary to the object’s true purpose (e.g. getting/setting the default page view). Extensions are usually content-type specific, but can be global in scope. See the Contents Extension for a more in-depth explanation of how extensions work. If you are interested in extending the WSAPI, take a look at How to make an extension. |
To be more specific about which objects you want returned, you can provide a list of paths to get_object. The path can be relative to the xmlrpclib initialization location or absolute. However, everything will always be returned with the absolute path, no matter if you use relative paths or not.
In the following example we use both relative and absolute URLs to get the Members container object and the front-page document object.
>>> objs = client.get_object(['Members', '/plone/front-page'])
>>> len(objs)
>>> objs.keys()
['/plone/front-page', '/plone/Members']
To put (as in the HTTP PUT method) or update information in an existing content object, we pass the put_object call. A dictionary of keyed paths that are valued with a list of schema and type information is provided as a single parameter. In short, you can do a get_object call and change/update the results, then simply pass those results back into put_object. Let’s take a look at an example that changes the text body of the front-page object using the get_object shortcut.
>>> frontpage = client.get_object(['/plone/front-page'])
>>> schema = frontpage['/plone/front-page'][0]
At this point we have the schema of the object. We could drop everything except the fields that have been modified, but in this case we will just send back the entire object.
>>> schema['text'] = "Once a new technology starts rolling, \
... if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road. \
... --Stewart Brand"
>>> frontpage['/plone/front-page'][0] = schema
>>> updated_objects = client.put_object(frontpage)
>>> updated_objects
And now let’s check the front-page has been updated.
>>> updated_frontpage = client.get_object(updated_objects)
>>> updated_frontpage['/plone/front-page'][0]['text']
"Once a new technology starts rolling, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road. --Stewart Brand"
To create or post (as in HTTP POST method) a piece of content to a Plone site you would use post_object, which is almost the same as put_object. The only difference between the two calls is that the type (a.k.a. content-type) is optional with put_object, but not with post_object. Also, it should be noted that it is your responsibility to provide any required attributes, as post_object does not verify you have providing values for required attributes.
Since post_object requires you to provide a type, where do you find out what types are available? The get_types call is for this very purpose. Here is a quick example:
>>> client.get_types()
[['Document', 'Page'],
['Event', 'Event'],
['Favorite', 'Favorite'],
['File', 'File'],
['Folder', 'Folder'],
['Image', 'Image'],
['Link', 'Link'],
['News Item', 'News Item'],
['Topic', 'Collection'],
['MyFolder', 'MyFolder']]
See also
Look at Get the available content-types for more information about :ref`get_types_def`.
Before you create new content object it is helpful to know what attributes the content-type has. To do that we can use get_schema, which will return the attributes and meta-data about those attributes for the requested content-type. Here is a quick example for the Link schema and how to determine its required attributes:
>>> link_schema = client.get_schema('Link')
>>> [ x for x in link_schema if link_schema[x]['required'] ]
['remoteUrl', 'title']
See also
Look at Get a content object’s structure for more information about get_schema.
To create objects we need to give post_object the same data structure you give to put_object and receive from get_object. Recall from the Get a content object, objects are keyed by absolute path, which means that our post_object parameter data structure is a dictionary of path keys and object values. The key of the dictionary will be the to-be-created object identifier or ID. Everything else is relatively straight forward, since it is so similar to put_object. Let’s take a look at an example where we create a Link content object to the PSU WebLion website.
>>> weblion = {'/plone/weblion': [
... {'title': 'PSU WebLion',
... 'remoteUrl': ''},
... 'Link']
... }
>>> object_path = client.post_object(weblion)
We could have used the relative path weblion as the key rather than the absolute path.
Now if we retrieve the object, we will find that it has a bunch of other attributes that we did not set that are automatically set by Plone and Zope.
>>> weblion = client.get_object(object_path)
>>> weblion
{'/plone/weblion': [{'allowDiscussion': False,
'contributors': [],
'creation_date': <DateTime ...>,
'creators': ['admin'],
'description': '',
'effectiveDate': None,
'excludeFromNav': False,
'expirationDate': None,
'id': 'weblion',
'language': '',
'location': '',
'modification_date': <DateTime ...>,
'relatedItems': [],
'remoteUrl': '',
'rights': '',
'subject': [],
'title': 'PSU WebLion'},
The delete_object does exactly as the name would suggest, deletes objects. To use delete_object, you pass it a list of paths, much like the list of paths used with get_object. Like the other calls, the paths can be absolute or relative to the client instantiation URL. Let’s try delete_object by deleting the Members folder and the events collection.
