============================================= worldlib -- library for country code lookup ============================================= To use the ``worldlib`` library, import the database which reads a canned, pre-generated set of code mappings:: >>> from worldlib.database import Database >>> db = Database() You can look up a country code:: >>> print(db.lookup_code('it')) ITALY Country codes are case-insensitive:: >>> print(db.lookup_code('It')) ITALY You can find all matches for a particular string, which allows you for example to implement a reverse look up. The matches are returned sorted in alphabetical order. As with code look ups, the match string is case insensitive:: >>> for code, country in db.find_matches('United'): ... print(code, 'is', country) ae is UNITED ARAB EMIRATES gb is UNITED KINGDOM tz is TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF uk is United Kingdom (common practice) um is UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS us is UNITED STATES You can iterate through all the codes:: >>> for code in db: ... print(code) ac ... zw