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Management Commands

Commands that run on a host require a hoststring, role or have HOSTS or ROLEDEFS defined in your settings.

As per fabric a hoststring can be username@hostname, or use just the hostname or ip address. If no username is defined then woven will use the current user or settings.HOST_USER. You never need to set the port. It will always use port 10022 though another port can be defined using the HOST_SSH_PORT setting.

A common and recommended deployment pattern is to separate out staging servers from production servers. To do this in woven you would define your hoststrings in the ROLEDEFS settings (like fabfile roledefs). For example to have one staging server and two production servers you could define:

ROLEDEFS = {'staging':['user@'], 'production':['',]}

You would then use the role in place of the hoststring e.g. deploy staging


Alternative to Django startproject. Creates a distribution folder as well as the project folder. You can also use your own alternative project layout template.

Usage: startproject [project_name] [options]


-t --template path to an alternative template directory.

-d --dist an alternate distribution name for the project. Defaults to the project name.

--noadmin don’t uncomment admin.


Setup Ubuntu host[s]. By default this will just setup a baseline host for django deployment but it can be used to setup other types of host such as postgresql nodes and varnish.

By defining ROLEDEFS in your settings you define packages for those hosts in the ROLE_PACKAGES settings. For example to setup a postgresql server you might define a role ROLEDEFS = {‘database’:['‘]}, then set ROLE_PACKAGES = {‘database’:[‘postgresql’]}, and finally set the firewall to ROLE_UFW_RULES = {‘database’:[‘allow tcp/5432’]}. Finally postgresql configuration can be set in the project TEMPLATES_DIR woven/etc subdirectory.

Basic Usage:

`` setupnode [hoststring] [options]``

Lets go through what this actually does:

  1. Creates the new user and disables the root user
  2. Changes the default ssh port to 10022
  3. Uploads your public ssh-key
  4. Restricts ssh login to the ssh-key and adds a few other restrictions
  5. Adds additional sources universe to sources.list
  6. Updates and upgrades your packages
  7. Installs UFW firewall
  8. Installs a baseline of Ubuntu packages including Apache, Nginx, and mod-wsgi
  9. Install any etc templates/files sourced from the woven or project woven/etc template directories
  10. Sets the timezone according to your settings file


Pip bundle your requirements into pip zip bundles for efficient deployment bundle


Deploy your project to host[s] run syncdb and activate

Basic Usage: deploy [hoststring] [options]


The --overwrite option will remove and re-deploy the entire project for that version. By default deploy will never overwrite an existing version of your project.

South migration options

deploy integrates with south if it is installed. By default all migrations are run.

-m --migration Specify a specific migration to run (see South documentation)

--fake Fake a South migration (see South documentation)

--nomigration Do not migrate

--manualmigration Manage the database migration manually. With this option you can drop out of the current deployment to migrate the database manually, or pause the deployment while migrating in a separate shell. To migrate the database you could login to your host and then run workon [yourproject-version] to drop into the new versions environment and migrate your database using south, then logout and re-run deploy or continue the existing deploy.

The deploy command does the following:

  1. For your first deployment it will deploy your development sqlite database (if it exists)
  2. Create a virtualenv for the distribution version
  3. Install django. By default it will install the local version. You can set a pip requirements string DJANGO_REQUIREMENT in your if you want svn trunk or some other specific version.
  4. Install dependencies from one or more requirement req* files. eg. req, requirements.txt etc. If one doesn’t exist then it will create one locally and add woven in it by default.
  5. Creates a local sitesettings folder and a settings file for your server if it doesn’t already exist. You can see how woven lays out your project on the server in the file.
  6. Deploys your project to the virtualenv on the server
  7. Deploys your root (shortest path) TEMPLATE_DIR into a templates directory on the server.
  8. Deploys admin media or STATIC_ROOT setting (if you use django-staticfiles) into a virtualenv static directory.
  9. Deploys anything at MEDIA_ROOT into a non-virtualenv public directory.
  10. Deploys your wsgi file into a virtualenv wsgi directory as settings.wsgi
  11. Renders your apache and nginx templates and deploys them into the sites-available with the version in the name.
  12. Stops the webservices
  13. Syncs the database
  14. Runs South migrate if you have South installed
  15. Symlinks the webserver conf versions into sites-enabled
  16. Symlinks the project virtualenv version to the active virtualenv.
  17. Starts the webservices


Patch the current version of your project on host[s] and restartreload webservices Includes project, web configuration, media, and wsgi but does not pip install

Basic Usage: patch [subcommand] [hoststring] [options]

You can just patch a part of the deployment with a subcommand.

The possible subcommands are:

project, templates, static, media, wsgi, webconf

Example: patch media


Activate a project version

Usage: activate version [options]

Example: activate 0.1


Run a no arguments management command on host[s]. You can supply command options through the –options option –options=”[option ...]”

Basic Usage: node command [hoststring] [options]

Example: node flush --options="--noinput"


Deploy webconf for the new sites and create a new user site_n where n is the SITE_ID of the new site(s).

Within Django sites are created on the database but use the SITE_ID in the settings file to designate which site is loaded. This command does not create the sites in the database but merely creates and deploys the configuration files needed to serve them.

Basic Usage: startsites [hoststring] [options]