>>> client.delete_object(['Members','/plone/events'])
Plone comes with a nice variety of content-types; and this is one of the reasons it is such a powerful system. To list all the content-types available in a Plone site we can use get_types. In addition, you can provide the call with a path to a container object, which will allow you to discover the addible content-types for that container. Let’s take a look at the types that can be added to the current call location (the site root) and the news object (a Large Plone Folder).
>>> client.get_types()
[['Document', 'Page'],
['Event', 'Event'],
['Favorite', 'Favorite'],
['File', 'File'],
['Folder', 'Folder'],
['Image', 'Image'],
['Link', 'Link'],
['News Item', 'News Item'],
['Topic', 'Collection'],
['MyFolder', 'MyFolder']]
>>> client.get_types('/plone/news')
[['News Item', 'News Item']]
You usually want a blue print or schematic before trying to start an engineering project. The same usually holds true for content objects, because not all content has the same shape or function. The get_schema call helps to determine the schema of a content-type. The schema is basically a blue print for the object. The call returns a dictionary of object attributes and there meta-data for the requested content-type.
The current implementation provides a dictionary of two key value pairs (required and type) as the attribute meta-data. Future versions of this package may also provide default values, permission information and vocabularies and/or sources.
Let’s take a look at the schema for an Image content-type.
>>> image_schema = client.get_schema('Image')
>>> image_schema
{'allowDiscussion': {'required': False, 'type': 'boolean'},
'contributors': {'required': False, 'type': 'lines'},
'creation_date': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
'creators': {'required': False, 'type': 'lines'},
'description': {'required': False, 'type': 'text'},
'effectiveDate': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
'excludeFromNav': {'required': False, 'type': 'boolean'},
'expirationDate': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
'id': {'required': 0, 'type': 'string'},
'image': {'required': True, 'type': 'image'},
'language': {'required': False, 'type': 'string'},
'location': {'required': False, 'type': 'string'},
'modification_date': {'required': False, 'type': 'datetime'},
'relatedItems': {'required': False, 'type': 'reference'},
'rights': {'required': False, 'type': 'text'},
'subject': {'required': False, 'type': 'lines'},
'title': {'required': False, 'type': 'string'}}
get_schema takes a path parameter in addition to the content-type name, because sometimes there are type constraints on content and content containers.
You can only go so far with creating and updating content before, for instance, you need to transition the content object from a private state to a public state. To obtain the transition information, you use``get_workflow``, which returns a dictionary with two bits of information:
Let’s take a look at the weblion object we created in Creating the content.
>>> client.get_workflow('weblion')
{'state': 'private', 'transitions': ['submit', 'publish']}
Using get_workflow has provided you with available transitions that can be perform on the requested content object. We can now use set_workflow to transition the workflow state of the object. Let’s publish the weblion object that was create in Creating the content. In this example the second parameterーa pathーis optional and will default to the client call location.
>>> client.set_workflow('publish', 'weblion')
>>> client.get_workflow('weblion')
{'state': 'published', 'transitions': ['retract', 'reject']}
Use get_discussion to get the discussion container (a.k.a. comments container) of a content object with the full or relative path to the object.
>>> client.get_discussion('weblion')
{'1257246779': {'in_reply_to': '1257246760',
'cooked_text': 'a comment on comment 1',
'title': 'comment 1.1',
'created': '2009-11-03 12:12:59',
'text': 'a comment on comment 1',
'creators': ('admin',)},
'1257246760': {'in_reply_to': '',
'cooked_text': 'the first comment!',
'title': 'comment 1',
'created': '2009-11-03 12:12:40',
'text': 'the first comment!',
'creators': ('admin',)},
'1257246799': {'in_reply_to': '',
'cooked_text': 'another comment',
'title': 'comment 2',
'created': '2009-11-03 12:13:19',
'text': 'another comment',
'creators': ('admin',)}
Receiving binary data through the Web Services API is typically marshalled to a binary object. In Python, XML-RPC binary data is marshaled to a xmlrpclib.Binary object (see xmlrpclib).
To illustrate how this works, we’ll use the get_object call on an Image object at /plone/images/an-image.
>>> client.get_object(['images/an-image'])
{'/Plone/images/an-image': [{'allowDiscussion': False,
'contributors': [],
'creation_date': <DateTime ...>,
'creators': ['admin'],
'description': '',
'effectiveDate': None,
'excludeFromNav': False,
'expirationDate': None,
'id': 'an-image',
'image': {'alt': 'An Image',
'content_type': 'image/jpeg',
'data': <xmlrpclib.Binary ...>,
'height': 464,
'size': 31503,
'title': 'An Image',
'width': 600},
'language': 'en',
'location': '',
'modification_date': <DateTime ...>,
'relatedItems': [],
'rights': '',
'subject': [],
'title': 'An Image'},
Sending binary data has similar needs to receiving it. The XML-RPC library needs to know how to marshall the content to a XML-RPC Binary type (see the XML-RPC specification for details about the base64/binary type). In Python, xmlrpclib will marshall xmlrpclib.Binary to the appropriate request format. Here is an example of how to add a PDF to Plone using the web services API:
>>> from xmlrpclib import Binary
>>> f = open('example.pdf', 'r')
>>> binary_data = Binary(
>>> f.close()
>>> pdf_object = {'file': binary_data, 'title': "Example PDF"}
>>> example_pdf = client.post_object({'example-pdf': [pdf_object, 'File']})
>>> client.get_object(example_pdf)
{'/plone/example-pdf': [{'allowDiscussion': False,
'contributors': [],
'creation_date': <DateTime ...>,
'creators': ['admin'],
'description': '',
'effectiveDate': None,
'excludeFromNav': False,
'expirationDate': None,
'file': {'content_type': 'application/pdf',
'data': <xmlrpclib.Binary ...>,
'height': 0,
'size': 269894,
'title': 'Example PDF',
'width': 0},
'id': 'example-pdf',
'language': 'en',
'location': '',
'modification_date': <DateTime ...>,
'relatedItems': [],
'rights': '',
'subject': [],
'title': 'Example PDF'},
Notice in the above example, that the file key in the creation dictionary (pdf_object) does not contain a dictionary like the response from the get_object call.
The web services API will not except a dictionary for binary data fields. This is a common gotcha, because in most cases the results of a get_object can be passed directly into a put_object or post_object call without issue.
The handling of binary data will likely change in future versions of wsapi4plone.core.
To inspect an object for binary data fields, use the get_schema call and evaluating the field’s type value (see also Getting the required fields of a content-type).
Similar to Working with binary data, XML-RPC supports a date and time type. In Python, xmlrpclib marshalls dates and times to xmlrpclib.DateTime (or Python’s datetime type depending on whether xmlrpclib.ServerProxy is instantiated with use_datetime=True).
To inspect an object for datetime fields, use the get_schema call and evaluating the field’s type value (see also Getting the required fields of a content-type). For example, a Link content-type has a few datetime fields:
>>> link_schema = client.get_schema('Link')
>>> [f for f in link_schema if link_schema[f]['type'] == 'datetime']
['modification_date', 'creation_date', 'effectiveDate', 'expirationDate']
Here is an example Link (at example-link) output. Notice that xmlrpclib has marshalled the datetime field result to a xmlrpclib.DateTime object.
>>> client.get_object(['example-link'])
{'/plone/example-link': [{'allowDiscussion': False,
'contributors': [],
'creation_date': <DateTime '2010-05-27T11:23:14-04:00' at ...>,
'title': 'example.come'},
To update a datetime field simply send it in a format that the XML-RPC library can marshall. In Python, an example for updating the creation date would look like this:
>>> from xmlrpclib import DateTime
>>> creation_date = DateTime('20110527T11:30:26')
>>> link_object = {'creation_date': creation_date}
>>> example_link = client.put_object({'example-link': [link_object, 'Link']})
>>> client.get_object(example_link)
{'/plone/example-link': [{'allowDiscussion': False,
'contributors': [],
'creation_date': <DateTime '2011-05-27T11:30:26' at ...>,
'title': 'example.come'},
You may notice fields that have a datetime string. These fields have not marshalled to an XML-RPC DateTime object because Plone stores them as strings.